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  1. I reduced the brightness in the 2nd pic to get a better picture of the hair.
  2. Update: I am continuing to lose hair. This is not normal, yet my surgeon says it is. This is a post shower comb-through tonight! Even for someone who is losing their hair this amount of hair lost is NOT normal. Still looking for answers. I’ve purchased Divi and Nulastin and am currently using both. Has this happened to anyone? Does anyone have any more advice?
  3. Lots of different opinions here. And no, not on any meds. If it’s stress related, what is the solution? There is a serum a friend recommended called Divi, has anyone heard of it?
  4. Right?! First I’ve heard of this!! Would also love for this to be true.
  5. Then, what should I do? I’m tempted to start minoxidil or try a serum. Need help and guidance l..
  6. My hair is suddenly falling out 9 months post op (2000 graphs in front). My surgeon, whom I talked to over the phone said it’s nearly impossible that it’s the graphs and that it has to be my original hair that’s falling out. He asked me if my diet has changed, if I’m adding different stresses in my life, etc. seemingly dodging the issue. I’m also not a doctor, but I’m also no idiot. Over the last 3 weeks, my hair has begun falling out and it’s getting worse. I just counted 82 hairs in the sink from just combing through it tonight; obnoxious! My hair has noticeably gotten thinner and now almost looks like it did pre-op. Is it possible that my hair is falling out due to the season changing i.e. summer to fall, cooler temps, dryer air, etc? Google never gives a straight answer. Is my hair going through another shed cycle? Is this normal 9 months post op? Shouldnt it be thick and full? I have so many questions right now. Also, I should note that the my surgeon did not do the hair transplant, he had a technician do it and saw me before and after the operation. Attached is the photo of my hair in the sink. Hard to capture the hair in the sink with my iphone (zoom in). I also attached a preop pic and pic from tonight. Am I going crazy?
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