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Posts posted by duchaine

  1. 29 minutes ago, transplantedphil said:

    This might not be the answer you were expecting ... but I would try and use that fear to motivate your research.

    Don't just look at the before and after results of docs, but look specifically at their immediate post-op work; see how respectful they are towards the donor and recipient areas, how clean their work is, and read about how their patients found the recovery process.

    You'll never change the fact this is surgery and there are risks, but you can gain a sense of control by picking the right doctor and knowing exactly what to expect from them.

    EDIT: and yes @duchaine the valium helps lol

    Never took any mental drug in my life. Anyway I was scared to get an anafilattic shock/panic attach during my surgery. So I brought some CORTISONE AND XANAX with me. I didn't take it but I felt relaxed just to know that I had it with me.

  2. 59 minutes ago, Dr. Glenn Charles said:

    With FUE there should be no worries about working after 10-14 days. Of course be careful not to physically bump your head into something, but careful workouts should not effect the results of your procedure.

    Doc, some of your colleagues say that we should avoid training for 1 month because we need the blood goes to the scalp and not to muscles..but it doesn't make any sense to me.
    anyway, hair scalp should not involved in venous/artetious blood flow. Microcirculation works into a complexity different pathway so, brining blood to muscle should not reduce blood supply to hair follicles.
    What is your opinion?

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  3. 45 minutes ago, 1978matt said:

    The last FUE I had I was back doing weights after 14 days.  I just went in about 30% lighter than normal for first week.

    FUT I would double it and then be really careful with activities that flexed the neck a lot.

    so, 3 weeks are more than enough ...thanks!
    (first deloading in 3 years...I think I can stay 3 weeks without lift!)

  4. 53 minutes ago, Yake said:

    I dont think there will be any treatment that will come out.  Hairs are connected to hormones n if you mess with it ,you'll experience side effects. The only solution here is there could be a treatment to multiply donor hair n transplant it 

    Oh my god:
    I'm not asking you if you think that hair can regrow (anyway, with the proper treatment, dormant hair can regrow). I'm asking if SCAR TISSUE can be a limiting factor for native hair to regrow.

  5. 28 minutes ago, 1978matt said:

    I think it should be good.  The number of hairs was over 7100 (see graft breakdown above) which is about what I had in my first HT over a similar surface area.

    I think is very good. Wonder how lapaszula covered a such big area with that small amputa of FUs.
    In my case, I had a 3.25 rate/Uf, the area to cover was much smaller and used 2066 grafts

  6. Just now, 1978matt said:

    I think once hair has miniaturised for a long time I can't see it ever coming back, even with a new treatment.  The new treatment would probably only save existing hairs.

    I'm making another question:
    Imagine you have dormant follicles. You have an hair transplant...after HT, can dormant follicles (supposing they haven't been damaged during op) grow among transplanted hair?

  7. 43 minutes ago, Shifty said:

    I own one, an irestore I believe. Had it for a couple years. I haven't even been using it. I put it on last night.....my guess is that its quackery but I've tried everything else might as well start doing this again.

    It doesn't require any sacrifice. the only problem is very expensive :(

  8. 15 hours ago, Dr. Suhail Khokhar said:

    You get what you pay for. The better question is are you happy with your results? It's really a long term investment. I'll give an example. A high quality suit will usually run you a lot of money. However, when you consider the opportunity cost, it's a good investment. I think of it as a cost per wear. I'll get much more mileage out of a high quality suit than a mediocre quality suit. In the long run, I'll end up saving money and have peace of mind. 

    Skimping on something as important as this can come back and haunt you because of not being happy with results and having to get more surgeries to repair the prior cheaper surgery. Hopefully it works out for you though. 

    I agree with you but your example is completely inappropriate!
    I live in Italy, wear only classic suit and I can tell you that the more expensive a suit is, the less time you can wear it because top quality wool is not very resistant! :)

    • Haha 1
  9. 18 hours ago, LaserCap said:

      If you've already had a transplant, I would do it as soon as the doctor gives you the OK.  Two reasons for this.  It can help bring in the grafts sooner and it can help reverse miniaturization.  The sooner you do it, the sooner you can take advantage of the benefit.

    Can the needle damage the transplanted UF or cause inflammatory processes into the donor area?

  10. 30 minutes ago, BOW32 said:

    Hi Mate, I’m not too sure what you mean by this question, sorry? 

    If you mean my existing native hair . . Then no I can’t notice a difference in quality between before and after the procedure? 

    The transplanted hair however, has matured month by month, and is also darker, so because of this, and it’s stronger characteristics, it has created an overall more healthy, youthful, and fuller appearance to my hair in general . . Perhaps creating an illusion of overall higher quality calibre of hair? 

    Hope that helps! 

    in your before pics, your hair looked straight while in the last pics they look wavy. 

  11. 14 hours ago, Abi28 said:

    Unfortunate how this turned out, 2700 should have given better results, overall your hair situation is not bad but I still can't understand the reason behind the empty pattern. You should demand an explanation from the clinic, was it a mistake? did they run out of grafts? That should not have happened especially at an experienced clinic like Rahal's. The good thing is that the clinic stands by their work and offered you a free touch, anyways good luck and hope you get this fixed.

    IMHO, 2700 are too little for that area.
    He needed 3000-3000 grafts. if the doc decided to use 2700, he should have designed an higher hairline.

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