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Everything posted by scar5

  1. Why burn your precious transplanted hair with laser? Do you know, you can get everyone of those hairs removed and replanted and a good percentage of them will actually grow again? Epstein is another strip butcher for sure, but that doesn't mean you have run out of options. 1) Meds? What is the situation? 2) Calm assessment, think for the future. The US and Canada are not good options if you are hoping to escape from strip. Think about Turkey, India, Belgium and the UK. However, there are some FUE surgeons in North America but the economics of it is just a loss for the docs in terms of opportunity cost. The strip guys can buy a new pool for the kids and actually swim in it with them while the other guy is drilling out FUE back at the HT ranch. Options. FUE plus SMP plus revision, even another strip. Don't give up and just obliterate your precious hairs unless you really wanna make a statement about it. I would look into re-designing your hairline, crown and NW 3-4 loss areas with realistic expectations and a long term plan.
  2. There is a time an place for both? Well, well, What wisdom! You can give me your money anytime you like. The time is when you are ready to go down the local HT clinic and pay for it. So anytime people wanna pay, there is room for their money. The truth is the truth? Yes, and so....tell me if this is the truth? They told us FUE was " hype" So Dr. Lorenzo said strip is good? Of course? Why wouldn't he? Doctors don't give a damn about the strip vs FUE debate. We are on our own. They live on another planet to us. No one at the office is gonna scare them by saying, "Hey, buddy what is with HT scar?" FUE docs are just as cavalier as the strip guys, even more so in many cases. If you wanna pedal strip you have to hit FUE where it really hurts. Yield!! Why don't you guys ever get down to business and really start measuring the thickness and hair counts of these FUE guys. You might kick their butts right outta town! But, no, you wont, because "There is a place for both FUE and strip" side by side, like old friends. What a croc!!! Smoking was recommended for pregnant mothers in the 1920s. In the early 1930s you can easily imagine how they said it, "Well it is case by case, up to you, everyone is different, bla bla..
  3. From the standard mindset around here I would say (or ask); 1. What did the doctor tell you about your future harvest potential? 2. How are you going with medications? 3. FUE and strip combinations are quite achievable. I have done one myself. 4. FUE will thin out the area above your scar, making it harder to hide. Conversely, if you decide not to harvest the area immediately above the scar so that you can hide it, you will leave a thick or darker band of hair immediately above it. The best option then is to grow it much longer and cover it with fine longer hair. From my mindset, I would say; I checked your profile pics. In all pics, there is one where you look fantastic and it is 12 days post-op, which brings me to the question, who told you this? I agree that strip gives stronger growth but graft numbers would not be in my planning. More grafts is not better. you might be better with a short tighter crop than a thin and wispy but longer look. But what is done is done and you still have options. STAGE ONE Go another HT definitely STAGE TWO Option A - Go volume, grow out hair, accept the thinness, maybe bleach it a bit. Option B - Go short, SMP in spaces (remember all SMP is not MIlena's temporary stuff) exploit FUE as much as possible in subsequent procedures As I say, Day 12 post op, without a strip scar you would have had a lot more flexibility, but what is done is done. Good Luck
  4. After you have lost all the transplanted hair (20-25 days) , been through "the doldrums" (days 30 - 90) and start to sprout the "new" hair it grows in spits and spurts and can be uneven, so the desire to buzz is higher, especially nowadays with so many people doing FUE and the donor scar being a non-issue. But there is a view is that buzzing tugs on the hair roots (as the hair gets ensconced in the opposing moving blades) and this is an unnecessary cause of irritation and trauma for the new hairs. People like Dr. Feller said you shouldn't buzz. My answer is use a decent pair of sharp scissors on the recipient area hair if you are worried, and then buzz the rest with a ..ehmm..buzzer but go gently, start at #4, then #3 etc. I'm not convinced. I think docs don't want their patients to buzz full-stop because it exposes the HT to all kinds of scrutiny. Better tell the patients to grow, grow, grow and create a 'curtain'. Still, it is getting to a point now, especially with SMP that the buzz will be desirable for balding guys and the question will pop up again.
  5. Key words. HIV, routine, candy, giving Nobody knows if a single HIV antibody was near,the clinic, or do they.?
  6. Had the grafts grown, On your story alone I dont think this doc is bad on a clinical level. The unmentionable pair of siblings from Sydney might be somewhat unique and outcast from the community of HT, but they are also pioneers in BHT and have been doing it for longrr than any of the coalition docs. That several needles broke in your scar is not a bad thing necessarily. I would rather a fine guage instrument break on my body than a heavy guage one break my body, if u get my drift. But the medical suspension prior to the poor garbage disposal is unfortunately the black mark. Obviously, I wouldnt recommend her on that basis. Unfortunate story for all. Ive always said u shouldnt say who did ue wiek on this forum, even if it is bad, becauae u stand to lose more than u gain, but here is a tale tjat needs to be told. I recommend peemanaNT smp in the scars, start with light tones and move from thwre. good luck
  7. In your case, I agree, zero , unless u wanna go for some zani bck to the future-electric shock look.. That said, just 1500-2000 FUE grafts might change the equation if they are put in,the right places at flat angled. SMP means I can grow it.
  8. a) The last two docs I've dealt with say - 6 to 12 months and at least 9 months. The problem, one docs said, is not about damaging the HT, it is about the SMP being unstable, as the skin cells move about more post-HT which risks giving the SMP a more blotchy appearance c) This is only for Milena temporary SMP. We have to stop this assumption building up around here that Milena or Beauty Medical represents all SMP. Most SMP is not Beauty Medical. Jo and Spex have done a fine job in getting the coalition docs on board with Milena it and also in educating us about SMP, but mostly SMP is not of the kind that fades in less than 2 years.
  9. Seriously (and I can't see the pics popping up - so go to Dr. Path's post showing three pre-op pics) and ask yourself, -Why would a guy in his shoes want strip surgery? (young, semi-aggressive loss, great head shape, already has buzz) -How did he reach the conclusion that strip would be a good idea after presumably studying these boards? (Cost of FUE in India /Turkey at least as cheap as these strip guys) Travesty IMO, and his scar isn't that bad, but as I've always said, a perfect smiley scar is a perfect smiley scar.
  10. Its 2014. Cross off any doc that persists with strip unless you already have a bad strip scar , you are over 80. Dr. Path. .meh... No need for a strip scar anymore.
  11. -I had a small cyst removed at a skin clinic. There was a Q-Switch laser sitting there and a real doctor who specializes in using it. -I asked her to give me a few zaps, on my SMP (just a couple of snaps, set to different wavelengths (whatever they are set too). -She seemed reluctant. -I told her about my SMP She said she hadn't noticed I even had SMP. (hair length about 1cm at the time) Don't know if she was telling the truth -She warned me that if I do the laser, I might permanently lose the hair. I said, do a small sample only, I'll live with it. -She said OK and we shaved around the area, gave it two snaps and the result three to four weeks later is two empty white holes and NO hair in them!!I'm not bothered at all, but... -I wanna put it out there that laser could destroy or damage hair. Never mind about the depth of the follicle. So be careful to check thoroughly about going to permanent black ink places if hair is something you wanna keep should you need laser.
  12. I'm sure Dr. Diep's membership fees are duly appreciated by this site's owners, and that they trickle down into the site being better for all of us, but speaking as a victim of another hack that was a former member of the coalition, I also wrote my piece on a thread, when I saw Dr. Diep and his ultra-refined twin bladed 3-second plough job across the back of some unfortunate's scalp on youtube. Of course I didn't expect it to stop the process of recommendation because...well, the show must go on. And I'm glad it does. Like most docs, I'm sure he's capable of doing great work if he really wants to. Anyway, I don't think you look great, there is a contrast where there should t be a contrast. but you have lots of options and you are far from being in a bad place. Go for the check up, learn as much as you can, and start planning your next FUE with a better surgeon.
  13. You must be exceptionally careful in the first stage. There is no s at to stretch because the hard white scar tissue is still forming in the seam, but the holes for the sutures or staples can be opened wider and you can get scarring, the classic train-track scarring that characterizes classic strip scars.
  14. Suarez, Juicing fruit?? You mean eating fruit? Or just juice? Fruit makes me fat, or at least fatter, so does beer, but that is too integral for health to quit. So besides the juices, what else can we do to counter the horrible bloated and crinkly grandma (bless her ) face that fin cause? Should we be packin the collagen supps into our diets. Going to the beauty salon every Sunday?
  15. Hsrp, My auto-complete , predictive text, whatever its called, calls you harp? Do u like to harp on about things? Nope, I didn't quit propecia. Far from it. I refused to take it. From about '94 - '04, I think. I distrusted Menck, the chemical giants, I distrusted my HT doc ( Whilst I trusted him to do my HT, I distrusted him to flog off pills to make a few extra bucks, I have learnt to trust conditionally, even the saints up in heaven) So what a smart move. I went from NW 3 to NW 5. In about 03 I got more concerned about loss, and less concerned about sides, got some DUT, got sides and quit . Finally, in about 06-07 I got fin. A few minor sides, less sperm, less aggression, perhaps more pussy-like thinking, wrinkly face..all wonderful things but all necessary to keep from losing more hair. Lest I walk around telling everybody proudly about the fact I have an ear to ear smiley scar. It's not that bad. I can look decent with the right mind set, but no way will I allow these guys to flog strip surgery on to unsuspecting balding guys who will need their propecia and all its baggage, for a life time, or at least until their old enough to need it for their prostate.
  16. I had no scar issues what so ever for 10 years. I had an issue with taking Propecia. I lost more hair. Then I had a scar issue. For many, their scar will only be as good as their tolerance of propecia.
  17. The dispersal of the ink particles occurs over time as the cells which contain them either divide, or die and exit the body Dr Ian Eames, a Reader in Fluid Mechanics at UCL, All tattoos lose definition. I like your direct approach and input to the discussion. It's rare to see people come in and say it. Just the usual back-slapping. So I really welcome your input. About time. I disagree about what you are saying and wonder how you plugged those US clinics .. You must know about Milena's technique and you must apply your brains to looking at that, please. it has been all over this site for two years. Search beauty medical , it has been promoted by two of the most powerful hair transplant sales representatives on this board. It is a temporary procedure, dotting the epidermis only, and with color , no black, so they don't get the blue look.
  18. Saurez, I just googled Propecia and wrinkles. Loads and loads of stories about sunken cheeks and wrinkles!! Could they be true? A post by Dr. Umar on one that says, 'I am not aware of Propecia causing wrinkles' was he paid?? I have aged dramatically in the past 4 years on Propecia. Probably just worrying for nothing more than the fact that I am getting old and ugly. But could propecia really cause wrinkles? But you seem to have this down to a finer degree than anyone I've read.. YOu know that Vitamin D and Vitamin E grow areas on different areas of your head? Holy Sh%T!! You know that!! Sunken eyes and wrinkles...Propecia, what a depressing conclusion on a winter Sunday night.
  19. chicken, it IS weakness!!!! tax fraud, adultery involves choice.. being fat, having erectile dysfunction is reversible. admitting that u r troubled by something irreversible , something that ivolves no choice, something terribly unlucky, leaves others with,no option but concude you want to be comforted by them, hence you are weak..or at least weaker. If you can own it by being leadrr of the group, but that means the others are tacitly implying that too have some weakness and need your support
  20. I have two ways of thinking about it, and the hard love one I tell myself goes like this, Talking about the truth when the truth is already obvious is interpreted as 'Making a Statement' Do you tell your friends how many times you jack off? Would you like your friends to tell you? Life is competitive. Every little social circle has a status-quo. If you bring it up, you are challenging everybody who is in it. There is compassion and genuineness, but often , the moment those words come out of your mouth, you are weakening yourself, creating a vacuum of power and they will have no choice but to fill it in by inching themselves forward in the pack at your expense. Hence, If a guy, lets call him 'A', is losing his hair you can bet the others have speculated that it hurts him. Maybe there is some ambiguity about it but A removes all doubt when he draws attention to it, and it as if there never was any doubt, it was obvious all along, when he says.... A - Guys, I'm losing my hair, it makes me depressed. B - Hey A, (looking with a smile at C,D,E and F - but making sure A can see the whole little pantomime and who is now a target of opportunity) just chill. Don't let it bother you. I don't worry about s**t like that. A - eh....ehm, .no, I'm not bothered, no..no, just saying... B- hey, C,D E,,do you think A should worry. C,D,E - na......we don't care. We jjust callya baldie,, just shave it all off... That said, it does change. And eventually, all the guys talk about it...and the guy who doesn't become the odd one out I won't bore you with another dialog. it just becomes the opposite. but it is the same dynamic. Saying the obvious is a statement. The target is already identified, but saying it Creates a power vacuum and the target walks away from it even more depressed. That is the way I see it, sad to say. At least that is how I think I should see it. Perhaps it is BS, perhaps people don't behave like animals in a desperate programmed manner like this. That would be nice.
  21. ..but that is the same as saying, "I'd love a woman who is caring, compassionate, doesn't rant or become hysterical etc., " But!!!!! I won't look at women who are not attractive at the get-go... How do I know if they are good or bad?? My instincts dictate the rules and I WILL look at the attractive girl first, every time, unless I want to a tact her attention by talking to the less attractive one. I have no choice because it is instinct. So we are talking about involuntary reactions that determine massive things. Kinda like chaos theory. A little butterfly flaps its wings, and a tornado starts somewhere else in some other time. But I do thoroughly agree about the age thing too. The money thing also triggers a response, and if the woman gets older, she knows she can't pick and choose, and the guy who knows he can't compensates with status, wealth, and we have potential for a courtship.
  22. Ken, I wouldn't recommend darkening the crown, and I think you are over reacting (without seeing your pics, of course) 1) If you have a hairline, you can grow out your hair with light SMP no problems at all. Don't worry about the dots not blending with hair. Once you grow through the 'ugly-duckling' * stage you will be fine. The SMP will help you. Making it darker may create further problems. * For me, this starts at about 10 days post shave and lasts until about days 50-60. Then there is a 'wow' effect as the illusion of hair and SMP kick in together. If I leave my hair at a 2 week length it is not good. but that is my situation. I am obsessive too. Too much time was spent checking mirrors and overthinking. I'm kinda cured (fingers crossed9 for now. Good luck.
  23. I disagree. I think is essential to recognize the truth it IS a deal breaker, but there ARE exceptions. Girls know you are vulnerable too. It is a mark for disqualifying you. Same as short. Being short is a disqualifier. That is why it is devastating to know you are going bald. You know you are vulnerable in a competitive world. You wear a cool hat, girls look and when you take it off, they glance and in a nano second they say to themselves, Phew! or Oh s**t! You can distort the reality of it by being "awesome"...high status, funny, something, something special, different, unique so you are taken out of the line and stand apart. It is a false story, but bluff might be the way to get you moving towards a new reality to get the status..and so on.. I don't doubt SUGAR HIGH (Great name btw)'s story above, where he recounts his success prior to HT and its aftermath, but I have this to say, 1) he was being awesome to himself before the HT = positive high 2) he was optimistic prior to the HT = positive high 3) the post-op was underwhelming and sobering = downer, reality bites BUT the real story is in my opinion. according to my experience you can get yourself into an awesome charged up state and it can run for up to 6 months, but it wont last, and you will feel yourself struggling sooner or later, to buy the latest fashions, etc., somewhere along the line you will trip. At least that's what I have found. I could be with girls I never dreamed of for a while in these patches, but I can't sustain it. I like to read 'feel-good' stories about just being yourself etc., and I think there is a danger guys get stuck at the halfway mark - half trying to be themselves, half trying to bluff. This is where I end up after a positive high run. That creates a vulnerability too. I think the shaved head, although it looks absolutely awful on a lotta guys, specially white and asian guys, has one Ace card in its pack...that says 'I'm not a half-and-half guy' which funnily enough, he probably is, 'cause his hair has receded halfway over his scalp!
  24. I think it is imperative that people realize it is a dynamic process. My strip surgeon removed both testicles at my last procedure due to shock loss. But ejaculation does effect hormone regulation, that is no joke. Your body responds to, well, your body, so much so, it can kill you, slowly, just through ill health. As we get older we are supposed to ejaculate less frequently. Just copy this into your friendly search engine, Ejaculation Frequency | dr.Richards.MD The optimal ejaculation frequency is dependable on age, exercise and sexual potential. There is a natural ejaculation frequency that balances the testosterone levels in the body. Too much testosterone and enzyme 5-alpha reductase will produce too much dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in the pelvic area. The result is called Pelvic Congestion and produces pains and cramps in the pelvic area and low body. It also increases the chance of heart attack for the senior men. Too much testosterone in the body will activate the Negative Feedback Loop of the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular function to slow down the endocrine function. Over-Masturbation or Over-Ejaculation will fully discharge the bioelectric energy in the Central Nervous System (CNS), which controls the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular functioning. When the CNS bioelectric level is too low, the endocrine function will slow down. To live longer and healthier, one has to know how to twist your endocrine function and regulate the ejaculation frequency. The suggested ejaculation frequency (masturbation) is: 5-6 times per week for teenagers of age 16-19. 3-4 times per week for young men of age 20-25. 2-3 times per week for young men of age 25-30. 1-2 times per week for men of age 30-45, no more than 1 time per week for men after 45. The intercourse often produces a powerful orgasm that stimulates the pituitary function. The suggested ejaculation frequency is: 6-7 times per week for teenagers of age 16-19. 5-6 times per week for young men of age 20-25. 4-5 times per week for young men of age 25-30. 3-4 times per week for men of age 30-45, 1-3 times per week for men of age 45-60, no more than once after age of 60. The natural ejaculation frequency is a rhythmic cycle of the endocrine function. You can adjust it, though, with dietary intake and exercise. Tonic foods and herbs full of plant and animal hormones or hormone release agents can increase the hormone levels, enabling the possibility of a safely increased ejaculation frequency.
  25. Traps, Did you read e proceeding thread? It deals with it. Answer is no.
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