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Posts posted by Ajamilo

  1. 3 hours ago, EvoXOhio said:

    Ah ok, yeah any sort of SMP to fix scars does require the area to be shaved. 

    What place are you going to?

    I live in Scandinavia, so it will be here. 
    The plan was to travel to Switzerland and go to a clinic HLC recommended me, but due to cancellation of flights etc I take it here.

    By the way, have done my homework and gone through this as one should do in a regular hair transplant

  2. 2 hours ago, EvoXOhio said:

    I researched a lot of places that do SMP for density, and none of them required the person to shave their head. Are you sure they know you’re doing it for density and not doing the bald head look? If they’re wanting you to shave your head, I’d be skeptical about them being able to do a density treatment. 

    Yeah, the reason could also possible be that i wanted to do it on my donor area too since it has patches in some area s after the hair transplant when i grow it out.  

    But i will update and see how this goes. I have curly hair so we get 2 differents scenarios for the people who are interessed in this :)


  3. On 5/13/2021 at 7:58 PM, EvoXOhio said:

    Thanks. Yeah when I part it on the side like normal, it looks like I have a full head of hair as my hair is relatively thick on the side of the crown. Parted down the middle of course exposes the most crown. 

    Will be doing smp soon too. The smp-clinic recommended me to shave my hair but you did not do it as i can see. 
    Do i gain any benefit of it or should i just do it without shaving?

  4. 4 hours ago, Gatsby said:

    SMP is safe and works well in giving the illusion of greater hair density and in camouflaging scars (mostly from bad strip procedures and FUE scars). Or if you just want to shave your head it will give the impression of a full head of hair that has been shaved. Just like hair transplant surgeons there are good ones and bad ones. It will be carried out over three sessions. About every 4-5 years you will need a top up as the liver keeps attempting to break down the ink. Also if you don't cover your head in the extreme sun (a bad idea for anyone really) the sun can slowly over time make a top up required sooner rather than later. All the best.

    Does the hairs need to bee kept short?

  5. 5 hours ago, SLA said:

    Definitely think 2-3 stage approach. Each case is different and depends on hair characteristics on how many grafts are needed/utilized. Eugenix tends to use fewer grafts as a whole as they are very good with doing more with less, which is why they said 3k grafts while another doctor said 4k. Eugenix seems to be very conscious of optimizing the donor region.

    As for density, if you desire more density after 2 HTs, you can get more density in areas provided you have additional donor resources- scalp and/or beard.

    I have seen cases with Eugenix in which they added density over the course of 2 or 3 HTs. @Niko1is a good example of progressive density.

    @Zoomstergot excellent results and while I don't think he needs more, he is planning a 2nd HT with Eugenix to get more density. 

    Even if you don't get superb density, you can always supplement by getting SMP and/or use a light dusting of fibers.

    Hope this helps!


    Always wondering regarding smp and hair transplant. Would it look fake with smp or will it look like better? 

  6. 6 hours ago, DonDada said:

    Hello all,

    I'm new to the forum, and eagerly working to find the right doctor in Turkey.  I'm currently a NW4, and I'm hopeful to get an HT in the next few months.  I've been looking for places in Turkey, primarily because I flat out can't afford to go anywhere in the US.  

    The issue I am having is that it is exceptionally difficult to find reviews of African American hair being done anywhere other than Asli Tarcan or HOI, and I am not going to be going to either of those.  Far too many of the Asli Tarcan transformation I have seen, they destroy the donor area.  HOI is unfortunately out of my price range in a post-Floyd Mayweather world.

    Does anyone have any suggestions for where I can search for Afro FUE in Turkey?  If any of you have gone somewhere other than Asli Tarcan or HOI, I'd love to hear your results.  I'm hoping no one tells me to go to Diep... I'm like an hour away from him and I can't afford it lol.

    Thanks to everyone for all of the information you guys contribute to the hair loss community.

    Very good that u stay away from Asli Tarcan 

    what is ur budget bro? 




    I have been talking to Dr.mwamba a lot after i got over harvested in turkey and was going to him at the end of this month, but due to the corona it had to be postponed.
    Have you considered the idea of smp in the donor area bro?

    I was against it from the beginning, but he recommended it to save as much BHT graphs as possible and that you then have more to "stock" around to use it on the recepeint area


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  8. 48 minutes ago, TorontoMan said:

    Every hair on your head has a life cycle. The anagen phase, which is the phase in which your hair grows , has a cycle about 3 years on average. Each hair could be in a different cycle at any given time, thats why some hairs shed and others don't, the hair that shed was coming off its anagen phase after many years (if it is healthy hair, minaturized hair have smaller cycle times). What ends up happening when you have a hair transplant is the hairs from your donor are being extracted, they are automatically forced into a telegon phase, this is just simply due to the shock of the surgery, and that is the reason why you have a typical 3-4 month "ugly duckling phase" or recovery, because all these hairs have been taken out of the anagen phase due to shock and put to sleep in the telogen phase. Post surgery after a hair transplant, when these hairs start to grow again they have all started a new anagen phase, in which they will grow for 3-4 years and then enter a new cycle of sleep again, the problem here is that all these transplanted hairs have started a similar anagen phase at the same time, meaning they are synchornized. So when time comes that your hair goes into the telegen phase, which it will always, you will notice most of your hair transplanted hairs fall at the same time due to this shed, and then you'll panic and think your hair transplant is wearing off. Dr. Bisanga in this video is describing general thinning, which should be accepted by every man, while we are cheating our nature and genetics with hair transplants, we cannot yet cheat simply getting old and aging, at some point even men with out MPB should understand that your cells degrade and you will thin naturally. 

    Look up anagen synchornization, a few doctors have made videos about it online, including dr. Sethi. 

    thanks for a really good answer :)
    Just wondering: after the new cycle will it come back again or start to miniaturize?

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