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phil mascallpen

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Everything posted by phil mascallpen

  1. If you're happy aragorn then that is great. When it comes to a clinic that has never had patients show anything other than weak growth at best and severely hacked up heads at worst pictures would speak volumes. If you would post some very good preop, postop and growth photos leading up to the results that you are "extremely satisfied with" it would make your recommendation worth something.
  2. Nicky thanks for posting. It's hard to tell how good it is because you have no before pics and your 5 and 6 month pics are tiny. Any chance you could dig up a before photo and then post some bigger 6-7 month photos from profile, above and straight on? Thanks.
  3. Wow Mister Previouslyalljokey is now upset at a little play on your post? It was not a jab at gay people but a jab at you and I certainly apologize to any gay person who might be offended for being compared to you. And this is not Canada so your 50k difference there is completely irrelevant, although you seem to acknowledge that even there the specialist is better compensated but don't acknowledge that the average neurosurgeon in the US, you know the country we're discussing, makes well over a half a million dollars a year. Since you are fixated on Canada and also worried about cost maybe you should consider pushing for a US system that is similar to Canada's since they spend almost half per capita on health care than the US yet are ranked above the US by the WHO. As for your next assertion: You use one opinion piece by a Texas professor who is a known conservative and then a notoriously right wing website to say that the CBO is partisan. And Greenspan never says the estimates are wrong or partisan, much different he says the CBO is a first rate operation and he has no reason to think the estimates were "too rosy" yet he worries WHAT MIGHT occur if they were. You know, the party that cut taxes for the wealthy and for corporations while we were at war on two fronts might be a better place for you to start getting upset about America's budget problems. As I recall President Clinton left office in 2001 with a federal budget surplus of $127 billion. President Bush ran a deficit of $319 billion in 2005. And we know what happened since then.
  4. Curious would you please post a credible link to support this assertion? Glen Beck or Hannity do not count as credible sources. But hey don't take my word you're wrong. Here is the Congressional Budget Office cost estimate. This is a non-partisan assessment and it also says it will hurt our economy more if we do nothing to stop spiraling health care costs. Congressional Budget Office cost estimate of health bills
  5. I think if you're worried about the guy who grabs your balls maybe you should go to different bars.
  6. We can argue semantics all day long. I can find references that refer to socialism as state ownership of industry and that regulation and subsidies (which we have had for decades) do not qualify as the classic definition of socialized medicine as a single government payer would. You can find the opposite. But your statement above is pretty clear about not wanting to help other citizens in this regard. So here is mine: I want the government to use my tax dollars to regulate the health care system to the extent that all citizens are sure to receive appropriate medical care and not be denied such care. I voted for the leaders who want the same thing. They won and that's what we are getting and I hope all our citizens get health care when they need it. More directly I feel incredible empathy for Dr. Lindsey and his daughter. I'm very happy she was able to receive the best care possible to treat her brain tumor. And I want any child in our country to get that same chance at quality health care, regardless of their parent's financial standing. So I'm done with this debate because outside of what we want for our country, which is clearly different, there's really no point. Thanks fin.
  7. Tell me how Dr. Feller is not getting market value for his services? Oh that's right, he is but don't let facts get in the way. If this is socialized medicine you need to learn what socialism means. The government is regulating it not taking ownership of it, huge difference. When Dr. Feller works directly for the government then I'll shed a tear that we have socialized medicine. In fact owning his own private practice and setting his own rates places Dr. Feller about as far from socialism as politically possible. But again facts are inconvenient. Who said the government is here to protect you and your property in any way other than having a military? Certainly the constitution mentions the post office but says nothing about police and fire protection. I guess that's socialism too then? Not that I'm against those things it's just a flaw in your logic. Thanks for your thanks and I'm glad you are not a teabagger.
  8. No one told Dr. Feller he is wrong about his trade. He's a great hair transplant surgeon. Obviously you don't realize that the AMA, the American College of Physicians and the American Academy of Pediatrics all supported the passage of health care reform. But you see one doctor against it and since you have not done any further research then his opinion must be gospel to you. Again no one has told Dr. Feller he is wrong about his trade. In fact he is excellent at his trade which is performing hair transplants. I don't recall reading that Dr. Feller is an economist or political scientist and while he is clearly very intelligent I respectfully disagree with his opinions on health care reform. As for not wanting to contribute your tax dollars to things that help other Americans that is unfortunately what happens in a civilized society. I wasn't thrilled about my tax dollars going to the trillion plus dollar war in Iraq but since I'm a citizen I accept that as part of the deal of being an American. Just like our tax dollars go to schools, police, fire departments, the post office, roads, and a myriad of things I don't always need or use. Does the government do everything right? Of course not, but even though I respect your opinion we'll just have to agree to disagree on the value of this law. As for your preexisting condition question there are very good reasons why but I'll just address the main logic that I see. Supposedly with a mandate to cover all Americans this law will eventually make it so all Americans have coverage from birth. Therefore no one will "hop" in the pool and make you upset by taking "your" coverage. Also people who had paid premiums for years have been denied coverage when insurance companies would use a very liberal definition of "preexisting condition." I find it quite interesting that even after passage of this bill health care stocks are outperforming the average. Hippy pacifists? lol. As a military veteran I always find it amusing when some line like that gets thrown into a debate apropos of nothing.
  9. I would just like to add that even though insurance companies do not always reimburse the maximum amount, doctor's salaries are still among the highest in the USA (as they should be). Here is 2007 average salaries by specialty: 2007 average salaries for different physicians These figures do not include bonuses and increases from experience/business arrangements in private practice which can push them even higher. Of course the education is very difficult, very expensive and certain doctors such as neurosurgeons probably work 80 hours a week. Now I don't make that much but I am aware that I make more than the majority of Americans and have no problem making sure my fellow citizens have health insurance.
  10. Absolute home-run! I'm amazed how good the shaved down preops for surgery 2 look. Congratulations!
  11. GabrielB, if propecia didn't work it wouldn't make any difference WHICH doctor prescribed it. If your FUE procedure doesn't work it is NOT the procedure, otherwise none of his FUE patients would have growth. This statement is very bizarre and seems very self serving as if the clinic/doctor himself would make it.
  12. Would you please show me the "jailing doctors for being greedy" section in the bill that was passed?
  13. You might want to change the title of your post Chris. There is no such thing as an invisible scar from an HT. Unless of course there are no pictures and then I guess you can say it's invisible Seriously though I'm glad you're happy and I look forward to your photos. Just be careful with your activities, you're still only 2 weeks out.
  14. Hi all, from now on I'll only be updating my other more recent thread. So if you reach this point and want to comment please go to this one and add your comment there: http://hair-restoration-info.c...66060861/m/720102285 Thanks!
  15. FC I only had that one big pimple so I guess I've been lucky. Like Tom Petty said- "the waiting is the hardest part"
  16. Hey HMO, my scar is pretty good from what I can see. As long as it doesn't stretch I'm fine with it. Since I had the Bosley open donor scarring my hair length was already restricted to at least an inch. At some point I might get more work and maybe have those filled in. I was very careful and beside one day of very light cardio at about 10 days I did no exercise until week eleven. I'll try to add some more scar pics at some point soon. In the photos you can't see it but the right side is definitely coming in better so far. Like Joe said though, that is to be expected. I can pull off a comb forward in low-light but otherwise I'm still under a hat outside the house. I'd rather not break it out until I'm sure it's not detectable.
  17. I know what you mean FC, I feel like I'm just entering the good phase at 4 months+. Don't worry, you're right on track brother!
  18. HMO I have a similar disparity between right and left. My right side seems to be about twice as thick as the left side. I remember when the techs were placing the grafts and Jody was on the right side and I felt like she was much more focused on the task and gentle with the grafts than the other techs (not that they weren't focused per se, just that she was much more so). She ended up placing probably 2/3 or more of the right side. I asked if they ever switch sides and they said for the most part they do not. I've also read blogs of other Hasson patients who wrote that their right side came in better. Do you recall if Jody was one of your techs?
  19. Since it is your own tissue, rejection is not an issue with a scarred recipient site. The problem is the reduced blood flow in the scar tissue. You would be better served looking into ways to increase capillary growth. I read a study about low level cardio (say 60% of max HR) for 60-90 minutes, twice a week over a period of several months showing promise in this area.
  20. The answer is no there are not any major arteries or veins on the back of the head. That would be bad design.
  21. Hey Joe, I know you don't always have them but I think posting post-op photos really helps people get a better idea of the overall procedure/result. Thanks!
  22. Carnies. Circus folk. Nomads you know. Smell like cabbage. Small hands.
  23. I don't know what medical community you are referring to because I would be shocked if there were a single doctor outside of Transylvania who thinks tissue grows after death. But thanks for the clarification Bela Lugosi.
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