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Everything posted by Dillpickle123

  1. Yea 2600 is absurd for sure I went more aggressive, at first I was quoted 1700 for a more mature hairline such as yours but I went a bit more aggressive and ended up shy of 2000 grafts
  2. I had a similar design as your with similar hairloss I did 2000 grafts so def will help for a first pass
  3. If he’s a nw 4 then I am too lol he’s a nw2 bordering to nw3
  4. There unfortunately no hope, poor donor large area to cover I see no way it can look natural I don’t think it’s worth the time and effort, there’s probably maybe 1000-1500 grafts
  5. Yea I think the reason I didn’t go with him was because I didn’t see enough cases like mine but if I ever needed another procedure I would go with him next
  6. I went to Belgium for mine recently but I’ll tag you in some of his results
  7. Ah I see we’ll I’m good you found this forum now, it does look like you’ll need a another procedure, in Mexico there’s 2 places that are known HMR, and Dr Nader, I consulted with dr Nader and his prices was very reasonable around 3$ a graft
  8. How much did you pay? I’m assuming you consulted with others in the area? Usually the price for an FUE in the US is 6-10$ per graft did you go where you went because of the price offered ?
  9. You should look at Dr path or dr laowrong for transplant
  10. Doesn’t looks very dense wishing good growth 👍 might need another procedure
  11. RTC this sucks the temples and donor def look better but the hairline still looks see through, could they possibly pull more scalp grafts from the donor and replace with beard hair? Sucks that another surgery may be required for you
  12. Well in that case why not wait u till 12 months to go back, just to make sure all possible follicles sprouted?
  13. I think it “looks” mediocre but it’s only been 6 months it can still get a lot better
  14. Honestly you have to wait till a year, but it does seem like a ton to of grafts for that small area
  15. Great donor, great beard lol it connects to your body hair lots of grafts there, are you planning on doing temple points as well?
  16. Normal I have the same thing rn 6 weeks post op
  17. Yea I’m expecting the same I never expected a one and done of course it’s extremely early for me but I’ve been here long enough to know that usually a second pass is needed to be happy happy rare that one pass does it
  18. Just a neck pillow with a pad that you use when potty training dogs, my clinic provided pads I don’t have the link but maybe @Melvin- Moderator can help it was a video about how to sleep post op
  19. Very interested to see a zarev patient review they are really rare best of luck!
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