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Cant decide

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Everything posted by Cant decide

  1. Dr. Feller - You explained which patients are ideal for PRP. In what situations would you simply turn someone away from doing PRP because they simply are not a good candidate? Thanks
  2. LMS - With all due respect, you really bum me out. While you do provide some sound advice in your posts, it seems like you are so down on the whole thing. Please don't lecture about realistic expectations and cherry picked results, I know all that. Just wondering what your story is that you are so negative on it. Every time I am feeling good about things and ready to take a step forward, I read one of your posts and its two steps back. This obviously means I am not ready so that's my own problem but I have to tell you, you really get me down....
  3. I am with you on the indecision. Not to scare you but I have been considering a HT for over 10 years now and still have not decided (Hence the username "Can't Decide". One of my biggest issue is the scarring as well. My dilemma is will the HT be dense enough to justify keeping my hair as long as it has to be to hide the scar. No surgeon has been able to tell me that. My gut tells me that the appearance of the scar is not that bad in most cases. When you think about it, would you rather have a faint scar or a bald top, interesting when it's put that way? Especially when most people will have no clue what the scar is from. The other major issue for me is future hairloss and esentially being a slave to the process. I want to be one and done but unfortunately, that is not the case most of the time. Og course, the psot op is also a concern. Somehow, knowing that a HT is always an option makes me feel better about my hairloss day to day.
  4. I think most keep it a secret and I suppose for good reason. However, I agree with Tubs that it would help take the pressure off while you're dealing with post op recovery if people knew. Not flash it on a billboard but tell those who are in front of you day to day. I would think most would be positive. If they are not, then they are likely not worth having in your life anyway. The same people who would think badly of you for having a HT are the same people who would make you feel bad for balding in the first place. Better for them to make fun of your great new hair then your balding head Tubs: Can you share any negative reactions you may have had by telling people?
  5. Who typically takes out the sutures at day 10 if you go home after the second or third day post op?
  6. hdude - While your at it, please tell us what your dad does with this PRP specifically and what his background is in. Telling us he has a PhD and that he works with it alone does not mean much since I know many PhDs who can't walk and chew gum at the same time Assuming your dad has the background to credibly comment and provide advice/knowledge, I want to thank both you and your dad for sharing.
  7. Nice progress. Can you add pics of the scar with your hair cut with a #2 blade?
  8. From my reseacrh, I would say yes with FUE but I do not have first hand knowledge. I am interested in this as well so I look forward to reading other responses.
  9. I agree. It seems so many get HT and grow their hair long. A lot of this might be the excitement of being able to grow hair for the first time in a long time. For me, I want to get the HT and keep it very short since as we all know, short hair on a thinning head almost always looks better. However, due to the scar, I do not know if I can go as short as I would like. The dilemma: Will the HT be dense enough to justify the length I would have to keep my hair to hide the scar.
  10. Sorry about that Dakota, I meant Mr. GQ. Peace
  11. I have to disagree with Dakota. If PRP is effective at only maintaining what you have with possible thickening and does not grow a single hair, it is well worth $450 every six months in my opinion. Especially for those who can not tolerate Finasteride or those who just want to make sure they keep their native hair post HT.
  12. Spexs: Keep us updated as to when it becomes available, cost, etc as I may be one of the first to book a PRP run with the Doc as soon as it is available. Thanks, CD
  13. If a "Miniturisation" test is accurate, it sounds like it would be an invaluable tool to a HT surgeon for planning purposes. I have already has consultations with top docs, none of which utlilized this testing. Any thoughts as to why?
  14. How would you guys determine if your hair loss has 'Stabilized" enough to confidantly go into a HT with the best chance that the first HT will be enough for at least several years to come before having to consider another HT if at all? Not losing any hair for a full year, a general slowdown, etc. Thanks
  15. How would you guys determine if your hair loss has 'Stabilized" enough to confidantly go into a HT with the best chance that the first HT will be enough for at least several years to come before having to consider another HT if at all? Not losing any hair for a full year, a general slowdown, etc. Thanks
  16. Is Dr. Feller going to offer PRP to patients even if they have not had or intend to get a HT?
  17. Innermind - I am curious as to why you say that you regret your HT? What aspect of it do you regret?
  18. Nice progress. Can you post pics of your scar? Your hair is nice and short and how I would like to keep mine post HT so I am curious as to how the scar looks at your length. Thanks
  19. Very nice progress and especially for only 6 months. You are going to be dancing for joy at 12 monts.....if you are not already . Take Care
  20. Hi All - Sorry about replying to my own post but I really need this info if anyone has it. If one has had sides with propecia, and cannot tolerate it, what do docs usually recommend to block DHT? I may eventually go on a lower dose of finasteride. I am already doing the Rogain, Nizoral, and MSM thing and just need the final (and most important) arrow in my quiver. Is there anything besides finasteride that is remotely effective in blocking DHT? Thanks
  21. LMS - Let me clarify. I think the patient that you posted has had about 2500-3000 grafts in my opinion (I could of course be wrong). His result is 'Ok" but what I am saying is that most of the top docs (Feller, Rahal, Hasson) can typically achieve more dramatic results in one pass using this many grafts. For example, look at the feller patient Tubs at 7 months. Granted, he had 3500 but his change is FAR more dramatic then the guy you posted. The same can be said for countless other patients which have received 2500-3000 from these docs. While we all know that you cannot expect incredibly thick density, the guy you posted came out with very thin density in my opinion and I think one can expect far better in one pass.
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