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Cant decide

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Everything posted by Cant decide

  1. Samy Fat hair: Amazing stuff and a must have for any HT patient. Totally agree with Wb that you are better off either not blowdrying or only blowdrying a bit. Hair potion: leaves the hair feeling too brittle in my opinion but I do use it on the crown where texture is not as important. It does do a good job of bulking up. Aveda shampoo: I personally do not like it. I think Kerastase Capital force is much better at leaving the hair feeling fuller and more managable (Its also $30 a bottle Dirt: Have not tried yet. This post needs a monthly "Bump" in my opinion and goes into the all time posts hall of fame.
  2. Good choice. I am thrilled with my results so far (6 months)!!!
  3. Congrats!!! Great choice of doc.
  4. Make the trip up to see Dr. Rahal.
  5. My wife was very supportive. She knew how hard hair loss has been for me. It sounds like it has also been hard on you. I think so many people just don’t get it if they don’t go through it themselves and your GF might be one of those people. I think if she REALLY knew what was in your head and how you felt about yourself because of it, she would be more supportive. I suggest sitting her down and really laying it out a different way to make her understand. Using analogies is always helpful. Like for example, would she be willing to accept walking around with very bad ache on her face if she could spend 5k to get rid of it. Good luck
  6. Nice progress. Things are really kicking in for you now. I'm glad as I know you were worried there for a while. Good luck!!!
  7. I am trying to get a before from Dr. Rahal's office. When I do, I will see about posting somthing.
  8. Go to one of the coalition docs in NY. I would say True and Dorin.
  9. Use Rogain foam. It is miles better than the liquid.
  10. I don’t think you can equate a full head of hair with necessarily looking better than a guy who is losing it. I have seen plenty of guys with a full head of hair who either did not style it right or they simply did not have nice hair and that along with the rest of their looks made them look much worse than a guy who may be losing hair but maintains a better overall hairstyle and simply is better looking. To be honest, I would rather be losing my hair and keep a good modern hairstyle rather than have a full head and keep an outdated/unflattering style. It’s funny how many guys with full heads of hair are walking around with bad hair styles and I think to myself, give me his hair and I could work wonders on myself and he is simply wasting what he has. Of course, both a nice hair style and full head would be best
  11. Depends where you go but most good docs charge $4-6 per graft depending on the size of your procedure. You could always go to Armaini and get the VIP teatment for $30/graft which is an absolute joke!!
  12. I will give you the same advice as most on here will. Your 23 and I know thinning sucks. I have been/am there. However, your young and the meds available today work best on you super young guys. I would suggest looking into the maximum med option (Minoxidil. Finasteride) before jumping into a HT. I would not do a HT at your age unless it has progressed pretty far or it is minimal and you don’t have a family history of extended hair loss at all. Even in the latter case, I would wait a few years until hair loss shows its hand so to speak. As for the clinic you mention. I never heard of them but please do yourself a favor and stick to the coalition docs recommended on this site which are the same world renowned docs you will read about anywhere you look. They charge as much as the lesser known guys and are far better in most cases. Please do more research. You will be glad you did. Good luck
  13. I would say it is a good time. Especially if you have been able to stabilize with meds.
  14. I am thinking about getting my hair cut professionally for the first time since my HT about 6 months ago. I had a 5000+ procedure and it has come in really nice. As you all know, perceived density via a HT is achieved by an illusion. Therefore, I suspect that the way it is cut plays a huge roll is that illusion. Should I tell my hairdresser that I had the HT so she can work with it to cut it so it looks as full as possible. I assume she would use a certain technique, etc which would help. I just don’t want to give her free reign as if it is native hair and when she is done, density suffers. Do you guys have any expierience with this? Would it make sense for me to let her know about the HT and if so, what techniques have your stylists used to help with the density? Thanks
  15. I agree that Dr. Rahal and Dr. Hasson and in a leage of their own IMO. But if you have to stay in NY for some reason, Dr. True would be my choice. It all depends what you are looking for. Each doctor has their strengths.
  16. I had a 5300 graft procedure with Dr. Rahal and the surgery itself was a breeze with no real pain. The shots were a bit uncomfortable but if you have been to the dentist, these shots are no worse.
  17. The ugly duckling phase sucks. We have all been there and its not fun. I came out of mine a couple of months ago and I feel better then I have in 10 years. I remember feeling pretty low like you going through it but it will be worth it in the end.
  18. I would do the thrid option that you suggested. You dont want to just do the front even though you are going back a year later. That would be 6+ months of a fairly dense front and would not very look good in the short term. By doing your option three, you will achieve your long term goals and also look decent in the short term.
  19. This is clearly one of the most helpful posts ever written. I would like to say that I have found that Karastase Capitol Force shampoo is much better than the Aveda shampoo when used in conjunction with the rest of the prodcuts he recommends here. Its very expensive but worth every penny.
  20. There was a guy that went to Feller and had FUE to just create the look of stubble since he wanted to keep his hair really tight. It turned our really nice. Ask spex for the details as I cant remember his name. This sounds like exactly what you want to do.
  21. Christine - Did this patient ever come back for a 12 month follow up and if so, can you share some pics? I would love to see where he ended up. I really liked this result at 10 months.
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