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Hairy Henderson

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Everything posted by Hairy Henderson

  1. I like the second design, but, it’s still a lot of real estate to cover, probably 3k grafts. A top doc will make it look real nice, but, you’ll burn a ton of your donor. If you’reok with that and know the future risk of chasing the hairline, then go for it
  2. Woah, that’sa huge area to cover with only 3500 grafts! Looks like growing well. Also, looks like a non-Spanish patient as many on this forum typically state Cuoto chooses only Mediterranean patients. So an interesting case to follow
  3. Pretty much everyone appreciates reading “novels” about one’s journey, so, ya that was mean. Also, it’s not OCD to expect decent follow up service when you drop 20k+ on a procedure; one which purportedly over harvested.
  4. Unnecessary and disrespectful. If you don’t want to read about his journey and concerns then don’t post to the thread.
  5. I don't think the temples look overaly aggressive, but, it's hard to ascertain as the pics are too close and a little blurry. Can you zoom out and take pics from both sides which show the temple points & corners, and the hairline?
  6. Can you post some pics that are of your entire face but maybe blacking out the eyes? It's hard to tell hairline vs temple placement without a zoom out and full pic of the face.
  7. I just meant that it feels like Freitas is under valued based on other $/graft of top docs.
  8. Isn’tFUE better for hairlines bc then you can cherry pick the fine grafts from nape and behind ears?
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