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Everything posted by DrMunibAhmad

  1. I agree with wat the 2 members above me are saying. Don't worry to much. Nobody in reallife wil notice this.
  2. Here you see a partly razor shaved scalp. If you look closely you can see the scars. This is after ±2000 grafts. I would classify his scarring as normal. Your skin type and color makes a big difference in how the scarring could appear. I.e. if you have a darker skin, the scarring can likely be more noticeable.
  3. Hi, - i think they didn't pay attention to the hair curl. Especially with temples this is crucial. Next to that the angulation isn't as flat as it should be. - i agree that the other side is to rounded. Flared angles doesn't fit males and especially not caucasians. - i think it would be a good solution to part your hair a bit more to the middle so that more hair would fall on the wrong temple. This wil camouflage the curl, and the weight of the hairs wil let the others hairs fall down. The good think is this can be fixed. The bad grafts can be removed and replaced with thin feathered singles. And to add something positive. It doesn't look that bad, you could have ended much worse tbh. Wish you all the best.
  4. Hi Alex, Thanks for your concern and i think we can all see it if we want to see them even without the big arrows. Yes we do use microscopes (and yes with high enough magnification). And yes i see these small errors unfortunately. These small misses are unfortunately possible with a fue hair transplant and don't make the hairline pluggy at al. If you think they do, then you're just not the right patient for my clinic. This is one of the reasons why i choose to post high quality photos on my website where you can even use the zoom function and why i always tell my patients to make high quality photos if they post them online. Because if you think as a patient that a doctor can guarantee no multi at al in the hairline, even when using microscopes, it's going to be a hard journey my friend. Try to get some photos of this HD quality of top surgeons and you will see some cases where multis are missed unfortunately. Don't be surprised. We just don't blur our images on these parts or comb the hair in a way you wouldn't see them. Anyhow patient satisfaction is the key, and this can only be achieved when you are 100% truthful to your patients. I would even give this patient a free removel of these multis, because it bothers me as a artist. But i know for 100% sure that this doesn't bother him and others that see him in real life. Probably even you wouldn't know that he had a hair transplant if you saw him in real life. For the hairline we only use single grafts from the nape and from behind the ears that are checked with microscopes. Hope this answers your concerns. Because as a hair surgeon we reconsider more things then just count the multis in the hairline afterwards. Things like grafts microscopic preparation, grafts survival rate if preperated, transection, telogen hairs, how many singles, how many peaks, etc etc for each case. A hair surgeon considers more things that can lead to a poor or good outcome and in the end a patient just ends up counting multis in the hairline if he isn't informed correctly before the hair transplant. Furthermore it also depends on the design, i.e. it is more difficult to hide every multi behind a single, when making multiple peaks, then is it when you make a straight line without peaks. Dont get me wrong, this isn't in any case a justification because most of our cases dont even have these little errors. This is just to clarify things on how the hair transplants really are and what you can expect as a patient.
  5. It's sad to say but this doesn't even look near to 300-500 grafts. I would ask for higher quality post op photos. I don't think the quality you uploaded here is the quality in what they took the photo's. Best of luck man.
  6. Do you have a picture of the time it was infected? And a picture right after transplant. That will clear things.
  7. Do you have another picture of the back view (donor area) before the hair transplant was done with longer and shorter hair. It appears that there is some retrograde miniaturisation from the nape of the neck. But maybe that's just the way you haircut was done. If they took hair from a area that had thinning, these will not grow good. Best of luck.
  8. It's unfortunate but i have to agree that this is a overharvested donor. There is also a discrepancy between the donorarea, and the implanted grafts. At this moment you can't do anything about it. Let's just hope for the best for the grafts they did implant. Wish you al the best. Dr. Munib.
  9. Hi, Do you have a photo of the donor and the recipient, right after the transplant, or 2/3 days after the transplant? Gr, Dr. Munib
  10. Hi Curious25, No, we are not connected to eugenix. Thanks for the compliment guys. Thats due to the fact that we have alsmost zero transection rate.
  11. Great transformation. Is it possible that you can show us a close up of the hairline with your hair slicked back and wet? I am considering do get it done by Dr. Feriduni, but I haven't seen any closeups of the hairline.
  12. Hi John, I do sometimes ask my patients if they want to share their journey on this forum. Not just for us as a clinic, but more for others who are considering getting a hair transplant (in the Netherlands). No discount given to these patients though. Because they have to be free in what they post. Regards, Dr. Munib Ahmad
  13. If this is 3800 grafts, with this less coverage, then the transection rate was very high. My advice: don't go back. Find another good clinic.
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