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Everything posted by BaldReaper

  1. looks quite dense, how old are you and how many grafts did you put?
  2. good result overall but one temple is seriously lacking
  3. grafts placed vertically and multigrafts in the hairline, I wouldnt say this is such a natural result imo
  4. Completely failed, I am sorry bro, you need another one with a good surgeon to fix this
  5. I also think he had one in his temples
  6. Good result, can you also post some pics outdoor under sunlight?
  7. design looks fine and desnity isnt bad, how old are you? you look young, I wouldnt be too agressive in a young age as you dont know how you mpb will evolve
  8. you covered a big area that was completely bald and you are posting pictures directly under harsh light, it is definitely not a failed result, if I were you I would go for another round to add density and cover the crown, also medication is important to preserve your native hair.
  9. 10/10 result, insane how they managed to achieve this density with a single procedure on an empty area
  10. its not possible except if you take immunosupressants for the rest of your life
  11. I would check this post, it has a lot of usefull information.
  12. you should enjoy your hair, it looks really good, but when you are making a presentation the point is showing the results clearly.
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