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Hairy Henderson

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Everything posted by Hairy Henderson

  1. No and neither. Ian said because I had FUT long ago and they need to examine my donor and scar area and recipient skin. I feel like I’ma strong candidate. 42 on Fin with stabilized loss My original FUT was with Hasson who did a good job
  2. There was a recent case posted on here, don’t remember the doc, but, donor shaved with 0 and scarring virtually unnoticeable
  3. 6500? You sure? Thought it would be closer to 8k-9k on average? How come I see threads with people who have 6k-7k grafts done and will go for more? Are those all FUT?
  4. I got one at 25 (now 42). Lost a good amount of hair of my frontal third from 22-25. Got on Fin, went to Hasson who did FUT 2k grafts and it was the best decision of my life. I’m not saying you should or shouldn’t, just showing the other side of the coin and my experience.
  5. I reached out to Bisanga, and I can only get an in person consult when he’s in the US. That will prove difficult logistically.
  6. Who did your first one? Did you have a thread on it?
  7. As I have started reaching out to try and schedule consults, I am realizing many of the docs are no longer offering consults (in-person or online), and also scheduling could be 1-2 years out. So, my main question is; which docs ARE able to do a consult right now and DO NOT have a 1+ year timeline? Is that a unicorn?
  8. That response didn't make sense to me either. From what I have read Bisanga and Freitas are very similar in results and talent. Maybe Bisanga slight better, so, saying he's not in his league is very surprising to hear.
  9. I’ve had tons of blood tests over the past year due to unrelated health issues, everything has come back normal.
  10. No; I am not a repair case. The reasoning was to thoroughly inspect my donor and recipient due to my FUT procedure 17yrs ago. From my communication w/ the clinic, here is the reasoning: "The skin in the recipient area would be evaluated to assess for scarring due to previous recipient sites and/ or compromised skin, and the donor area to be able to understand how well it was previously managed and optimally plan moving forward. As with any strip surgery, the closure will have likely created some miniaturisation below the scar, and of course density needs to be left in place above the scar to help to conceal the scar, especially as you currently keep your hair shorter and so this must be considered and respected."
  11. As I am still a newbie on here, I was going to pose this question during a consult but thought I would throw it out to the forum. Do you think all the grafts that go into my existing thin areas should be 3's and 4's, leaving the singles and doubles to into the hairline and temple reconstruction?
  12. Looks great. How many CM's did your hairline get lowered? Can't tell from the front, but, doesn't look like you got any temple work done, correct?
  13. I don't see why I wouldn't be a candidate based on my age (42) and stabilized hair since starting fin 17 yrs ago. I think also they thought my hairline design was too aggressive, but, I responded that it was a very rough design done on Microsoft paint, so to take with a grain of salt. But, ya, I def don't want to fly to Belgium to get turned down.
  14. They said that since I had FUT before and want to transplant into an area that already has grafts, they would want to review both donor and recipient skin with mircoscope. I mean, I like that they are being safe and thorough; it's just a pain based on where I live. Doing US based surgery is still up in the air for next year? Is that right?
  15. Oh gotcha. Ya that makes sense, they offered the same to me, consult in Maryland next month. Unsure if I can make it as it's a busy month. Flying to MD and back to CA for a 1 hr consult would be taxing for sure.
  16. You made a decision on Bisanga based on a virtual consult? My case is a bit different as I had a FUT HT a long time ago, so, they want to consult with me in person, which will be difficult from a logistics perspective (different continent).
  17. How many CM's did the hairline drop? How many grafts went into the temples?
  18. I noticed you mentioned you only spent around 10 mins with Dr. Bisanga on the design; was that because you both agreed so quickly? Also, do you know if he dissected some of the multi's into singles for the hairline? Did he take any from the nape area?
  19. I like this thread as I’m considering Bisanga as well. Following…
  20. Bisanga coming to the US any time in the near future?
  21. They happen to be recent and coincide with their large expansion and heavy case load. So, it seems that the quantity has decreased the quality.
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