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Everything posted by Henry

  1. Man, i hope they poop more and more hairs too. Lol just kidding, i know what you mean, yeah my hair right now is still a buzz cut, I cut it every month since i hope to have the transplanted hairs density to catch up so that i can grow them all at once without the transplants just catching up, plus i like the buzz cut look.
  2. Hey, i wouldn't worry about the ABHRS or any so called "hairloss organizations" you go with somene who has a good reputation, check out their results and their hairline designs etc. My in person consultation with them was kind of different because we proceeded with the surgery immediately after, anyway we talked about medications im taking, my hairloss history, he asked about family members having hairloss etc. And then we designed the hairline. He just followed exactly what hairline i wanted. I just asked one question since I've done extensive research about hair transplants and his clinic so i didn't really need to ask questions that i knew the answer to. My question was if the hairline i designed was too aggressive or too low, he said no and that was it. I suggest you do extensive research about these procedures too if you haven't already, to arm yourself with knowledge and to help you make informed decisions.
  3. So doctor, you've never had an ht patient that was not satisfied with their results? Or had minimal growth? Not a single one?
  4. See look, at the top, almost of your hairs are minitiurized, (very thin, affected by male pattern baldness, and at the bottom, most of your hairs are long healthy hairs.
  5. I think this looks pretty good, go ahead and compare your old pics to your new hairline, isn't it thicker? It's only 2012 grafts. I also think you have fine hair so i think you shouldn't expect a very dense looking result.
  6. Based on my knowledge, good and ethical surgeons would probably be hesitant to operate on a diffused area unless they test out how you grow first, for example focus on your hairline recession first, see how you grow after a year or more and then decide after that, probably based on growth and how your scalp deals with shock loss, if they can transplant in a diffused area.
  7. What clinic in the Philippines did you go to? I'm from the Philippines.
  8. I had a hair transplant about 3 months ago and started to notice this 2 dots on my recipient site like a month and a half ago, they haven't been growing. I'm wondering, are these grafts that have been placed too close to the surface of the skin?
  9. 3 months now, good news is my native hair seemed to have recovered now. Phew, Right is post ht, left is pre ht . Not so good news is, I'm not an early grower. Still being patient though. It's a loooong road.
  10. To me it looks fine, and considering it's taken in broad daylight and still being barely see through, that see through effect even adds to it's naturalness. The hairline design might be too straight. That might be the give away that it was an ht but who would notice? A normal person from your life probably won't even notice.
  11. This looks exactly like my pre ht hair damn. Anyway. I really really think your ht looks fine now. How does it look in bright daylight?
  12. That doctor was an asshole. All things considering though, you may not be happy with your hair but, i do think it looks good enough for you to just live your life and move on from this.
  13. Was the result from your first ht bad from the get go? Meaning after 12 to 18 months? Or did it get worse over the years?
  14. Following, we have a similar hair loss situation, good luck.
  15. On and off with the topical. Just started oral min right after ht, so 2 months on it now.
  16. 2 months, and i gotta be honest, I'm a little worried, not about the transplant, it's still early, but about my existing hairs, they're getting thinner and thinner and as you can see I'm not even close to where my baseline was. What has me worried is, this area wasn't even touched so how could this be shock loss, and even if it was, it's already been 2 months. I'm 31 and on finasteride and minoxidil both oral, I'm worried they might not be working anymore. I gotta tell you, if this thing doesn't work out in 10 to 12 months, I'm done with all of this hairloss thing, and just accept the baldness. It's easier to let go knowing that i did everything i can, I took action and did something about it with research, medication and surgery.
  17. I saw someone have 37% scalp laxity in his FUT, what does that mean?
  18. Tried any medications? Edit. I see you take fin, might want to try and add oral minoxidil with that too.
  19. How old are you my man? Or are you not comfortable sharing that info.
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