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Sunset Dune

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Everything posted by Sunset Dune

  1. Melvin do you think using the topical gel is a bad idea on transplanted hair while the new hairs are growing because using the gel can get messy and stuck on the hairs not just scalp so it’s weighing the new hairs down
  2. I think the Xyon topical dut works you just need to use it everyday for maximum efficacy. Visible results should be noticeable by 6 months of everyday use
  3. I’m now 4 months post op how many more months do I wait until I finally get out of the ugly phase and start growing and get thick hair?
  4. I know this thread is over half a decade old but could someone please elaborate on how this users hair transplant was “damaged” after using Keto shampoo?
  5. The whole point of getting a hair transplant is so you’ll have nice looking hair, if your going to shave your head don’t get a transplant at all
  6. Don’t start Finasteride until you are at least 23 years old, your body is still developing and if you start Finasteride now at 19 you’ll end up like Justin Bieber he can’t even grow facial hair
  7. All these answers are incorrect You shouldn’t be using Nizoral for at least 6 months it can harm the grafts
  8. This is true, I tried filling in my hairline with toppik and it just didn’t look good what’s worse is it made a mess and was obvious I had fibers on my hairline since the forehead was having dark marks. Super embarrassing on a date.
  9. This is what I was saying in a different thread, Hair transplant shouldn’t be an “illusion of density” if your hair loss isn’t as bad (less than nw4) you should have a pretty good head of hair after the procedure. My hairline was receding but I still had good amount of hair and above average donor. I got the frontal area worked on so I’m curious to see how this turns out
  10. Aynen öyle kardeşim. That’s why it’s extremely important to address the front first without adding extra grafts to the crown, focusing on the front adds more density and wastes less grafts.
  11. “Illusion of density” isn’t the case for everyone, sure if you’re stage 5 and up you’ve already lost most of your hair and a hair transplant would give you that “illusion of density” but if you still have a good amount of hair on your head with above average donor and quality hair characteristics a transplant can do wonders and actually bring your hair back to the way it was in the heyday.
  12. I’m already 3 months post op and the front area (hairline and behind hairline) is still short and thin. How long does it take for the transplanted hair to thicken up and mature to match the rest of my hair? Also for how long do I need to continue wearing a hat to protect my scalp from the outside elements? (Sun, UV, pollution etc.)
  13. I just received the xyon shampoo and conditioner, is this good for hair loss?
  14. What about if you apply it daily but wash it off sooner than 20 hours, is it still as effective?
  15. What makes you say washing before 24 hours reduces efficacy? Xyon rep says it needs to be on for at least 4 hours. having it on for 24 hours seems unreasonable because you can do many things within that time frame that may require you to wash your hair. (Workout, sweating, etc.)
  16. Which conclusion? That the bottle instructions specifically states to use daily or that Xyon customer service representative said the gel needs to be on the scalp for at least 4 hours.
  17. For those of you not using the topical gel every day you’re just wasting your time. To achieve the best results you need to use it every day as directed, not every other day not 1x a week not 2x a week but every day. The gel needs to be on the scalp for at least 4 hours before washing.
  18. Nobody can answer this question for you, each person responds to medication differently
  19. Have you used ketoconazole shampoo after surgery? It’s generally recommended to avoid using it at least 6-8 months after having a hair transplant
  20. This is an interesting case and unusual for a highly regarded clinic to have a poor result such as this but I may have an explanation to it. First off, a hair transplant does not always guarantee good results even from an elite doctor. Each individual case is different, there are slow growers and there are others who just aren’t good candidates for a hair transplant at all. The single most important factor that is directly correlated to the outcome of your surgery is the quality of your donor hair. No offense intended to you OP but judging from your pre OP pictures the quality of your existing hair/ donor hair isn’t really that great. Your hair was already looking thin, the quality of your hairs is somewhere in the middle of below average and your hair loss is aggressive at a very young age. Your frontal region was already heavily receded you didn’t have much of a hairline left. The clinic did the best they could it’s just your case is difficult, even if you went to a top doctor in Europe the outcome may have been similar. I don’t think you’re a good candidate for hair transplantation and quite frankly you shouldn’t have been operated on to begin with at only 22 years of age. You did your due diligence by going to an elite surgeon hoping to fix your hair situation but you didn’t factor in all your problems such as low hair quality, poor donor, very aggressive hair loss, very young age, etc. Or maybe you already knew this but decided to take a gamble and see how it might turn out unfortunately it just doesn’t work that way. Your results may turn out a bit better than your pre op situation but your expectations shouldn’t be set high due to all the factors mentioned. That’s why the clinic said they would do nothing different because there is nothing else more they can do. They already did everything they were supposed to do.
  21. You should only focus on the hairline/front area. Medication can regrow the crown however once a hairline has receded its pretty much gone and medication alone won’t bring it back without restoration surgery.
  22. You should NEVER address both the front and crown at the same time, you are wasting grafts and creating a mediocre result. For the best results these two areas should be done in two separate sessions. The main focus should be your front; when people look at you they don’t look on the top of your head keep that in mind
  23. You don’t have anything to be afraid of as long as you go to a reputable surgeon and just remember it can’t look worse than your current appearance. Ask yourself this would you rather not get surgery and continue balding and have the low self esteem and low confidence that comes with balding or would you rather do something about it and gain your confidence back?
  24. Your result turned out fine however the biggest make you made was going for the aggressive hairline, if you had went for a conservative higher hairline you would have had more grafts to fill in the left over bald areas. I highly suggest leaving your hair long it will help cover up the remaining bald spots as much as possible and since your hairline is no longer receded you can get away with it without having an ugly long hair receding hairline look. Being tall has its advantages it’s more difficult to see balding crown
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