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Everything posted by A_4_Archan

  1. Excellent result and you still have few months left in the bank for more growth and density ...can you please post few pics of your donor ..just wanted to see how your donor looks after such a high number of grafts extraction
  2. I agree with the comments above regarding your limited donor hair supply.Your donor is significantly poor so If you're considering a hair transplant, it's crucial to manage your expectations. If you're satisfied with a modest improvement in appearance, then surgery might be a viable option. However, if you're expecting a dramatic change, you might be disappointed with the final outcome. You need to carefully evaluate the risks, time commitment, and financial costs against the potential improvement you can achieve through surgery. It's important not to base your decision solely on the results of other patients who had significant improvement with similar level of baldness as yours. Patient posted results should only be used to assess the skill and stature of the doctor, such as how natural their hairlines look, their surgical approach, the quality of post-operative care, their ethical standards, and their level of involvement in the surgical process. It's crucial to understand that each individual is unique, with different characteristics and resources, which can significantly impact the results of the surgery. Therefore, you should not assume that you will achieve the same results as others with a similar level of baldness who have undergone surgery with the same doctor. Results will always vary depending on individual factors. I hope this helps you. Good Luck.
  3. 👆 This is a real worry The thought of undergoing surgery, especially for someone in their twenties, can be quite concerning. I am not fear mongering, nor did @jjalay Imho If you are considering hair transplant surgery, it should only be done if you have compelling reasons and if your hair loss is very stable plus there is no family history of advanced hair loss. Even if you opt for surgery, it is wise to be very conservative and save grafts for potential future loss. It's wise not to touch the crown area and focus solely on enhancing your existing hairline without lowering it. I hope this helps you. Good Luck.
  4. It appears to be progressing well, and the growth rate will only improve from this point onwards. Happy growing and keep updating brother.
  5. Some individuals are considering using saw palmetto as a substitute for finasteride, although I am unsure about its effectiveness, so I am uncertain about how trustworthy this alternative would be. However, as recommended by @Shadman, you could try a topical form which would have less systemic effects. Alternatively, if you are cautious, you could simply stop for a while and once your wife becomes pregnant, you can resume it.
  6. It's a positive indication that you are not seeing shedding, you might currently be in the anagen (growth) phase of the hair cycle, which could be the reason why you're not seeing shedding. When you're trying numerous treatments simultaneously, it can be challenging to determine which one is effective. However, based on my experience, platelet-rich plasma (PRP) treatments can be beneficial for hair loss. Dealing with hair loss can be likened to a war, where you must utilize all available strategies and weapons at your disposal.
  7. I'm unsure, but I believe that Eugenix Clinic may be performing incisions first, followed by extraction and implantation on the next day for some patients. Although I can't confirm this, I recall one patient who approached me for assistance and mentioned this method as Eugenix's approach. In a typical hair transplant procedure, incisions, extraction, and implantation are usually done on the same day. However, some clinics may choose to do these steps on separate days, especially for larger procedures or for the comfort of the patient. It ultimately depends on the specific approach and practices of the clinic performing the surgery.
  8. The current outcome of your hair transplant is suboptimal, but not a disaster or irreparable, so i would say this is fixable. Different doctors may suggest varying approaches to fix this. Some might propose implanting a few fine single hairs to blend with your existing hair, while others might recommend removing and re-implanting some grafts for better placement. So i would ask you to consult with several doctors, look at their results portfolio to find cases similar to yours, and then choose the one you feel most confident in. Dr. Nader is a reputable option, although be aware that he may take some time to respond to your consultation request, so keep buzzing him. Considering your current situation, HDC Clinic and Dr. Laorwong are budget-friendly surgeons I recommend looking into. I advise against limiting your search to surgeons based solely on location preference, as this could limit your options. There are many skilled surgeons around the world, and focusing only on local options might cause you to overlook other highly qualified professionals. I hope this helps you. Good Luck.
  9. There seems to be a range of opinions regarding your hair transplant results. My take on this is, based on your photos,if i have to judge this outright by your pics than it is looking concerning for sure so I can totally understand your concern and the feeling of panic, but it's important to note that your situation might not be definitive yet. You still have few more months left where you can see good progress.Plus It's possible that you're experiencing a shedding phase due to medication or natural hair growth cycles, or you could be a slow grower, as some individuals see significant growth after 6-7 months. In my opinion, it would be best to wait another 2-3 months to see how your hair progresses and than If your situation remains same than we can be certain that the outcome is poor. Some forum members have mentioned the possibility of cobblestoning, so it might be wise to have a physical examination to determine if this is the case. And what is your clinic's perspective on your current situation?
  10. From your picture it seems to be thinning and you can consult a doctor and get on medication...medication and other non surgical therapies can help you reverse or stabilise your hairloss.
  11. Medecap is good but in some results i did find that their hairlines aren't that soft but yeah patient's hair caliber too play a role in this. Custodio is a good doctor but the lack of patients reviews makes people hesitant to choose him Hans heinicke is believe doing good dense work. If someone is looking for a good budget surgeon specially in or around turkey thn demirsoy and georgiu are better options to consider Hdc is also a very good budget clinic..they have lots of experience behind them and their post op care is commendable plus they have an upper hand in handling high NW cases amongst other budget doctors/clinics
  12. Don't worry ,evrythng will be fine and you don't need to worry that you might have lost grafts..yeah there will be discomfort but this will end up being worthy my friend.
  13. The doctors you shortlisted are all good doctors and you should choose the one whose results you like the most and the one who is in sync with your expectations and goals. I had my surgery with dr laorwong and am happy with my results. You can look at my thread for details and if you have any queries regarding him than feel free to reach out to me. One more clinic you can consider in this price range is HDC clinic.
  14. Its always better to ask your doctor regarding this but i believe it can be started from the next day itself.
  15. Dr. Sethi is certainly a reputable doctor known for achieving good, natural-looking results. If you're exploring other options, here's a list of doctors categorized by their approximate pricing per graft: 2-3 euros per graft: - HDC clinic - Dr. Laorwong - Dr. Pekiner - Dr. Custodio - Dr. Bicer - Dr. Saifi - Dr. Ximena Villa - Dr. Heinicke - Dr. Nader - Dr. Camacho - Dr. Keser - Dr. Pathomvanic 3-5 euros per graft: - Dr. De Freitas - Dr. Pinto - Dr. De Ferreira - Dr. Pittela - Dr. Couto - Dr. Bisanga - Dr. Mwamba - Dr. Lupanzula - Hattingen Clinic - Dr. Nadimi Above 5 euros per graft: - Dr. Munib Ahmad - Dr. Zarev - Dr. Shapiro - Dr. Konior - Dr. Feriduni There are other reputable doctors not included in this list due to lack of pricing information or i might not have sufficient knowledge about them so It's better to conduct your own research or seek opinions from other individuals regarding that. View this list as a starting point for identifying skilled surgeons in different price ranges for consultation purposes. I hope this helps you. Good Luck.
  16. Is there a specific reason you're hesitant to return to Dr. Saifi? With 2300 grafts, your results seemed satisfactory. Based on your previous posts, it seems like you're seeking a skilled yet cost-effective surgeon. You might want to consider Dr. Laorwong, HDC Clinic, or Dr. Nader, among others. There are many other reputable doctors as well, so it's hard to recommend just one or two. Since you're familiar with most of these surgeons, the best approach would be to review their past work throughly and than shortlist 4-5 doctors based on that. Then, consult with each of them to determine who best aligns with your expectations and goals. I hope this helps you. Good Luck.
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