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Everything posted by Mike10

  1. With the wet hair one can see that the middle is starting to weaken and you are only 32. So good decision to hop back on hair loss treatment
  2. So you are on medication.In that case your situation is not really exceptional, you could be a NW3 without the medication who knows.since you are a good candidate I would say go ahead and have your surgey.Your hair is obviously still good but you do not seem to realize that
  3. it just a fact almost all men will have a second treatment for one reason or another.So you take medication or is your great head of haïr the result of your genes?
  4. Unlikely but you sure are the perfect HT candidat.Are you on hair loss medication or did Bisanga recommend them? in my view medication is not really needed in such a case though
  5. you picked a good surgeon. I would agree that your hair still looks good as it is.How old are you now?
  6. I tried it a long time ago. I had pretty severe brain fog which vanished when I got off the medication
  7. With Dr Munib, the hairlines always look so natural and no grafts are wasted. Great Dr
  8. Looks clean and I like the design. How old are you now?
  9. I would not worry to much. seems like you do not have any hair loss. but it is always good to keep an eye on it
  10. WIthout it I agree with you that they do not like different views and that you are entitled to your own opinion on a public forum. Although I have to agree with them on this, as an in person consultation is in the best interests of patient.
  11. I think your hair still looks ok. If you set yourself some other goals and interests in life, you might be ok, it will detract from your hair. As others say it is more prudent to wait
  12. Again, I sm not sure you even have any hair loss..But if you want to be sure, book an appointment with a reputable HT surgeon who will see if there is any miniturization in that area. Under no circumstances, would I start to self medicate with Finansteride now.
  13. Hi, based on the photos submitted I am not even sure you have hair loss. Looks like a normal cowlick to me. Was Fin prescribed by a Dr or are you just self medicating?
  14. Another impressive result by this clinic. I like the hairline design, looks natural and age appropriate
  15. No I am not going to pursue the subject any longer. In general I would agree. But as already explained in my case medication was not necessary. I am not sure why you disregard this. So there are milder cases of MPB where lighter treatments options are suffiicent. In cases where medication is not necessary and a satisfactory outcome can be achieved by other forms of treatments or even with no treatment (in case progression is very slow), you should not be put on lifelong medication with potential sides. I am sure Drs would agree with that principle of proportionality.
  16. I am going to try to sort this out for you: Not surprising to me that you missed the point again which was that even with the most ethical clinics there may not be full disclosure. It remains a business after all. I guess it is up for each patient to do their own due dilligence. I do not do commercials for medication or put clinics on a pedestal like you seem to do. I am not a yes sayer, I tell the truth. Again, well this might be true in general, it was not true for me. I would have been given bad advice by people like you to go on lifelong medication. You seem to have no issue putting people on lifelong medication who perhaps do not need it. You are constantly giving medical advice but you are not a Dr which can be dangerous. It is not good panacking at your first hairline recession and jump to medication or HT. Panicking will lead to bad decisions in life. In relation to PRP, you are so full of yourself that you think you know my own personal situation better than myself. You are making unfounded assumptions, yet have no way of knowing. All I can say is that since the PRP my hair is stable. Sure the genes play a significant part also no question. Bottom line is this was the right choice for me. Yeah I am 42 and NW2 but I also have the MPB genes as evidenced by a hairline recession which started 20 years ago.
  17. The point I was making in the Bisanga thread is that there are no scientific studies that prove long term efficacity of oral Minox. That point stands unrefuted. It was not to slam anybody. It shows again that you are just unable to differentiate.Just a lack of intelliigence as I said. I do not recommend PRP. The PRP is working for me and I do not need medication. I am a NW2 at age 42 . I am sure you would not take medication if you do not have to, right? I started receding 20 years ago but the usual rules do not seem to apply. Everybody is different and this shows that a general recommendation to use medication once you start receding is just plain wrong .you may just be jealous after all.
  18. Again my point is that there are no scientific studies which prove long term efficacity of oral Minox for hair loss. My point stands unrefuted. We have data which proved that Finansteride can work for patients long term (over 10 years). We do not have that for oral Minox. So this remains to be seen for oral Minox which is not a DHT blocker. I am just going with the facts
  19. But it is a bit disappointing to see that with all the money and ressoucres Musk has you can't get a better result. I mean the result is ok but not that impressive
  20. Sure, I will proceed with a separate thread. But since you raised a few of questions. I can agree that this is a wider issue. I consider BHR to be one of the most ethical clinics in a very flawed industry. But even with the most ethical clinics, there is not full disclosure. It is still a business. If you were to fully dislcose, it is true that the patient could have gone to a Dr that would have operated him without any meds. I do not like it that you make it seems that these are my personal concerns.The truth is that these are objective concerns. I have personally heared from Top Drs that the topical Minox version generally only works for a few years. My point was that there are no scientific studies to prove the long term efficacy of oral Minox for hair loss and my point stands unrefuted. I picked this case because 33 is young and this patient is likely destinated to a higher NW. I am sure you agree with that.
  21. Sure I can open a separate thread if you prefer.I am referring to scientific studies which prove long term efficiency for oral minox. Can you point me to a single relevant studie in this regard. The point seesm relevant as topical minox generally loses effect around 3-5 years. Therefore I think a patient like this must be prepared to jump on Fin where necessary. It is important that this all explained to the patient during consultation to ensure transparency becasue some patients are not prepared to take Fin (and that is why they are normally put on oral Minox in the first place).
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