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Everything posted by RTC

  1. How can anyone trust in a procedure where they don't know who the specific doctor is though?
  2. Do people actually think this sounds like an actual person writing it? Or is it a sales script? Dr Mittal may very well do great work, but things like this bug me and put me off ever going to that surgeon
  3. I am not sure to be honest bro. Asli Suckjan definitely gave me some, but I can't really notice it anymore as Mwamba removed some grafts. But the skin in the left side of my hairline on the left looks a bit 'cobbly' sometimes, but don't know if that's cobblestoning, and if it is, it's not noticeable.
  4. Sorry to see this bro Sadly, repairs are not always straightforward, but it hurts more when you do your research, go to a 'top' doctor, and don't get a result. I would say it's defo not the worst ever and most people won't detect it, but it's very similar to my case, and I know it bugs me. So go to someone legit who does ALL the extractions and incisions (and at least some of the implantation themselves). And put this to rest for good.
  5. I totally understand you, you got the most important part sorted anyway now
  6. This is not looking good at all honestly. But could still be some element of shock loss making it look worse. I'd start looking into BHT surgeons and SMP from now
  7. Both are amazing, and Pinto's prices are great too for such an elite surgeon. However, you will not see him without years of waiting.
  8. What would you guys estimate I'd need to improve my hairline? I actually think the botch corners have got denser - I'm finding it hard to see the skin in those areas. The only way I'll know for sure is if I shave it though
  9. Sorry if this has been answered already OP, but what is the scar on the back of your head in the post-op photos? Looks like an FUT scar?
  10. Well done on doing your research @Spring15and looks like you're going to get a great result at a good price too. This is what I have resorted to after weeks of being ignored by the rep .
  11. You don't need HT, you had a great result with meds
  12. Do you mean which country with Mwamba, or in general?
  13. I really can't stand this phrase 'illusion of density'. Become very cliche and corny at this stage
  14. Damn - that's defo a no go for me then
  15. Exactly - everybody who has Finasteride side effects are imagining it, but minoxidil on the other hand is so dangerous
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