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Sunset Dune

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Everything posted by Sunset Dune

  1. You need to wash your hair everyday for 1 month and finish the special shampoo the clinic gave you. It promotes healing of the donor and recipient area
  2. Are you trying to say European surgeons produce better results than US surgeons with FUE procedures? Does that include Canadian?
  3. No I went to Dr Hasson, I’m in NA so traveling all the way to Bulgaria on a 12+ hour flight isn’t worth it for me even the 4 1/2 hour flight to Canada was too much
  4. Per Dr. Victor Hasson he told me I have way above average donor and 14,000 grafts in reserve. He even told me I can keep getting transplants if I chose not to use medication, I’m considering that because I really don’t think the side effects are worth it
  5. What about the crown? You addressed the front but the crown was left for another procedure
  6. If you’re not willing to pay up to at least 30k cash don’t get a transplant at all. Cosmetic surgery is something you don’t want to Cheap out on
  7. I just received the Xyon Topical Dutasteride today but on the leaflet it says the topical dutasteride can you give the same side effects as oral dutasteride and Finasteride. So what’s the point of using topical if it has the potential to give the same sides as oral? I am scared to take this now
  8. I personally would get an FUE for a number of reasons, my donor is excellent above average with over 14,000 grafts in reserve, my current hair loss hasn’t spread that badly, I can keep getting multiple transplants in the future and I just don’t like the idea of having a long scar around my head whereas with FUE the small dot scars are not noticeable at all
  9. Ok so at your age your crown actually looks very good, that’s how my hair looked like when I was 24 but then it gradually started thinning between ages 25-26 and by the time I was 27 I had a thin spot on my crown right in the middle. Now you are headed in the same direction as I was because our pattern is very similar; that small thin patch you have will get larger over time I had the exact same thing I lied to myself thinking it was a whorl and not a thin spot but unfortunately that is the beginning signs of MPB. A lot of these posts who say you have no signs of hair loss aren’t being honest with you. My hair looked exactly like yours in 2017 when I was 24, I had that exact same small thin spot and it grew out in the next 2-3 years. So please don’t be falsely relieved because you already have the beginning signs of male pattern baldness. My hairline looked the same way as well and it receded in 3 years. Within the next 2 years that spot on your crown will get larger and medication isn’t guaranteed to fix it. Your hairline (which has also already started miniaturization) and vertex will both recede so you will need a transplant in the coming years.
  10. I was left with long hair on the top and sides of my head and the front is completely shaved due to recipient area (hairline and mid scalp) so my hair looks really weird right now. Since Im currently 2 weeks post OP the shedding/ugly duckling phase has not started yet. How can I even out my hair so everything will grow at the same rate and it won’t look weird. Should I just buzz cut everything? How long after hair transplant surgery can you go to the barber for a haircut?
  11. A couple weeks ago I had 4000 grafts FUE surgery for the hair line and mid scalp area. I would like to address the crown next; how long should I wait until a second procedure?
  12. My forehead isn’t swollen it just feels weird I don’t know how to describe kinda like it’s stiff/heavy and yeah it’s like the hairline area. It’s probably from the anesthesia
  13. It’s been about 2 weeks post op now and my head still feels heavy like I have a helmet on and my forehead feels stiff is this normal? I had 4000 grafts FUE
  14. Honestly people should never go to Turkey for hair transplant after seeing pictures of these victims this is ruining a persons life. Save up and pay for a world class surgeon never go cheap on cosmetic surgery. You get what you pay for
  15. I’m still trying to remove the scabs/crusts off my scalp and there are a few hairs coming out is this normal?
  16. I’m 10 days post op and I still have a lot of scabs on my scalp it seems like they aren’t coming off despite doing everything on the instructions I’m starting to panic about this because it will affect hair growth. If I go back to the clinic I had surgery at can they remove the scabs for me?
  17. we do not recommend sexual intercourse or masturbation for the first 10 to 15 days after hair transplantation. There are multiple reasons for this. First, because both sex and masturbation are physical activities. That’s why our body gets tired and we sweat along with it. Especially in the first weeks, it is necessary to take great care not to sweat the hair roots. The newly planted roots cannot fully adhere, and this negatively affects the recovery process of our candidates after the operation. For this reason, we recommend for a successful result that all kinds of sexual activities should be avoided especially in the first 10 to 15 days. In addition to sweating, the hormones that are secreted by our body during sexual activities and the effort we spend are also among the factors that negatively affect the results of hair transplantation.
  18. Need advise please someone respond Im 9 days post op and I masturbated on the 9th day after my surgery did I compromise my grafts and final result
  19. Is it safe to masturbate after surgery or would it affect the results and possibly dislodge/damage the grafts
  20. I mean even the loose fitting surgical hat isn’t that dangerous to wear also because there’s a chance it can dislocate the grafts
  21. Is it allowed to wear a hat/cap after hair transplant surgery without damaging/dislodging the grafts? I’m traveling by air for surgery and anxious how it’s going to be flying back home without people staring at my head but I don’t want to risk damaging the grafts from covering my head
  22. I asked the clinic (Hasson and Wong) if I should be spraying saline on my head after surgery and they said the doctor doesn’t want me doing that because it interferes with the results. Aren’t you supposed to spray your head after hair transplant?
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