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Everything posted by general-etwan

  1. You certainly are trying to stir things up because you just made this up out of nowhere. I am not nearly as active on here as many others, nor have I weighed in on many Eugenix cases other than my own, and have not commented on any other Eugenix case of error other than this ONE. Why make things up? I’m not blindly supporting anyone or anything. I evaluate based on the facts. I asked for more close-up images of the extraction areas so that EVERYONE can benefit from seeing exactly how it looks up close. Everyone benefits from learning exactly how well or poor of a job was done, and it’s only more useful with more magnification.
  2. Would it be possible for you to share some more close-up photos of your donor area? The error on the left temple is clearly attributable to Eugenix mistake; but the donor area issue is more interesting to me as it’s debatable what exactly happened. Sometimes I feel like humans natural hair density varies slightly across the head, and so even if a clinic does an acceptable job at extraction, it could leave areas looking too thin or too depleted. Even in my case which seems to be progressing very well, there is a slight “line” in the donor area that looks slightly more depleted than the rest, but it’s so minor that it’s no significant concern to me. I would be interested to see some close-up/magnified images of the donor area depletion areas. Also separately, I respectfully just find it unexpected that all your comments about your procedure were positive for many months until recently and now you’re criticizing how the team handled you on the day of the operation. Clearly they are at fault for the temple botch and donor area, but why were you first praising the way you were treated during your procedure and why are you now saying you felt neglected? Just curious to understand better. Hoping the best for any repair work you have done.
  3. I'm sure he will not. And either way in the end, you can not fairly fault a person for choosing not to speak. We can denounce evil speech but not silence, when the universe is all over.
  4. Ok, good for you then! There are some doctors who can do amazing work all by themselves, with almost no tech assistants; those doctors are few and far between, and they are limited in how much they can grow their businesses and how many people they can help. A doctor who wishes to grow his or her business and help more people needs to hire high-quality technicians and multiple other doctors to oversee transplants. That can absolutely be done while still retaining high, original standards if done correctly. A doctor who does everything is also no guarantee of high-quality, as can be seen by many poor transplants by doctors who do all the work themselves all across this forum and others. I'd bet that most people in life care about results above all else and will be making their judgements based on that.
  5. Have you had a procedure at Eugenix? Not hit or miss with them. Only senior techs can extract and implant and none of them are “come and go”; they’ve all been there many years and are all trained in the high quality art of Sethi and Bansal. Dr. Das is also a senior doctor. No juniors are making any incisions or doing any planning or design. I know that may not mean much to the HT community at large because it traditionally assumes that a single super senior doctor (founding doctor) must do the majority of the physical work for a clinic to be high quality. That may be true more times than not across the entire industry, but Eugenix has built something spectacular because of the extremely high quality standards they set for everyone who works on patients.
  6. I didn’t. Couldn’t see any harm. Just water with some NaCl in it. Just a spray once a day, but in reality probably not necessary at all after the scabs come off.
  7. How many grafts do you need? As you can see below I went with Dr. Das and even though she was minimally involved in the actual relocation of grafts, I had an excellent experience and all of the technicians did an amazingly high quality job. It’s no risky hair mill. They are great.
  8. I did, probably for 2-3 weeks post HT just because I felt like my scalp was dry and needed moisture. But all good after a few weeks. I never stopped showering. I wore a shower cap for the first 7 days until washing all the scabs off and then resumed normal hair washing.
  9. Yes - I'd say you could go ahead and tentatively schedule a procedure with them for a date which will give you at least 6-8 months of finasteride use by the time you have your procedure. One could argue even a year's worth. I had 8 months of finasteride under my belt when I had my procedure, for what it's worth. In the end it didn't seem to make a huge difference for me because no math was calculated as to how many grafts I had pre-finasteride vs. after 8 months. But, if you get lucky and finasteride is noticeably successful on you, it will only help to see and know that before having the HT. So I'd advise you schedule the procedure for at least 8 months after starting finasteride.
  10. Be willing to try finasteride because most men take it with no negative side effects. 3 mg/week. Minoxidil is a topical agent that increases blood flow to the scalp and helps hair grow stronger and thicker. Once a day rub in. No age worries. Yes you can fully return to your sport at this point.
  11. Agree; ultimately it depends on the transplantation area and design. Temples would prohibit hat wearing for at least a couple full days.
  12. No, absolutely fine. As long as no blood or trauma to the skin which I'm sure didn't occur.
  13. Depends on size of the transplanted area, which varies widely from patient to patient. For very minor work, maybe a few weeks. For someone like me, who had the entire scalp fixed, it's going to be a handful of months.
  14. I see a great head of hair and nothing major to be concerned about at all. I don't recommend obsessing over very minor imperfections for the entirety of life. You're seriously good to go, and you should go and enjoy life. The only area I see that could use strengthening is the crown if anything. Also, I wouldn't expect to just contact Eugenix while you're in India and hope they can get you in. Doesn't work like that. You have to agree to a date for a procedure well in advance and they have to have open availability.
  15. If you ever share any pics of your own, I'd be happy to weigh in with my opinion for whatever it's worth.
  16. Where is it said that they only used beard hair on the scalp though? Almost certainly that's not the case; Eugenix knows beard hair must be mixed with scalp and not be placed directly on the crown only.
  17. Primary communication is through Whatsapp. They have a number, and then their concierge team has numbers and contact you with messages through that app. The flight back can be done as soon as around 48 hours after the end of the procedure, in my opinion. The grafts take full hold at about 72 hours (3 days), so beyond that is really unnecessary. Just have to take care. I really do recommend wearing a hat home to cover the head. I see so many people say no hat wearing until a week after; I disagree. If you get a hat with a structured high crown (so it doesn't rest right on your scalp, but instead is elevated), wearing a hat during major travel acts as a protector in case you do bump your head somewhere. I finished my procedure on Saturday and then flew home Monday morning, no problems, wore my surgical cap and high-crown hat over top. That way, if you do bump your head, the object isn't making direct contact with any grafts.
  18. Yes the accommodations were included. I believe officially they offer 2 nights hotel accommodation in the exclusive package. I was able to get 4 however, but I can’t say if everyone would be able to get that without additional charge. 2 nights is what is promised. At least the hotel rates in India are pretty inexpensive even if you have to pay yourself to extend a stay.
  19. Even in the highest package, extraction and implantation is mostly done by the senior techs; not Bansal or Sethi. At most you’re actually paying for Sethi’s time to design the plan and do some crucial work. He does not handle all of the grafts; a minority at most. Recent patients on here have attested to that.
  20. Yeah, I’m okay with the area that was utilized…but 6000 grafts is a ton of grafts to take all from that area at once. I fear too much was taken from the sides. Hope the best for you and see if anything comes back, and if you can deal with the thinness.
  21. Be sure to bring things to entertain yourself…movies, books, etc. There isn’t much to do directly outside on the streets near Doubletree, and even if there was, you’re going to be so exhausted and tired that you’ll just want to chill for a few days anyway! Yeah very interesting. Really it was Sethi’s idea; Bandit said originally the plan was to hit everything at once but that after Sethi made a plan to leave the crown for a second procedure, he agreed. I see nothing wrong with Bandit’s approach; I just personally wished not to leave any area completely bare after the first procedure. Having amazing density has never been as important to me as having a more uniform look, so it was important to me visually to attack everything in the first procedure. Also because I may be entering a career soon in which I don’t know when or even if I will be able to travel back to India to have another procedure.
  22. Sethi never does all the work. Techs do the extraction and implantation. They’re world class, OP. I had a flawless procedure with Dr. Das & team.
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