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Elite Coalition Physician
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Everything posted by DrMunibAhmad

  1. Pictures are taken 15 months post surgery. I combed it open in all possible ways to show the density. Story posted by same patient: Please take note of the quality of the pictures. In my opinion, every surgeon should post pictures of this high caliber so that the patient can clearly see what they are getting into. As a patient, do not settle until you have seen good quality pictures of the results. A total of 2680 grafts were used during a 7 hour FUE surgery. The surgery started at 08.00 and finished at 14.45 I am responsible for performing the entire surgery myself, which includes shaving, punching, extracting, making sites, and placing the grafts. My assistant helps me by sorting the grafts and providing support during the placement process. Before: After: Close-up's and comb through: Donor after:
  2. It seems that the hair transplants performed by many others up to now haven't achieved a 100% yield or a low transaction rate. I've conducted numerous repairs and witnessed things that shocked me. However, after encountering them more frequently, it's evident that the average quality of hair transplants isn't as great as it could and should be. Moreover, if practitioners continue learning from the same mentors and teachers, the quality is unlikely to improve. Just my humble opinion before some so-called hair experts, who have been reading things about hair online and on forums, come here to argue that they know better. No, you don’t know better because if you did, you would've been here in my shoes.
  3. I have them if I may. Shortest possible. After second procedure.
  4. These are on the day of the second surgery. Combed down so you can see the bald areas the best.
  5. Haha. Wel yeah, I mean if you can't see the difference, feel the difference, taste the difference then there is probably no difference (in their eyes 😂).
  6. Thanks Maurizio. Didn't know facebook was a thing for hair transplant discussions. Good to know.
  7. It's going to be sick" were the exact words I said to my patient. What do you think? Did I fulfill my promise? @WTime wordt sick 🧡 Result of first surgery: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4JW8OWqm8M/?igsh=c3M5YmNtdXg3czU5
  8. Looks good. But guys don't forget to ask for a top view photo. Surgeons like to hide behind preferred angles. Anyways here it is the money shot:
  9. To initiate a trend where we surgeons can prove we aren't cherry-picking our results, I'll add an update directly to this thread, initiated by the patient, along with pictures from the 12-month check-up. Ensure that the before and after pictures focus on the same area of the hairline. If a surgeon performs a transplant on the outer part of the hairline but showcases results from the middle, be aware that deception is intentional. This operates on the same principle as the cheerleader effect. (And the real reason is that placing these photos in a thread which is already there saves me tons of time lol) Some extra before pics (made with iPhone camera, so that's why they are lighter. The DSLR camera pics are in the first post. After 12 months: Close up's and comb through: Donor area after surgery: Kind regards, Dr. Munib Ahmad
  10. He's using topical finasteride and minoxidil, which he started on the day of the consultation. The transplant in the crown was performed conservatively. The result is definitely a mix of the medication and the transplant. It's not only due to the transplant, nor only due to the medication.
  11. Here is a video of the result, made in bright clinic light. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C2fxsv-KPvn/?igsh=MTh1czltYmc1M2kzbQ==
  12. What's the problem? Just stating the facts. 🤷‍♂️😂 Don't take everything too serious.
  13. Well if you missed them so much you can pass by tomorrow and I'll give you a few extra
  14. Correct. This sounds funny, but there is a reason why the new hairline looks even more natural then his original.
  15. He's not a member. But I do think this case has it all. From granddad wih dead hair, to a young guy with a perfect transplant. It's undetectable, the one who can find any sign hit me up This is him:
  16. Pictures are taken 2 year post surgery. I combed it open in all possible ways to show the density. Please take note of the quality of the pictures. In my opinion, every surgeon should post pictures of this high caliber so that the patient can clearly see what they are getting into. As a patient, do not settle until you have seen good quality pictures of the results. IMPORTANT NOTE: Take a close look to see if the after photo was taken from the same angle as the before. It's easy to be misled by a close-up of the after photo, where the surgeon is combing the middle front upward. However, during the surgery, no transplant was performed in that area; only the corners were addressed. So, it's evident that the front middle will appear good. Also, if you see only one close up series and the other results aren't in close up, you should know that has a reason. I'm not saying this for myself, but to educate you guys in how to look at results. Don't get scammed lol. A total of 1700 grafts were used during a 5 hour FUE surgery. The surgery started at 08.00 and finished at 13.00. I am responsible for performing the entire surgery myself, which includes shaving, punching, extracting, making sites, and placing the grafts. My assistant helps me by sorting the grafts and providing support during the placement process. In addition, all communication with my clinic is handled directly by me. I personally answer all phone calls and emails. For aftercare, patients have direct contact with me through WhatsApp. Enjoy (and learn). VIDEO: Full video of the result will follow soon, untill then you can see a video here: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C0lmwGhKds4/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== Before: (even made in darker light settings then the before) Donor: Surgery day: (0,6 mm punch) After (dry and wet mixed): Close-ups and comb through Dry and Wet mix (watch closely and learn how you should do it, yes you): Kind (tongue-in-cheek) regards, Dr. Munib Ahmad
  17. Looks already amazing. The outcome is going to blow you away. Luckily you have time to prepare yourself. (it's just facts before y'all call me arrogant lol)
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