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Everything posted by DrMunibAhmad

  1. Looks more then 1500 grafts for sure. Imo the density should be okay if the grafts are harvested good. @NARMAKThe density only looks low behind the hairline, but this is due to the fact that the hairs in that particular area are pointing towards the camera, and in the other angles, the hairs are pointing away fron the camera. I mean, it's not the best job. But it wil probably be sufficient. Happy marriage. May it be the best day of your life.
  2. Hi, 1. Depends on the hair direction of your native hairs. In case you don't have these, the surgeon can use his expertise to choose the best direction which fits your face and creates the best illusion of density. 2. Yes, if the sites are to big. 3. Once the direction is made, when making incisions, is can only be undone by a corrective procedure.
  3. Not the cleanest work but nothing to worry at all. Probably a combination of factors i.e. losing more plasma, due to bigger incisions being used. Keep them moist while washing, just like Melvin mentioned in his video and they will fall of before day 14.
  4. There is no 1 to 1 correlation with the number of grafts. However, I am working on a study in which there are other factors with which one can achieve significant faster growth and results.
  5. Looks like a maturing hairline to me. If these hairs will grow out to actual hair, isn't sure. But what is sure, is that you shouldn't do a hair transplant at this stage, or at that position for creating a new hairline. It would be way to aggressive. What is your age?
  6. Hi Sean, No need to worry. It's perfectly normal that hairs that fall out can have these thickenings. Sometimes even a bit whitish, and sometimes whitout thickening.
  7. Do you have pictures of before surgery? What was the name of the doctor/clinic? Any pics of the donor area?
  8. Agree with the advice given above. Don't do anything, although it is a bit thinner, it's totally normal. Save your money, time, and haidache.
  9. I would implant in the same density on the bald places, and the places where you have your own native miniaturised hair. A good surgeon can inplant them between these hairs. Although you won't make direct damage to these grafts, there is a high chance for non-permanent shockloss of these hairs due to trauma in this region. These hairs will grow back for sure. And when they will fall out in the future, you won't be left with a lower density of the frontal part.
  10. 3500-4000 is surely more then enough for the frontal part. Maybe even 3000 is better, with a conservative hairline, given the fact you're not willing to take any meds. Leaving more grafts back as a reserve would be more safe imo.
  11. Often times with a transplant with a low density you can see improvement until the later months. In a high-density transplant, often you won't see any big improvements after 8 months. Explanation: A lower-density transplant takes more time before you can no longer see the scalp through the hairs. With a higher transplant, you don't see a scalp through the hair after 6 months. In principle, you can still see improvement up to 12-14 months. So no worries at this stage. Gr. Dr. Munib Ahmad.
  12. Thanks for the update. Looks great as expected.
  13. Thanks for posting. Great result and good quality photo's. Enjoy. gr, Dr. Munib Ahmad
  14. The main problem is that the photos provided should be of good quality. Even a failed hair transplant wil look good on a low quality after photo, with the combed down. On the other side, a perfect transplant wil only look better on a high quality photo with the hair slicked back. The difference between a good and a perfect hair transplant can only be seen on high quality close up photos. And if the hairline isn't being shown clearly, you should know that there is something being hidden for a reason. This is for me big a red flag. Always ask for these, because your eye is the best camera there is, and you will see yourself always in closeup when looking in the mirror. Best of luck.
  15. Hi, This is perfectly possible. Due to some scarring in the recipient area. Although many clinics will say that there is none, but the truth is that there is always little bit of scarring in the recipient area also. And scar tissue tends to stay more pale then normal skin. Regards, Dr. Munib
  16. It doesn't matter how good a fue will be, you wil always see some scarring in the donorarea, a difference of the transplanted hair and the native hairs, and als also a little bit of scarring in the recipient area. Although these signs will probably not be noticeable for the mainstream, once you will see them, you can not unsee them.
  17. A pluggy hairline looks pluggy due to to big grafts in the hairline. Most of the times these are multigrafts, but even thick singles can make a hairline pluggy. Furthermore a more vertical angulation of these grafts can cause the hairline to look even more pluggy.
  18. It's best to ask your own surgeon/clinic. When the skin is fully healed, it can be applied whitout problems. I advice my patients to wait 2/3 weeks.
  19. Dag Tim, A full coverage of the bold/thinned parts of scalp should be possible in 2 fue surgerys if you would go conservative. Donor looks average.
  20. Dag Tom, The hairs growing on the thinned area are to thinned out to expect anything from them. I would consider this as a bold area when doing a hairtransplant. My advice would be to get it done over 2 procedures, with the first one focussing on the front with a conservative hairline. With this you can cover a large area because your temporal humps are not far receded. So also good to keep taking finasteride if you don't have any sides. Second procedure can be done 10 months after the first, to cover the crown. Your donor looks quite okay, but i am missing photos to determine if there is any retrograde alopecia, although this pattern tends to not have that. What's your age? Veel geluk.
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