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Everything posted by SeanT1

  1. You should share some images to get an idea of how much area needs to be covered. 2000 grafts could bring back a hairline no problem.. But if your recession is drastic or you're also balding in your crown; 2000 might not cut it. It also depends on how many hairs you have per graft. Do you naturally have thick hair?
  2. Being honest the hairline shape is somewhat odd. It's too much of a V shape. I'm in no way an expert with hair transplants but I always thought the more "rounded" shape looked more natural. Something is bothering me about the sides too, not sure what. It could be due to the hairline shape. In regards to the "patchiness" through the hair itself, have you considered some micropigmentation to blend it better?
  3. Progress is going well, looking forward to the 4 month mark. Definitely thickening up. But you'll notice a big difference when the missing hairs begin to come out of their resting phase.
  4. Hello again, I shaved my donor area to give you all a look as to how things are under the longer hair. The transplanted area is still very patchy but I suppose that's expected at two months. Hope this helps someone! 9 Weeks Post Operation:
  5. Hello everyone! It seems the main thread is no longer editable, so I'll continue to post updates as replies. 🙂 8 weeks post operation: It's very close to the two month mark, only a few more days! I thought I'd share some images of how things are going (including donor) as I plan to shave my head next week with a razer down to a number 3 (all over) until more hairs appear. In a previous thread someone mentioned that it's better to just let the hair continue to grow than to shave until the three month mark. Let me know if anyone has thoughts on this. Anywho, here you are!
  6. No blood, no issue. Hairs come off with the scabs, perfectly normal, nothing is lost.
  7. Did they take a look at your grafts in your donor area? Looks like you could get away with 2000 grafts to reconstruct your hairline. Also, Finasteride is definitely a must. It's definitely going to work wonders for your middle area as well as the crown. You've lots of hair that is miniaturizing that finasteride will restore. Don't worry about side effects, it's less common that people make out. Your hair looks similar to my situation 10 months ago before I started finasteride. If the clinics have concern with the donor looking thin, you could always go for micropigmentation 6 months after surgery. I personally got 3700 grafts, take a look at my log thread for reference if you're curious.
  8. Thank you for your kind words, I'm very heart broken. I hope you've found resolution to the laid off issue you experienced. Glad to hear your hair transplant is doing well! Thanks sir, The day after he passed I definitely had more shedding, a solid 20 or so hairs fell out, some that were longer also. Lots of tingling too. Beforehand I was only shedding a couple of hairs a day as I think my shedding phase already passed.
  9. Hi everyone, I'm going to keep this short. My pet was in an accident last night and he passed away. I'm going to miss him so much, there are a lot of emotions between myself and my partner. He was family, like our child. I'm aware stress causes hair loss, I'm wondering if such stress could have a negative impact on my FUE transplant? I'm coming up to two months post operation. Thanks. -Sean
  10. You'd be fooling everyone but yourself if you don't tell people. People are more accepting than you think.
  11. I've noticed some say 1 month, some say 6! I wonder why each clinic gives different advice.
  12. Hi! I'm 45 days in thus far and am currently in the ugly duckling phase of a FUE transplant. Would it be safe to use electric clippers on my head at the 2 month mark? Hoping it would help with the ugly duckling look haha, thanks!
  13. 1000 grafts is no where near enough for that area! At least you have a lot of nice singular follicles along the hairline. I'd recommend you get another 1200 or so to increase density. I'm no doctor, but I assume DHI would be the best option to fill in the gaps.
  14. Anxiety is worse than the procedure itself. Follow your doctors instructions. Castor oil will not harm you in any way, I assume your doctor recommended it so it would soften up scabs?
  15. 1.5 months, I've a thread here that follows my journey. Will be updating it at the two month mark.
  16. Thanks sir, I agree. Although, do you think I could get away with using an electric clippers to cut my hair after two months?
  17. I made this yesterday in regards to shedding, just some of the common hair shapes I found while shedding. The bulbs themselves are expected and very normal.
  18. I thought this too, can't imagine why anyone would want to expose a recipient area to such UV Rays so soon.
  19. Hello again everyone! I'm 2 weeks away from reaching my 2 month milestone. After around day 28 of a FUE procedure I begun the shedding phase. Over time, I noticed shedding hair had all kinds of interesting shapes. Shedding is perfectly normal and a part of the hair transplant process, bulbs are expected to be at the end of each hair (Don't worry, It's not the follicle itself!). Here are some common shapes I found in my experience; I hope someone finds this resourceful. Thanks.
  20. Hello everyone, As this is an open forum I was wondering if we could discuss your thoughts on what you can and can't do with your hair weeks/months after a hair transplant. This document was given to me from my clinic, what do you think of the timeframes? Do you think the restrictions are accurate, too soon, or perhaps too long? In addition to this, they also mentioned no derma rolling until 2 months post operation. I'm personally looking forward to the 3 month mark so I can use clippers on my hair! (Although I think 2 months may be safe) Regardless, I hope others find this document helpful!
  21. What ever the case man, it will be for five minutes then no pain for sure. My procedure used a 'pen' of sorts that definitely hurt! But it'll be worth it.
  22. It's perfectly normal. Having shock loss so soon means that your hair will grow back sooner rather than later. Most people say shock loss is between 4-8 weeks and hair growth begins by the second month. Check out this guys 7 weeks vs 3 months;
  23. Thanks! And having the derma pen only go as far as 1mm means it would in no way reach the dermis layer, is this correct? I've made a monthly update thread in the review area as you suggested sir. Thanks.
  24. Thank you, Interestingly... when I woke this morning I noticed that the "pinkage" color of my scalp has faded A LOT. I wonder if this is a result of the PRP derma pen treatment. Curious. I replaced the images above to ones that had better lighting for reference. Let's go with the assumption that the hair that fell out during the derma pen treatment was expected to fall out at any moment anyway and it simply forced them out and no damaged happened to the transplanted area itself.
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