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Everything posted by sukh123

  1. Completely wrong on this , your donor finite . You take no meds to prevent further hair loss, you won’t have enough grafts to keep having transplants to have adequate density. That added to the fact your donor will thin too eventually , so you need to protect that .
  2. Yeh I’m not saying people don’t get side effects. But then I guarantee none of them did bloodwork prior to see their profile of hormones. A lot of people I’ve seen that get sides on fin are not in the best shape and carry excess fat. Which makes sense since you got more estrogeon in your body and increasing that with fin can cause unbalanced hormones if your t already low . I mean if your hormones are already out of whack and then your adding fin which distorts them more than your asking for trouble , which is why bloodwork in my opinion is essential.
  3. Fin reduces dht , which leads to an increase in testosterone and estradiol . Also has some effect on lh and FSh, but if you get blood work done before and like me get them every three months you can then be in the wind if in particular sexual side effects happen and then compare them to your baseline. My hormones have been relatively the same since starting beside Ofcourse reduced dht. If I didn’t listen to the scaremongering I wouldn’t even probably needed to consider a transplant . I don’t want to take fin tbh but it’s the only proven thing to stop hair loss and given ,I have not had side effects I’ll continue and monitor
  4. Tbh why are they telling you lol that , maybe if one I would believe but multiple lol wives and girlfriend. What are you a sex guru lol
  5. Wow im speechless lol , you copied a lot of dud studies to try scaremonger people . You should be warned for this type of behaviour in my opinion. And you copied the same studies multiple times . Clearly have an agenda
  6. Yeh that my point , really baffled tbh , looking at your pics your hair was pretty dense tbh, I reckon crown needed 1k grafts and the frontal mayb 1.5k and leave the rest alone until you stabilse your thinning. Do you take oral minoxidil btw, I had a consult with bisanga and he going to give me 5mg.
  7. I find this a really strange one , your hair loss was not even bad . I know you said your thinning , but I just can’t really see the need for 4000k grafts at all. Usually bisanga would not do this due to a lot of native hair present . Very strange one
  8. Tbh if your implanting 10k grafts into your scalp than any decent doctor should get this result even from a high norwood. What impresses me is how he kept the donor homogenous when most people donor’s after using that many grafts ,you would start to see a visual lack of density even if they had a thick one to begin with
  9. How often do you apply topical dut, i thinking of using it . I heard it’s just once a week due to the long half life and has low systemic absorption while blocking A lot of scalp dht .
  10. Again they’ve been doing manual punch for 20 years I think and have had good success in it. Manual has advantages in that you get a better feel of the follicle when extracting it, konoir one of the best follows the same method of stick and Place and manual , although I might be wrong . At the end of the day it depends on the doctors skill and not the method , and that is where you were let down . But given after your first procedure your donor was fine , you can’t call them butchers because it would have happened the first time. The second time is unfortunate and I understand your emotions, I think you have had bad shock loss and some bad extractions. Hopefully it. Does recover and if not wish you the best in finding a solution
  11. I need to correct you on this and I’m sure everyone on this forum will agree with this . Taking 2000k grafts a day is actually ethical and is done for the reason of minimising transection . Most top doctors do that amount and 2000 is no way a potential hindrance give you have hair mills doing 4000 plus and at times getting good results . De Freitas, bisanga , pinto all extract a maximum of 2000k or slightly less per day and have low transection . Eugenix and dr zarev do more than that and get great results. It’s down to manual dexterity and how the grafts are extracted and dealt with once they are outside the scalp that determines potential transection . Now I agree your donor has not been dealt with right , and that’s where blame at the clinic is justified aswell as operating on you given your skin condition . But again my point is you were naive ,knowing your previous two transplants didn’t work and still went for a third. Even if a doctor told me it can still work out it’s just common sense that you shouldn’t, given the two previous ones had poor yield . I myself considered them a year ago, but they emailed me back saying no because I just started finasteride, which I appreciated and was sound advice as I have been able to do more research and my hair has stabilised and seen some regrowth in the crown and in that time I’ve been able to do more research and hence choose one of the best in Dr bisanga who I have a consultation with . That why I was surprised that they did go ahead with the procedure given my experience with them
  12. Your missing my point what I am saying is that your had two prior treatments before which also didn’t have a good yield . So knowing that you had two procedures and they didn’t produce results , you should not of gone forward irrespective of what the doctor said . If I had two bad procedures before, common sense would dictate that maybe this just isn’t working and I need to pause this process atm . I’m not putting the blame on you , I know you feel hard done by and I agree it wasn’t the best , but you should of also been more diligent and not gung ho in going for a third procedure given what happened with your previous two. And also in the video dr bisanga clearly says that if you have dermatitis it’s needs to be treated before you get a hair transplant to ensure optimal yield . Now that is where hlc should of been more prudent in telling you this. I understand you went to a dermatologist who advised you it was fine but I disagree and you had bad luck in that regards. You can’t expect a plant to grow to its potential in sub optimal conditions , the same applies to hair
  13. No way do you need a hair transplant at your age, your hair looks perfect to me. If you really want to stay in london , then dr reddy is the only person I would suggest
  14. Michael your donor looks likes it’s has shock loss and some over-harvesting. And hlc have dropped the ball with regards to their usual standards on that point. However I have to say having had a fut procedure which yielded poor growth and then a second procedure which again wasn’t giving much growth . I think you were naive in then committing to a third transplant given your poor yield from the first two. Everything can be done correctly in a hair transplant, even by the best and sometime our biological makeup prevents us getting good results. Which is why you see subpars from even the best in the world. I know you said you were told you had enough donor , but I think given your previous two procedures didn’t work out you had enough foresight to induce that maybe going for a third was not in your best interest atm, till a full evaluation of your scalp was done to try and explain why you had issues with the prior two surgeries .
  15. I wouldn’t go because there are better doctors in Europe , but to say it’s insane is going way over the top. They’re are good doctors there who produce excellent results and I I will include hlc in that.
  16. It’s not bro science it’s just common sense. Donor hair on most people will miniaturise , you doctor will be able to establish this in more depth when they look at it which is why a pre consultation before going ahead with a procedure is prudent. Why else do you see older men, most who have donor hair but no hair on top ,it looks thinner than say wheN they were in 30’s or 20’s. No scalp hair is dht proof
  17. I think you misunderstood what I said , my point was that he doesn’t even use a topical anti androgen any more and just dutasteride. He in my opinion was just pushing it to sell ru because he would get a commission from the carriers . Why would he stop ru now all of sudden if he was preaching he needed to address the Huge rise in testosterone as he is in on gear. They’re all trying to sell something YouTubers and hence at times spout stuff to suit their agenda. While what he said is true, I find it weird he suddenly dropped it all of sudden. His situation hasn’t changed, he still blasting gear and said without ru he was shedding like mad while being on dutasteride before, now doesn’t even use it. What happened to addressing this ? As I said while he offers good advice a lot of people need to sell stuff and hence make it fir their narrative when they want
  18. He contradicts himself on some things, he said testosterone also causes hair loss albeit to a much lesser extent than dht which is true . But his test was like nearly 2.5 times higher than the largest value on the normal range . So he kept pushing you need ru on top of fin/dut to completely halt hair loss, because of the spike in test on the scalp . But most people don’t blast gear and have those extreme values. But in his new hair loss stack he just takes dutasteride and No topical anti-androgen to combat this problem . Which leads me to believe he was just trying to push an agenda to make people buy ru as he was affiliated with most of the companies producing it . He is right about blood-work though, don’t get why people don’t get it done.
  19. Had a look at the podcast I think the sample size used for comparison was way to small, to make an effective judgment. 7 people were used to compare the systemic difference between oral and xyon. Me personally I would want a much larger sample to get a better consensus of the results before trying this . But then again I’m fine with oral so not something I need to consider, but for others I think it would give more peace of mind before considering using it.
  20. I was referring to your point of blood work , saying there’s no point which are you wrong on as fin has a direct impact on all those hormones. Your symptom/side effect theory doesn’t really resonate as there essentially the same thing . What side effects are you taking about that don’t have symptoms lol
  21. doesn't say how many men it happened to or anything, the page just refers to "another study" would be good to see this study as this page just made a reference to it without providing the full background or the data
  22. the problem is while it does work, its not effective as a standalone and again having to apply it topically is annoying
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