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Posts posted by WhiteyUK

  1. I shaved my head for nearly 20 year, Luckily I suited it. I didn’t even no you could get hair Transplants tbh until about 10 year ago and I thought it was  an expensive procedure (£15-20k) so didn’t see it as an option. Then a few people I knew had been to Turkey with good results,  done a little research (yeah  I no not enough as I didn’t find this forum until after) booked it and now I have hair 😀

  2. I would also say it depends on your age when you have your ht. If you have your procedure when your 50+ it may well be all you need.

    I had one 6 months ago at 45 and I’m hoping I’ll not need another especially if I stay on fin, which I’m currently trying at a lower dose to try and reduce or eliminate a few sides I experienced.

    But if you have your procedure early let’s say in your 20’s I’d say your likely to need 2 or 3 procedures.

  3. 4 hours ago, Melvin-Moderator said:

    The reason why I can’t get behind a hair mill is there’s no consistency. You’re happy, but many aren’t as lucky. 

    Yeah @Melvin-Moderatori totally understand that, you recommend clinics for a reason,  I’m on about support and feedback regardless of which clinic uve attended, I’ve seen many reviews come up and zero replies. I had very positive replies and feedback so yeah I’m lucky.

  4. I totally agree... since I found this forum I’ve noticed a definite bias against certain clinics and especially Turkey (unless it’s one of the few recommended), and especially ‘hairmills’ .... me myself had a ht at a hairmill and couldn’t b happier 6 months down the line. You need support along your journey whether you went to a hairmill or the best Dr in the world. If I’d found this forum before my ht I would probably have went elsewhere as cost wasn’t a factor for me. I understand the forum members want to encourage to go to the best places but I think everyone who’s had a ht needs support especially when starting there journey. The recommended clinic reviews seem to get all the replies with support and encouragement while some others don’t even get a reply. Once a patient has took time to create a review and attach pictures the least they deserve is a few replies, something I try to do myself but I’m new to this and there’s  a lot more qualified and knowledgeable people on here.


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  5. 12 minutes ago, Nickpatay12 said:

    This is honestly a brilliant idea, I think if sides continue I’ll slowly get off the drug. Wait for all the sides to go away and go back to normal. I’ll have to give this method a go. Just hoping that if I continue the drug maybe the sides will go away as my body gets used to it.

    Yeah that’s my plan... find a dosage which is manageable and hopefully body gets used to it

  6. 20 minutes ago, ciaus said:

    That part about 20/25, wondering how someone would register a 5% increase or decrease in hardness. Are you taking girth or length measurements when erect? You don't need to answer that, but it does indicate some unhealthy worry and obsessing that are possibly contributing factors to your symptoms.


    Think about trying this below. I can't say I've tried it, fortunately I've been taking finasteride for about 15 yrs with no issues. But it could help you relax and determine whether the drug is actually causing side effects or whether its you psyching yourself out because of worry about potentially getting side effects.


    Do you live with anyone currently? or meet with a friend daily? someone that you would be comfortable telling about your hair loss of course. If so, see if they would be willing to administer the pills to you 'blindly.'

    -Establish a baseline, stop taking the finasteride until you have no more side effects

    -Then have your friend or family member randomly pick a start date, could be weeks or a few months from now, when they start sneaking the finasteride dose (crushed) into something you eat or drink real fast at the start of each meeting. -Or they could just leave it out for you, if they don't have a poker face.

    Some decent points there and ideas may I add.

    Im honestly  not obsessing as I was more worried the first couple of weeks after I started on fin when I didn’t really have any issues apart from reduced sperm volume, as the months went on I forgot about it really but I have definitely noticed a reduction in hardness lately. I simply picked the 20/25 figure out the top of my head while I was responding to @Nickpatay12 not something I’d thought about before, just to try and help him gauge. I will be trying a lesser dose to see if it helps, it was always an idea of mine to reduce the dosage anyhow after 6-12 months as I didn’t want to be on a high dosage for life but would like to be on it in some capacity until something better comes around 🤞🏽(maybe should have done it the other way round, lower dose first looking back)

    thanks for your input @ciaus certainly interesting 

  7. 10 hours ago, Nickpatay12 said:

    Any improvements with the sides after being off it ? I doubt they are permanent but I think it takes time for your levels to go back to normal, while on it you saw no improvements with erections right? 

    I’ve only been off it for 4 days so I’m not sure how quickly you see changes (probably different for everyone)

    with erections some days were better than others, but on average they were definitely reduced 

  8. 2 hours ago, Nickpatay12 said:

    I’m 23 years old, I’m here to tell you about my hair loss journey. I started thinning around 18-19 years old. I hopped on minoxidil when I was 20 that worked for a while until it didn’t. Just recently I tried topical fin, but it became to hard to maintain a routine, and my thinning was diffuse so I had to apply the medication on my whole scalp, which became a pain. So I decided to start oral fin again, the first time I did, I had side side effects. This time I had a clear head and started at .25 mg every day. I started around February 17. Almost hitting the two month mark. The first two weeks were rough, with my body adjusting to the drug, I had brain fog bad. It was so hard to concentrate on anything, but that went away. Now I’m experiencing weaker erections, I get no morning wood since I stated the drug. It just doesn’t feel the same down there anymore. My sperm volume is much lower as well. Some days my erections are better than others. If I try to masterbate in the morning I can’t get fully hard, but mid day I actually get decent hard, but it still doesn’t feel the same as before taking the drug. Also if I drink I can not get hard no way. My question is, has anyone experienced these side effects and if they went away after continuance of the drug? Should I quit ? I really want to stay on it, but I’m afraid of permanent sides. Thanks for any and all advice. 

    Yes I can relate to all of these side effects... I have just stopped taking it this week after been on it for 5 months (1mg/day). I plan on having a break for a few weeks or so then try it at a lower dose (0.5mg/day) 🤞🏽
    At first I had just reduced sperm volume and a slight loss of interest but when it came having sex there was no problem, so I thought I could live with that... but now there’s definitely no morning wood and a definite 20/25% reduction in hardness although I can still manage sex.

    I’m worried it might get worse or permanent so hopefully a break and a reduced dose will work as I want to stay on fin if I can.

  9. 6 Month update 

    Hi everyone... I’m 5 days short of the 6 month mark but I’ll update now as I’ve managed to get a lockdown haircut yesterday 🤫

    I see a massive difference even from 4 weeks ago, density and thickness definitely an improvement.

    If my hair doesn’t improve even 1% more I’ll be not be able to smile wide enough from where it was when I started.

    many questions welcome







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  10. You make yourself perfectly clear.

    Egy I have just found your case there and read it for the 1st. time.

    I feel for your situation I honestly do but I don’t think it’s entirely Cinik’s fault (just going by your thread and the replies you got) a lot of your problems seem to stem from a previous ht and possible scalp issues. It seems to me that it’s not his work that’s the problem but aftercare or lack ov it.

    But honestly your the 1st bad case I’ve seen , they are probably many more as they will be with all clinics.

    Are you any further forward?

  11. Every time Dr Cinik comes up on here @Egygoes out of his way to tell his bad experience and put people off.

    I do feel for anyone who’s had a bad experience when it comes to your hair but that’s the way it goes sometimes not everyone’s will be perfect.

    I went myself and couldn’t be happier, I also no 3 other people also with good results and there’s plenty good results on this forum. Yeah it’s a hair mill but as few have said on here it’s a decent one and not everyone can afford 8-9k for a ht.

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