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Posts posted by JP28

  1. 1 hour ago, PelazoVenAMi said:

    "The drop of water pierces the rock, not because of its strength but because of its constancy."

     July photoAdd-Text-07-09-10-00-38.jpg

     Situation reminder:

     - I've been with Dr. Mwamba's topical dutas and mesotherapy dutas for 2 months, I am very happy.

     - I have less than 2 months with dutas and oral minox.

     - I started to medicate in April (finasteride and topical minox) after 4 years using prostheses.

     - I use dermaroller several times a week

     Go for the hair!

     A hug colleagues and happy summer!'


    so you’re using both oral Dutasteride and topical Dutasteride? What dosage and how many days a week? 


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  2. So I ordered some oral Dutasteride from strut on Saturday and since I still had the topical Dutasteride from fue clinic unopened I figured I’d try it while waiting for the oral to come.

    I apply it on Friday night and washed my hair the following morning, today when I washed my hair I had almost no shedding which was very surprising.

    Is it possible that it worked that fast and if yes should I just ask strut to switch me to topical instead.

    what do you guys think in terms of effectiveness topical vs oral which one is best? (I’m not talking about sides just effectiveness) 

  3. 4 minutes ago, TorontoMan said:

    Yeah I just micro-needle all over. https://www.hairlosscure2020.com/ The admin posted an interesting take on fin and duta recently, read the first article. & yeah for minoxidil, I don't really know what dosage could replace the topical use, but I'm also not willing to go higher than 2.5 mg at this time, so once a day application topically should be enough. A minoxidil booster will be coming to market soon too 

    Thanks for the link, I’m gonna take a look a it right now!

    Minoxidil booster? Do you have a link for that as well? 


  4. 3 hours ago, TorontoMan said:

    I’m considering adding 1X a week topical duta but later this year. I’ve seen blood work now from a few guys who are applying topical dut, and it shows that the systemic inhibition of dht is only about 20-30% for some guys. So if it’s working at the scalp and only going minimally systemic it has a good chance at becoming the new gold standard. But more time is needed to tell if it’s working for hair, and some clinics like H&W and fue clinic are coming out with some studies by the end of year apparently. 

    For most guys finasteride should be enough for maintenance, duta is stronger but with greater risk of side effects too. I’ve seen some good regrowth with duta and oral min from other guys. 

    i would consider a topical AA first before dutasteride.. fluridil, cb, ru 

    I’m gonna wait for the studies to come out in this case, I ordered oral duta for now and might switch to topical when we’ll know more about it. 
    Like you I kept using topical minoxidil with the oral but only once a day.

    Do you micro-needle into the transplanted area? 

  5. 7 minutes ago, Kraistoff said:



    i do 1mg finasteride a day and 0.5 dutasteride twice a week.


    i try to use nizoral on Saturday 


    thank you for sharing, may I ask you why Dutasteride twice a week? 

    I’m gonna get some nizoral and I’ll use it once a week as well, doesn’t cost me a thing anyway so why not lol 😆 


  6. 2 minutes ago, Wojak96 said:

    I've been on finasteride 1.25 mg (Proscar) for about a year when I was 21 and didn't notice much progress except maintenance.Now at 25 I'm on oral dutasteride for 2 years and almost a year on oral minoxidil and this was a game changer,hair is much thicker and denser but unfortunately temples receded when I was 20 so no regrowth there but I kept the rest of it...now I'm NW 2.5 and soon should be making plans about a potential HT but we'll see ...

    Thanks for sharing man!

    hmmm maybe I should even switch totally to Dutasteride if it’s more effective 🤔 .


  7. Hi guys, I wanted to create a post where we could share our hair loss routine, what we’re currently taking or doing and what we’ve tried etc… 

    I’ll start with me 

    -finasteride 1,25mg ED for 13 years now( I started at 17)

    -oral minoxidil 1,25mg ED for almost 2 weeks now

    -topical minoxidil foam ED on my temple point

    -oral castor oil ED 2 teaspoons 

    -hair scalp massage ED for 10min with an electronic device 

    -hair loss shampoo and conditioner EOD from pura d’or 

    -multivitamin, omega 3 and iron ED

    I got in my possession a bottle of topical Dutasteride 0.1 that I haven’t used yet so was thinking to add that but still need more feedback.

    I’m gonna order a microneedling device this week from dr.pen and I’ll use it once a week.

    What do you guys think of stemoxydine, RU58841, alfatradiol?

    I’m looking to add a topical anti-androgen to my regimen so any suggestions are welcome 


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