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Everything posted by Eli_Avdikian

  1. I think that you would need 2000/2500 grafts for the hair line and the frontal third alone. If you take into account the thinning area on the crown, we might be talking 3000-3500 grafts
  2. No it doesn't. A couple of things to bear in mind: first of all, some of our hairs are naturally thinner or finer than others, not to mention that a certain degree of miniaturization, even in the donor area, is perfectly natural. Moreover, don't forget that hair loss meds are effective only to a certain degree, such that some miniaturized hairs cannot be brought back
  3. About a year. I ended up switching to oral dut in conjunction with oral minox
  4. And with all respect, I think you were having a nocebo effect, since getting ED from a single administration of oral fin is highly unlikely.
  5. I used topical fin with this concentration. I got it from the Parati compounding pharmacy. It didn't yield any results, and I kept losing ground. I think that a topical drug at this concentration is merely homeopatheic and is a waste of money.
  6. You said it yourself, 2ml of 0.0125% gives you 0.025%, which is, as my first comment suggest, the weakest effective dose of topical fin.
  7. Great result. Your post op shock loss was scary though
  8. That's a pity. If you have the exact yield, you could have an idea of the kind of density and the approximate total number of hairs you'll be getting, provided that over 90 or 95% of these 3480 grafts survive
  9. No way a dose this low could be effective
  10. Since this is the weakest effective topical fin dose, do'nt expect to see a lot of regrowth, nor a an early hyper response. Evaluate at least after 6 months
  11. Yeah but do you have the exact breakdown of grafts into singles and doubles ?
  12. What's your topical fin's concentration? vehicle?
  13. Happy growing! do you have the hair/graft rate?
  14. What's the hair/graft rate? Do you have the distribution of grafts into singles,doubles, and multiples?
  15. kids shampoos are usually very gentle if formulated with the right ingredients. They are usually considered safe post-op, and are recommended by most HT clinics
  16. Congratulations man. You have just avoided the possibility of getting botched in this infamous hair mill. Dr. Laorwong is a great HT trasnplant. Lokking forward to your journey
  17. Do show us please. I can't see what being "anatomically" a disaster in Dr.De Freitas case mean ..
  18. What you said is true. Pekiner does seem to cherry pick his patientsn and it happened that many years back he stopped mi-surgery. I wasn't saying he is absolutely the best out there. All I was saying is that he's one of the few to consider in Turkey.
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