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Everything posted by SeanT1

  1. Hello everyone, I was just wondering what are your opinions on Skin micro pigmentation after a hair transplant? More specifically, these two areas; -Do you risk complications having a second transplant if you have done SMP in the past (ie. ink mistaken for a hair graft)? -Do you feel SMP is a good idea in order to make the scalp look more dense after a transplant (frontal & crown)? Just curious as to your honest thoughts. Was considering maybe getting SMP done in the future for both scars and just to help with density.
  2. Two technicians, it looked like one was preparing the grafts while the other was implanting. Well, my right side is the side that's thicker, interesting! I think this would make the most sense to be honest, since one side is done before the other normally.
  3. Very true, by "say too much" I mean that it's only been 5 months for me and who knows what the future holds. I think the biggest worry with hair mills is that technicians usually do the surgery and each clinic would likely have a new team of technicians every few months.
  4. Hello everyone, A common experience most people express is that one side of the frontal head grows faster/thicker than the other. I was wondering what the science is behind this? I'm at 5 months now and also experiencing this. It's a curious thing. Thanks.
  5. You could get away with micro pigmentation on FUE scars, but otherwise yes you'll see scaring. Some men experience ache on the back of their heads in teenage years, causing scaring also.
  6. I can't say too much on the topic but I was at a clinic considered a 'hair mill' and I'm right where I need to be at 5 months post operaiton.
  7. They say the same about fatty & oily foods right? I was vegan for two years before switching to vegetarian, still had hairloss, to be fair my case is likely genetic.
  8. Hey again everyone, I'm now at five months post operation. I personally felt like not a whole lot has changed, but then I looked at the month four photos again and noticed that my hair does look thicker. There isn't really any new growth, rather just the thickening of the existing transplanted hairs. Time will tell! In darker lighting, the transplant looks great, whereas in very vibrant & exposed lighting, you can see straight through to my scalp. I'll include some samples. Please note that I've been shaving my crown & sides with electric hair clippers, being honest I might've shaved the crown down a bit too much! 5 Months Post Operation: OUTSIDE INSIDE
  9. Yes sir, check here; I'm not sure if it's just my camera/lighting or not, but the majority of people I see here on the forums at 5 months is thicker.
  10. Thank you for the quick replies! Something around 3200 grafts. Light is a big factor as to how it looks.
  11. Hello everyone, In less than a week I'll be at my five month mark, exciting! I'm just wondering if my hair looks thin for the month I'm at? I've attached a few images, some in really bright light, others in no-so bright. Just to give a comparison. One side is also thinner than the other. Honest feedback is welcome, thank you!
  12. Hi, they do tell you this, but to be honest I forgot about it and didn't stop using finasteride lol. I stopped for the first week AFTER the transplant though. You can stay at the hotel for extra nights than the package if you like (something like £20-40), it means they'll clean your scalp for free each additional day if you worry about this. I chose elithair based on results I seen on YouTube, however the forum rules show that I can't provide a link. But if you type in; 'folliclefreedom', 'hairlineconfessions' or 'hairwolf', you'll see some great results.
  13. Hello everyone! Just wondering if anyone else has experienced some hair loss in the non-recipient part of the scalp? I'm four months post operation, I don't think any recipient hair is falling out since the shedding stage (hard to tell). It seems to be around 10-15 hairs per day. Am I experiencing some minor shock loss on the crown/middle of my head? Is this possible or common four months in? I take finasteride & Biotin supplements. (Bathroom sink images)
  14. Sometimes grafts die during the transplant procedure, on average I think you should expect around 70% of grafts to remain. After care is very important, some people keep 100% of transplanted grafts!
  15. Amazing for four months! It's likely very difficult for you to see very thin sprouting hairs given how dense you're already at. Not to worry honestly. Your hair is doing very well. You should be excited for the six month mark.
  16. Just had a look at your transplant journey thread, you're hair is doing very well! Much better than mine, glad to see your early success.
  17. Hello again everyone, hope you're all enjoying your evening. A lot of people say they get spots and pimples on their recipient area after a hair transplant, that it's new hair pushing through. What's strange is that this has never happened to me, I've not had noticeable (or large) pimples/spots at all. Only a tiny red spot once or twice. Perhaps this doesn't actually happen to everyone? What are your thoughts (four months post operation)?
  18. I went around for a year with a hair piece, no one else cared. It's about making yourself feel good anyway! We'd love to see photos of how your transplant looks 4 years later. Honestly, anyone that gets a transplant needs to at least try finasteride. You need to hold onto what you have outside of the recipient area! If you're worried about scars in the donor area; look into SMP, a technique used to "remove"/"blend" scars.
  19. I recorded the different shapes I had in the first month. Completely normal. The bulb is not the graft, no need to worry.
  20. You mean the covid vaccination? it will not have any affect on the results at all.
  21. I made the mistake of using 1mm at the 1 month mark. Didn't affect the results thus far though I don't think. My clinic recommended to wait 2 months, others recommend 4.
  22. Happy new year everyone! I hope the start of this year has been great for you all. I'm now at exactly four months (not sixteen weeks), Being honest, I do feel a bit behind compared to a lot of other people on this forum at 4 months. It's as if it's only getting longer rather than denser. But I've been told that the majority of people would have similar results to this and that thicker results at 4 months is not the norm. I'll leave several images in different lighting situations for your honest thoughts! 4 Months Post Operation:
  23. Hello everyone, I'm wondering how long do we need to wait after a hair transplant to be able to use hair gel or clay on the recipient area? Same goes for hair fibre and colored hair sprays? Thanks.
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