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Everything posted by Dillpickle123

  1. 1800 grafts now seems to fit better with the size of the area dif he ever mention during the first ht what the density was going to be? For example mine was 65 grafts per sq cm
  2. I will probably lower the hairline a bit more although the first row of singles are already in place the only reason is because my scalp analysis surprisingly didn’t show much of any hairloss besides the obvious places and the donor being good
  3. Also when you reach immigration make sure to have a SCEENSHOT of your return flight reservations and your hotel, just in case you can’t get internet I unfortunately didn’t have neither only on email and I couldn’t pull it up and let’s just saw they weren’t too friendly and was sent to a jail looking room where they took my passport as I frantically tried to get Wi-Fi to get the address of where I was going from dr mwambas team after an hour of waiting I finally showed them everything and was let go, this was why I went straight to the SIM card place in the airport and paid for European SIM card for 30 euro a month and was then easily able to call dr mwamba and his driver to pick me up
  4. He is 3 euro per graft shaven, 4 unshaven yes there’s a 21 percent tax on top of that unfortunately plus paying for the meds the vat was implemented in 2016 in Belgium, dr alli did the anesthesia and about 30 percent of the extractions while mwamba did 70 percent and all of the incisions, dr mwamba is calling the shots i didn’t visit around yet as I was extremely jet lagged from the flight the first day then the next day was my first day in the procedure but plan to leave the 18th it was indeed a long day 9am to 9 pm with a lunch around 9:30 provided by them a delicious shrimp Alfredo and at the end las cap massage chair that Feels amazing after a long day on the chair your right he said we may not even reach 1800 grafts but he said that at amount it leaves the hairline at a density of 65 almost matching my 76 grafts per sq cm native density so today I will def ask if we can lower the hairline even more since I was anticipating 2000 grafts from the beginning but the forelock didn’t end of needing as much grafts as anticipated I will probably tell him today to lower the hairline a bit as he said my hairloss is very stable and he doesn’t anticipate I’ll need any work soon as long as I stay on medication, I will be getting prp since if I have vitiligo which is an autoimmune disease which is inflammatory
  5. Agreed that’s 750 grafts but I def couldn’t tell and that was literally one hour post op! By the time I leave for Cali then donor will look great
  6. That laser chair is so great!! 😂 the massage is amazing after a 12 hour day on the chair tomorrow the last of the grafts will be implanted he was telling me and lots of the grafts the first day we’re 3’s the place provided by them is only 100 meters away from the clinic up the street he even said that if I have doubts about the hairline that tomorrow we can add more then the right side I’ll probably add more grafts but doesn’t look like I won’t even reach 2000 grafts with plenty of donor left for any additional work but there’s little to no hairloss everywhere else crown had a few wispy hair in the microscope but 95% of the hairs were dark and strong
  7. He says he like to break up all procedure into two days just in case he feel like he needs to add more grafts, he quite the perfectionist and I’m all for it! I def want quality over speed
  8. As of right now during the consult the donor had a avg density I always thought I had a great donor, it was discovered that only the donor was being affected by telogen effluvium, dr mwamba said that because of perhaps the vitiligo or stress in life but not dupa as the crown, vertex and hairline didn’t show anything because of this we have to slowly and selectively pick the grafts for implantation
  9. Hey guys my time has finally come for my fue procedure, I decided on doing with dr mwamba I first consulted with him in April and was booked for November in New Jersey, one of the major reasons I choose dr mwamba was his donor management and the cleanliness of his work his donors look pristine after just a few days!. the Nj clinic was sold so as the clinic closed there I was offered to come to Brussels where flight would be paid and there’d be free accommodation! After examining my scalp he saw almost no miniaturization with an avg density of 76 grafts which means the finasteride has done its job very well and he said that I do t seem to have an aggressive hairloss pattern the plan was to fill in the temples and a bit of the forelock, in the forelock I have vitiligo which makes the hair grow white, after examining my scalp there there was not a lot of hairloss there but since the follicles were white it looked more thin, he spent an hour designing the hairline and said that at a density of 65 grafts 1800 would be needed over two days split between the 2 temples the anesthesia was not too bad but I did need more then the normal person since I metabolize it quicker as I’ve always needed extra such as when doing dental work. I just finished my first day so this figure could change dr mwamba and his staff have been amazing He is very kind and understanding here are some pictures of before and during procedure I will try my best to update as this forum has helped me tremendously One thing if your traveling from the states is to get a SIM card in Belgium as some phone companies will not have service here. Cheers! fun fact about mwamba: him, bisanga are childhood friends and neighbors and him and lupanzula attended hs together in Congo 😂 here are my before
  10. No but there’s a great surgeon in Jordan dr bargouthi
  11. Yes but it depends on the Dr some do unshaven fut and fue and it looks like 1000 grafts would fix the lack of density since you most likely got only 1000-1200 grafts implanted
  12. Gotta let it grow for 12 months but I would say something closer to 2200-2500 but it all depends on hair type and caliber
  13. Finasteride would’ve definitely helped since you still have hair on top, I would opt for all scalp hair if possible I’m pretty sure they’re flexible on that you seem to have enough donor back there for 4900 scalp grafts
  14. Interesting sounds like a few days after the procedure I’ll go visit so other cities
  15. We’ll it seems that everything grew in it doesn’t look terrible I think you need another touch up and you’ll be good or you could shave those hairs off
  16. Do tell more? I did hear there a train that can go around France and even England
  17. I will be going in a couple weeks and am also curious of what attractions there are as I plan to stay a whole week before flying back to the states
  18. I believe the number of grafts was too low I have a very similar degree of hairloss and was quoted anywhere from 1600-2000 grafts another 500 grafts in the middle there and it will look great looks like everything transplanted grew in and donor looked good, I would be dissatisfied though because you should’ve been a one and done here hope you get a response from them regarding this
  19. Not that I’m defending the mills lol but he got lucky door sure they def took 5k grafts to make the beard and hairline
  20. You not being on meds seems to fit the most, your hairloss is increasing because your not taking anything to lower dht
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