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Everything posted by BaldReaper

  1. its not possible except if you take immunosupressants for the rest of your life
  2. I would check this post, it has a lot of usefull information.
  3. you should enjoy your hair, it looks really good, but when you are making a presentation the point is showing the results clearly.
  4. Based on these pictures the exact opposite is apparent, he has extremely progressed thining in all of the top of his head and is headed to be a NW6 in less than 5 years. for him to cover all this area he needs at least 4k more grafts, was his total donor capacity 8k grafts?? I was refering to the patient. @Mr. least-hair can you post some good quality pictures outdoors to see the top of your head and your hairline? Thanks.
  5. 4k grafts for this area in this age?? also this doesnt look like 4k grafts based on the post op pictures but lets say this is questionable .It also looks like you have quite progressed thining in the rest of your head, @Doron Harati what kind of approach was this? Can you post some good quality pics with your hairline visible? Thanks
  6. Yeah, friendly advice, official results posted by the clinics aren't the most reliable way to evaluate their performance, only clinics that consistently provide great results on independent cases posted by patients can be seriously considered top level. To give you an example, count how many independent reviews Zarev and Ahmad have and how many Bissanga and Freitas have, for me the later two are 100% more reliable than the first.
  7. Based on the post op pics I would say you probably went to Couto who by the way is totally right about the widows peak positioning
  8. What makes you say that Dr Ahmad and Zarev are the best in the field?
  9. Bissanga is undoubtedly one of the best in the world with a long track record of impressive results, what I see from Dr Ahmad are usually easier cases with a lot of native hair but he also seems to consistently provide good results.
  10. hair direction isnt about style or preference but about the way hair natural grows on your head and cant be changed after implantation
  11. Do you have pics under the sun with the head bent forward?
  12. you mean like having hair on the frontal two thirds (mid and hairline) and leaving the crown empty and keeping a short haircut? there are many people who have done that, you will probably be able to find examples in youtube
  13. Insane result and you will not see my saying that often
  14. you have a nice face (but ok lets say that this is subjective) and a nice feminine forehead. I would strongly advise against having a hair transplant.
  15. they should have made a better connection with your existing hair but when you grow your hair out the gap will not be visible
  16. extremely high and conservative hairline, did you or the doctor chose this? Good luck with the growth
  17. Freitas is no1 for hairline in my opinion, best thing is to look up cases from both and decide for yourself
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