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Everything posted by RTC

  1. As if taking finasteride, a drug that emasculates you, wasn't bad enough, men are taking progesterone too? Very very weird state of affairs
  2. I had no sides and my temples definitely got stronger with use. I stopped it now though because the process of buying it and getting value out of the short shelf life just ain't worth it
  3. I would be more worried about the potential swelling at 7 days bro (at which time it'll probably be dissipating)
  4. Looks great man! Hopefully this is the final one and it's OVER
  5. I agree completely. Because the Tarcan hair stands up vertically the gaps are obvious. Motherf'ckers
  6. Despite the hairline not growing in the way I want it to thus far, I have to say, the temples have grown in beautifully and the re-shaping of the hairline makes me look so much better (especially from far). Mwamba removed hairs at the corners and bolstered the temples, and credit where credit is due, there is a vast improvement. There are a few hairs that weren't caught first time round, if I did go back for a second procedure I'd definitely remove them. If the hairline grows in the way I want it to I will be a very happy man, but it remains to be seen.
  7. No offense but sounds like an advert (which seems to be the trend for this doctor) and grafts planted in rows. Having said that, have seen some good results from him. Hope it goes well
  8. OP not sure what the issue is here? Finasteride and Dutasteride both kill DHT, surely you knew that before starting on them
  9. I am not sure to be honest. Only God knows if Tarcan left lasting damage or what.
  10. We will see. I still think my donor could do with more work. I've spoken to the Doctor and will give it some more months before I come back to update this thread. I just want to clarify that I am not accusing Dr Mwamba of botching me or anything, I am merely expressing my opinion at the progress so far.
  11. Is expecting hair to grow where it was implanted an unreasonable expectation? I have never expected 10/10 hair. But I wanted an improvement on my starting point.
  12. Btw at no point was I told I have a scarred recipient, and I even asked if the hair would grow there when implanted and was given an answer in the affirmative, so I don't think we can use the scarring argument.
  13. I have emailed Dr Mwamba, I don't want this to become a circus so please hold fire for the time being. I only updated this thread as I get emails and DMs every day about it and I have recommended Mwamba to others so it's only fair I share the update.
  14. Just want to address some comments: 1. I have no problem with any doctor being meticulous and taking their time. But as I said, there were at least six hours between extraction and implantation. Did that possibly impact viability of the grafts, I don't know. Like I said, the temple point grafts were implanted using these aforementioned extracted hairs and they grew fine, even with the six hour delay. So I don't know. 2. Mwamba's clinic was dealing with two patients at the same time and staggering new starters and those finishing. I don't have an issue with that at all, but obviously if it affects graft time out of the body then that is a problem. 3. Asli Tarcan implanted hairs that for some reason didn't survive, leaving me with large sparse patches with a few hairs. Dr Mwamba's work was to fill that area. Why am I being unreasonable in expecting hair to grow? I am not slating Dr Mwamba, but I did expect growth in my frontal hairline. He did great work and was very meticulous from everything I could see. But also I am seeing quite a pattern with recent patients who seem to be reporting low density and it's concerning.
  15. I do share your concerns. From extraction to implantantion I'd say there was around six hours on the second day. However, that is when the work done on my temple points was done too and those grew in perfectly, so I am not sure. But I agree that that is way too much time.
  16. Thanks for all the comments, but I am not optimistic as some of you guys. I've never seen a transplant get significantly better after six months. Hanging on to the slim chance that things will start improving now is only setting myself up for disappointment. The thought of having another transplant sickens me after the amount of money and time already invested. And like I said, I highly doubt I have enough viable grafts to do this again without creating another problem in my already decimated donor. I have emailed the doctor and will wait to see what he says.
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