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Everything posted by general-etwan

  1. Less. The shorter the hair overall the lower the contrast between thinning areas and fully growing areas.
  2. This is great to know for everyone expressing any worry about less expensive packages at Eugenix. Even in your amazing procedure, Sethi isn’t doing everything. He’s laying all the groundwork. The techs at Eugenix are world class in my opinion. I am very satisfied by the job they did with me and how much love and care I received from them. They were truly focused on doing a great job and they did indeed.
  3. Yeah, I mean, there were no grafts implanted there. That’s bald skin. Might be unnoticeable once it all grows in; we’ll see. That’s not exactly a great distribution though. It’s really not that difficult to *not* leave those random graft-less small channels so when surgeons leave glaring ones, it really means attention to detail and precision isn’t one of their strengths, sadly.
  4. Thank you. I enjoy writing. Happy to share as much info as possible with people. Good question. Technically, they didn’t go right up to the “still-growing-in-full-force” area in any part of the HT. You can see that in these pics… But I think the appearance of a “gap” was exacerbated by lighting conditions too. If you look at this one below (1 month) there’s no major gap. Not worried. I’m sure when it all grows in it will be good enough for me. I just wanted to come back from the dead, man. I’m excited about that possibility. 😂
  5. Good question. From the original consultation I requested full coverage in one procedure. I personally didn’t want to only do the front half in one procedure in case I can’t ever go back for more work. So full coverage was always the plan from the beginning. When I got there Dr. Das was already on board with that plan; we never discussed splitting the area up into multiple procedures. I’m sure it would have been possible to do it that way as Mr. John Cross (bandit) did; I just preferred to address the whole area at once and even if there’s lower density as a result I still think it’ll be good enough for my expectations.
  6. Oh yeah I am still using the saline spray too, so I will just use it more often for a while. I drink tons of water, very active, just have crappy skin, not too worried about it...just want to promote the best environment for hair growth possible. Thanks!
  7. Anyone have advice on whether using a moisturizing lotion on the recipient area daily is a good or bad idea at this point? I tend to have dry skin and have a hyaluronic acid moisturizing lotion that I like to use on my face and hands sometimes and wonder if using that on the recipient area would help create a more positive growing environment or whether it's unnecessary. At this point I am washing the whole head with normal Dove shampoo daily in the shower.
  8. You'd have to lift upward the hair towards the bottom or buzz it down for us to really tell. Definitely looks like thin hair overall to me; whether it's retrograde alopecia or just general thinness overall, not sure.
  9. Hard to say what I have to say but the truth that I observe is: Recipient area should not be touched until at least 72 hours after the procedure is finished, and no full washing the head until 7 days. Any clinic who instructs to touch or pour water and suds over the area 1 day after the procedure, I wholeheartedly disagree with on a scientific basis. The grafts need at least 3 days to fully secure in the scalp and to play it safe the scalp should not be touched at all for at least 3 days. The pattern of graft alignment I see here is not good. Except for the hairline, all in straight rows. No idea who this "reputable surgeon" you wish not to name at this time is, but this is not proper artistic design in my estimation and I do not understand why there are clinics out there doing this.
  10. @Bandit90 Glad you had a great second procedure! They really robbed your beard this time 😆. Looks great, I think you’re going to be a very satisfied guy in a few months.
  11. Not too bad. On the scalp, they used some sort of vibration tool that made the injections less painful, just tiny pricks. The chin area was most painful; for some reason they don’t use the vibration tool as much there and I just had to push through the pain until the area was numbed.
  12. Thank you! 1. I went with the standard tourist e-visa online. Medical would have also been okay but needed a letter from the clinic so the tourist is just easier. You can apply online up to 4 days before trip. Mine was approved within 48 hours. 2. I filled out the Air Suvidha form before leaving my house for the airport and printed it out so I had a physical copy. It’s essentially saying you will upon arrival comply with all health measures with whatever method of demonstration you chose. 3. You can provide whatever you choose up to picture on phone if you desire. I am not an approver of covid vaccination mandates and I do not share my vaccination records with any entity, anywhere, at any time. So I took my covid PCR test within 72 hours of departing home and then sent that result to both Eugenix and printed out a physical copy for New Delhi airport to verify that I was not infected and was safe to travel freely. Hope that helps!
  13. Full physical activity can be resumed 1 week after procedure assuming that recovery period has gone well with no complications. Grafts are fully secure by that time and are safe. Just treat your head well and take good care to keep it clean and healthy.
  14. I found some online place (alldaychemist) but I think it came internationally. However, I’m holding off on taking it because I further realized that oral minoxidil will increase hair growth across the body, and body hair is not something I want any more of. I have it on hand but plan to stick with topical for now.
  15. There is a lot of variation across clinics and doctors in the way they create hairlines. I feel that Eugenix is an example of a clinic's philosophy that really gets it right (the goal should be to create as natural a hairline as possible for a man who would normally be experiencing slow hairline maturing over a lifetime). In my opinion, the things that must be avoided are concave hairlines (hairlines that resemble women's natural hairlines), unnaturally curved temple areas, and lack of expertise in using single-hair grafts/lighter hairs on the hairline (multiple-hair grafts used on the hairline will look too harsh and unnatural). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWmE-d3aq20&list=PLv1klGUHsEMAMQ1tWdKzOky1QGU_Pwzmu&index=17 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sf9xwD3h2PM&list=PLv1klGUHsEMAMQ1tWdKzOky1QGU_Pwzmu&index=18 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jfw0Zrw5iJw&list=PLv1klGUHsEMAMQ1tWdKzOky1QGU_Pwzmu&index=21
  16. I decided to buzz the back and sizes of my head at week 3 to see how things looked with it at almost zero length. It still looks rough, but this is the worst it will ever look and will only get better. I wanted to see what the future prospects are for sporting a short-buzzed back and sizes and potential fade up toward the top. Also, shedding began strong by 2 weeks, so now we push ahead...
  17. Yeah, it wasn't long. I can't put an exact time on it because, as I actually forgot to mention, I was zoned out in my head for much of the procedure (and even dozed off at times), and so I wasn't watching exactly how long the grafts remained outside. But I want to say some of the implantation began as the extraction was still being completed, on certain areas of the head during which I was sitting up more. The whole team was working smooth and so I wouldn't say it was more than 1-3 hours (?) of each graft being outside the skin, maximum. How does that rank up vs other clinics around the world? I believe I recall reading 0.9 mm for scalp grafts and 0.7 mm for beard grafts.
  18. I wanted to answer the question about how long the grafts remained outside the skin before being implanted but my response is being hidden for reasons I don't know. Here's another attempt: Very short period of time. With the DHT strategy, all the incisions were made first and ready to go. As the grafts were extracted with the cole punch tool, they were placed into bowls on a table and there were techs in charge of sorting them out (probably to differentiate single grafts vs double grafts vs triple grafts) and then a tech whose job was to load them into the implanter tools and hand each one to the senior techs who did the implantation. It was all a very smooth, polished process from what I can recall. I wouldn't say any grafts stayed out of the skin for more than a few hours but probably even far less. @Melvin- ModeratorCan you help with approving these responses that are for some reason being hidden? Thanks!
  19. Will do for now. I am just going to focus on this recovery now, and there is a chance I may be satisfied enough that I don't have any more done. It just depends. I don't expect amazing perfection. What I desired most of all was a more homogenous distribution of hair across the head, and I'm confident I will achieve that to a great degree.
  20. Test post. Some of my responses are saying "hidden" and need to be moderator approved...
  21. Cordially disregard your doctor's hat guidance. You can begin wearing a hat just a couple days after the procedure, so be it a hat with a high crown (so it sits up off of the skin and won't contact the recipient area). Also make sure to not tighten it too tight in the back on the donor area. Boom, good to go. Some brief sun exposure is not a problem but you definitely don't want to be spending any time outside baking.
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