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Everything posted by general-etwan

  1. NW6 here and it has benefitted me. What is true is that once a hair loses around 50% of its original thickness, it will never be able to return to original thickness. And completely bald areas have never been observed to regrow substantial hair from finasteride or anything else. However, if you're like me with a NW6 pattern but still have thin and coarse hair across the entire scalp, it can increase thickness and promote stronger growth of remaining hair. This can be of benefit, for example in the case of having a transplant; not needing as many grafts to cover an area if patient was able to regrow a decent amount of hair from finasteride in that area. So what those "doctors" mean is that finasteride can't totally fix a NW6 or 7's entire hair loss. But it can certainly be of benefit depending what goals are and should not be excluded from try.
  2. No evidence to say that. Finasteride is only proven to be able to strengthen hair that is susceptible to thinning due to genetic sensitivity to DHT. Hair that isn’t affected negatively by DHT wouldn’t be theorized to be strengthened by finasteride.
  3. We appreciate you sharing so many details and photos! Looks like great work. Beard area also looks fantastic!
  4. Right…and for younger people like me without a built up excellent credit, we only get approved for smaller credit limits to start; like $1,000. Even though my income is sufficiently high and my housing payment low ($0 bc still living w/fam to save money) and therefore income:housing ratio excellent, doesn’t matter enough. Most credit cards will start at low limits and tell you to ask for increases after a few months. And the more cards you apply for the more your credit score takes a (temporary) hit, making you less likely to be approved for the total limit you’d like, so it’s actually a lot trickier than it seems. I guess there’s no better way than just applying and trying. I might also be able to acquire a low interest loan since I have a great history with an auto loan from 2 years ago, but that doesn’t seem as ideal because guaranteed interest likely immediately as soon as the term begins.
  5. This is absolutely incredible work. I'm super impressed with many things: 1) the crown whirl looks fantastic and super natural, 2) the amount of donor area used is incredibly bold and gutsy...in a good way. I see they used hair from all the way onto the sides of your head as well, which means they must have been confident in those areas of your head to continue looking fine post-HT. Some doctors and clinics are nervous to use the sides of the head, but Eugenix isn't and they know how to do it extremely professionally.
  6. I can't wait to see post-op photos! I am scheduled with Eugenix for September and am looking forward to re-setting my life. I'm also a NW 6, a bit more progressed on top than you and so I have been planned for 6500-7000 grafts which will be done over 2 days or 3 days if necessary. I've seen their work on high Norwoods and am very impressed and can't wait to get there and embark on this new journey. I also wore systems for a year and decided ultimately I was still unsatisfied and wanted to invest in a true HT.
  7. Hi, Wanted to quickly ask for specific recommendations on financing for a HT. There can be various different ways to pay for a HT, but I would like this post to be about financing through loans and/or credit cards. My personal plan is to of course use some saved money, but since I plan to have a massive HT done, it's costing a pretty penny...and I want to spread that over at least the year after the HT is actually performed. Generic personal loans can have high interest rates or are difficult to get for some people with not as deep of a credit history. It seems that credit cards with 0% APR for 12 or 15 months are a great way to do it...so can anyone recommend specific cards that are likely to give at least a couple thousand dollars lines of credit from the very start? CareCredit has been mentioned but unfortunately it appears it is only taken in the USA and so can't be used at international clinics.
  8. I do believe however that anyone who wants to have a HT should be able to have it done and credit companies/banks/clinics should be willing to work with patients who demonstrate struggle to pay all outright. Especially considering hair loss can essentially cause significant mental health difficulties on people’s lives…it almost is a form of necessary medical care. I really do believe that and I do believe in most cases even if you don’t earn much $ you can figure out how to finance one somehow.
  9. This is the best way to go, I agree. Only some people will be able to open a new credit card and get $10k line right away though. Unless you have very established and very high credit, CLs start much lower.
  10. It’s a luxury procedure really. Save up for many years by cutting costs elsewhere in life, or just work in a position in which you make a load of money.
  11. I tried this…several problems…1) It seems CareCredit is only taken domestically in the USA and not for foreign transactions. 2) I applied for and was denied CareCredit despite having a pretty good income, no housing payments, and responsible use of standard credit cards. It seems unless you’re one of a lucky few who have work done at home and are approved for it, CareCredit sucks. I now have a HT scheduled and I’m just using regular credit card to make the initial payment, with a plan in place to pay it back just like a car loan.
  12. Will be following! I too am looking to schedule mine for September or October. Dr. Das is the “Exclusive Package,” correct? That’s what I’m going with and have been advised she is great and that I should be very confident.
  13. @MazAB If you wouldn't mind passing along some final words of advice or approval for scheduling with Eugenix, I'd greatly appreciate it. I keep hearing great things and I see the amazing work they can do, and I'm ready to get this done myself after several months of planning. The next step is to schedule and send over the initial deposit
  14. Bumping this thread here because I am on the verge of pulling the trigger and going with Eugenix hopefully in September. Finasteride regrowth has continued to be strong and hair is regrowing all over my scalp including at the very front of the hairline. But, obviously, that density is never going to be anywhere close to original density again just from finasteride alone. I would like some advising on which package to commit to. Unfortunately, times are tough and money is indeed a huge factor for me. But, I'm prepared to spend a large amount of my own current worth on this, because at age 26 I feel like I haven't even truly begun to live the life I want to live yet, and the hair issue which started in my teens has absolutely been a primary factor in that suffering. I don't even want to ask anyone for help; not even family...and I'm not planning on it, but if worst comes to worst and I need to ask for a small amount to help get me to the total cost, I may have to do so. The lowest package (procedure led and done by trained doctors + implantation done by senior trained technicians) would be $0.96 USD X 6,500 grafts = $6,240 + 18% tax = $7,363 + $2,000 travel costs = $9,363 total The Exclusive Package (next level up) (procedure led and done by senior doctors + implantation done by senior trained technicians) plus complementary 2-3 nights hotel stay and airport pickup/drop-off would be $1.54 USD X 6,500 grafts = $10,010 + 18% tax = $11,800 + $2000 travel costs = $13,800 total I just feel that the complementary stay and pickup/drop-off plus the procedure being led by senior doctors is probably worth it, and in the grand scheme of life a few more thousand will be miniscule. I'm ready to go ahead and book this. I just would appreciate any last minute advice. I'm also a bit apprehensive about up to 2,000 beard grafts being taken and want to ensure there won't be severe scarring from that. Appreciate anyone's weighing in very much. I'm ready to get this going and hopefully change my life. I'm a young, healthy, guy supposed to be in my prime and it's time to do this hair fix. I don't need hair to be perfect. I just need them to redistribute a significant amount to the top of my scalp to frame my face more properly so I can have confidence showing myself to the world. I did see this video, however, from Dr. Sethi in which he is brutally honest about the density achievable: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p6un_3i0CC8 35-40 grafts / sq cm is apparently "very good" but still nowhere near original hair density. However, for me, I truly think the most important thing is eliminating the MPB pattern on my scalp by spreading out the grafts more uniformly. I really do think that will solve most of my self-dread about my head.
  15. I'm disappointed in the poor responses to this original post by some members. OP clearly stated that cost is a factor for him. Members responded (poorly) that cost shouldn't be a factor. Do you not operate with money in the real world? Cost matters for many and that is a totally fair and valid point to make. Telling someone not to care about the cost...is egregiously out of touch. I'm not sure what has occurred in the time since, OP, but I hope you're doing well.
  16. Your HTs look absolutely fantastic. I sense some OCD related types of feelings on this. No one is doing super-bright-light analysis of your scalp at 6 inches away. I mean absolutely no one. Looks great.
  17. Please keep sharing anything you find about beard grafts! I appreciate it. Will be tuned in and doing research as well. I want to make sure I won't ruin my jawline and neck area if Eugenix wants to take ~2000 grafts.
  18. Thanks. I think it looks totally fine with beard hair growing, but I'd like to see a more recent picture of clean, smooth shaved if he has one. But perhaps he keeps some hair all the time...
  19. Maybe he meant 2074. Because for 274 to leave holes that large and noticeable (in my opinion) would raise major concern for taking 1000-2000.
  20. Yikes. 274 beard grafts left that look? That's why I'm very concerned. I have a very smooth and youthful looking jaw area...can't wreck it like that, especially if I'm required to shave for work in the future...
  21. The upside for me is I already lost everything by age 25. Pretty much everything. Finasteride has been great for me and I've been lucky to get actual regrowth...so it's logical that I'll never be as bald as I was last year again. The transplanted hair won't suffer from the progressive loss. It's all in the recovery direction from here.
  22. You need 1 mg at least 4 days a week, so in reality I'm only looking at 6 weeks here, and you need to take it for at least a few months at that dose to see visible results (either stopping of loss, or regrowth). So I'd say keep it up and you can't chalk it up to useless until a few months in at that dose.
  23. I've tried but am having a hard time finding much info about it. I too want to ensure that my neck area won't be wrecked if they take 2000 grafts. That sounds like a lot. I have a healthy and thick beard as well, but I don't really grow it out much...so the concern for me is making sure that when shaved, there won't be unacceptable scarring. In fact, I may be required to shave for a future industry of work, so this is a big importance for me. Also this is regrown hair on finasteride + minoxidil in just 4.5 months.
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