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Everything posted by general-etwan

  1. I see nothing of concern. Happens sometimes. Will almost always resolve itself.
  2. The individual taking professional responsibility for the HT needs only to have a valid medical degree and a license to practice medicine. It would seem whatever degree of hands-on involvement he or she chooses to take during the procedure is up to them, so I assume it would technically be legal to have techs perform all of the work, but certainly not very ethical for the person with the medical license not to perform any work at all. Hope someone can help clarify those specifics more and help you with your situation.
  3. Normal. Some scabs attach well to the hairs and cause the hairs to break off and/or fall out sooner rather than later. Nothing at all to worry about. The sooner those old hairs get out of the way, the quicker the next phase of new hair can begin growing from the grafts.
  4. Thanks for the replies everyone. I've been on oral fin + topical minoxidil for almost a year now. No problems with oral fin, so I'm thankful. I did obtain some oral min but decided not to begin taking it because I don't like the idea of fully systemic minoxidil and its effects on the heart and increased body hair overall. So for now I still apply topical min once every day. It's easy right now because I can still reach my scalp, but actually...when my hair grows out and if I want to keep it to some length, it will only be more difficult to get topical solution to the entirety of the scalp, so the less reliant I am on topical solutions, the better I guess.
  5. I had 1300 grafts extracted from beard. I have no visible scarring at all. 2 weeks after: 1 month after:
  6. Surgical cap covered by a high crown trucker type hat.
  7. I went to a great reputable doctor and had great technicians do my procedure. I am having great results ⬇️
  8. We can recognize cases of error without resorting to such egregious, dishonest, and wildly inaccurate words. 👎
  9. Reddit reviews claim a lot of inconsistency from month to month solutions. Seems like some possible concerns with that. I just wondered about minoxidil and finasteride all together in one easy solution. I did just recently buy like 5 bottles of minoxidil though I guess I’ll be using those up for a while lol.
  10. I’d say Hims and Keeps and Roman are pretty bland and uninteresting but hey they turned out pretty successful. 😂
  11. A lotta blind skepticism so far. I’m really just interested in the actual solution. It’s finasteride and minoxidil, so pretty hard to go wrong as long as it is what it says it is. Says it also contains aloe to help soothe scalp for people who don’t like the way generic topical minoxidil and/or topical finasteride makes their scalp or hair feel. I was about to go ahead and try it but the monthly price point is kind of expensive.
  12. As long as everything has gone flawless thus far, and all scabs have come off...you're good to resume full activity with fitness and normal daily activity.
  13. 2 months donor area buzzed down to #5 trimmer guard length. My opinion: not perfect, but not a concern to me. We're not in this journey for perfect backs of our heads.
  14. You get a prescription through online consultation with doctor in your home state (USA). Click on FAQ.
  15. You are likely a HT candidate. I would take medication for at least 8 months first, however. Get on finasteride 1 mg 3 days/week, and use foam minoxidil 6 days/week all over the top of the scalp. You should not schedule any HT procedure just yet; wait a few months into taking medication and then evaluate to get a better sense of what area will need to be covered in a transplant. I'd look at having a HT in 8-12 months time.
  16. No, they won't. Just like any low-quality person, he/she/they will continue to offer low-quality things to people in life if he/she/they wish to. All we can do is encourage and teach as many people as possible to not be swindled by scams, disingenuous and low-quality work, etc.
  17. Recently came across these products and haven't seen any talk about them yet. Seems like it could provide an easy and convenient resource for a topical finasteride + minoxidil solution, especially for those of us who cannot easily obtain topical finasteride through our local doctors. I believe you have an online consultation and then are approved to purchase your choice of products. I'm particularly interested in trying the topical dutasteride + topical minoxidil + retinoic acid solution. Just wondered if anyone has tried these products yet, or would like to discuss the dosages and science of having multiple hair loss substances all in the same liquid solution.
  18. Well; I did not expect to be met with such a nasty post upon arriving home today, but I will pour my full effort into a response because it's the right thing to do, and I don't think your words are based in hate, but instead a lack of mutual understanding. It is such a shame to me that this type of speech and rhetoric is chosen in a community where I'm sure the vast majority of people are simply trying to help each other in whatever ways possible. You know, @Captain Haddock, when I first came across your thread and experience, it was a year and a half after your procedure, so I actually viewed the most recent posts and images first and then read backward in time. I immediately could tell that your left temple work was insufficient because I saw your 1.5 year results first. Bad angle of hairs overall, and the hair characteristics do not match your native temple hair nearly well enough. That is clear. It was interesting to read back in time and see how the vast majority of people who weighed in thought it was fine, yourself included, most of the time...until it became undeniable that the left temple work was simply not done well and would never fully "blend in." You just asserted that all of those people who thought early on that the temple would end up being fine were doing so to deliberately fool and bamboozle you, with toxic and criminal intent. That is a pretty wild, awful, and misguided thing to allege. I have not "exhibited" any sort of "behavior" that you allege. My comments from 5/2022 involved me being mistaken in using an improper term to describe what occurred in your donor area. I was very new to hair transplant diction and lingo at that time, and I incorrectly thought that "overharvested" was a term used only to describe an entire donor area that too many grafts were taken from. I fully acknowledged that the pattern of grafts taken from your donor appeared to be a problem, as clearly there are particular areas where too many grafts were taken vs other surrounding areas. I did not know at the time that "overharvested" was the common term used to describe that specifically. My description of your donor area situation was completely accurate; I was simply mistaken in not using the correct term at the time. 1. This isn't odd or mishandled? Sure seems like your temple and donor area were mishandled to a certain degree; I thought that was exactly the point you've been trying to make since realizing you're unhappy with your final results. I stand by my characterization of your procedure being mishandled, and it is indeed odd to me that they would do that work on the left temple like that. Clearly not sufficient, and I would be unsatisfied with that exactly as you were. 2. Thank you for acknowledging that my words and descriptions relating to your donor area were accurate and correct. As for you saying that you were a religious patient and truly believed the grafts would magically realign themselves, and trying to make a connection between that and anything I've said...no no no. Don't you dare. Never have I nor would I ever say anything so egregious. I am truly sorry for your situation if anyone said things like that to you, and it is unfortunate that you felt in a position to believe anything like that. We all go through difficult periods of being ignorant and learning, and so we all owe it to ourselves and to others to be as careful as possible not to pass on poor advice or information to others that could negatively affect their lives. I try to be conscious of that every day and I hope others make that effort as well. Lastly, the insults and name calling is uncalled for. For you to call me a "patron patient," as someone who has gone on a HT journey just like you and like so many of us here, and as someone who volunteers my time in trying to help other men and women suffering from hair loss in as many ways I can, including during my work days when sometimes I only have a few seconds to skim images or comments...for you to insult me in that manner is out of line and misguided. I can try to imagine the personal disappointment you have over the specific problems from your procedure (and I actually agree with a lot of what you said specifically about radical and unhelpful claims of needing to wait beyond 6 months to see any results, or beyond 1-2 years to see full results, etc.) but your situation today is no one else's fault here, and do not speak to me that way. The vast majority of people here want everyone to succeed in their HTs and journeys and we volunteer our time to try to help, assist, and encourage others. I would bet that most of the time when people are wrong about something, or something comes across as "criminal" (in your words), there is no harm intended and it is simply something that has to be worked out and talked out in the public sphere. Not everyone is going to have the exact same understanding of a situation at the exact same time. We can simply try our best while also vowing to be as respectful and kind as possible. And don’t worry about any additional pictures. I’m sure you want to move forward and focus on your future. Please do that. I don’t want to cause any more negativity. Let’s try to be happy and hopefully you’ll have some positive things to share at some point in the future. 👍
  19. Absolutely; should clarify I wasn’t questioning if there was anything sinister. Rather interested in the very psychology of changing perspective of the experience itself depending on particular future results. I just find it genuinely interesting.
  20. Ultimately it’s up to OP if he wants to share any more up close photos of extraction area. I would like to personally examine it more magnified, but he may want to move forward and not spend any more time focusing on it, which is completely understandable. But you…for you to insinuate that I am either ignorant or fanboying, by lying saying I only ever defend Eugenix (demonstrated false by the very words you quoted) is not right and a bit disrespectful to the time and effort I try to put forward whenever I engage in hair restoration discussion. I genuinely want to examine as much as possible. OP, I completely understand if you’d rather just move forward and not revisit anything. I just happened to look into this case more recently and was curious to see more up close. No harm meant.
  21. And hence I did not say it should look like that. I asked for more close up images because I’m interested in examining the extraction pattern in even more detail. Maybe you’re just about throwing flippant judgments around from a distance based on whatever is most rational, but I’m interested in more specifics and learning as much as possible about things that go wrong. I don’t apologize for that.
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