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Posts posted by duchaine

  1. 30 minutes ago, Rolandas said:

    I know what you mean! Trust me, at one point I was about to send deposit to one of the Turkish doctors in August, but then decided to hold off. I'm glad I did!

    Don't worry and trust your decision though! After all, you did some research and not went blindly like a lot of people! Happy growing!

    If I'm not wrong, you were choosing between Pekiner and Demisory, right?

  2. Considering the name, I think it is a low cost for Italian people.
    In Italy, where I do live, Italian create companies in Turkey with unknown doctors.
    The Italian people work here selling the product to local customers. They plan everything: flight, hotel, HT for a very cheap price (consider that when I went to turkey I spent for traveling more than other people pay for the full package!!)

  3. 4 hours ago, Gasthoerer said:

    If there was one, than that my libido went up. It increases T in the end. Well, maybe the high libido is sometimes a negative effect in itself 😉


    I thought I was the only to have increased libido using fina.
    A very prepared local doc told me that paradoxically  it can be a "side effect" of fina...
    Do you know what?
    During the last 2 weeks I started to use fina+saw palmetto and...my libido is highest than ever!
    same thing for my erections!

  4. 9 hours ago, Dr. Suhail Khokhar said:

    Please do not inject these meds under your skin. That's a disaster waiting to happen. There are topical solutions available that you can find online. The question though is are these products you'll find online actually legit.

    I know there are legit pharmaceutical companies in Asia that have topical solutions of finasteride and minoxidil. Not sure about Europe though. 

    Thanks Doc.
    I'm not going to do it by myself. A certified surgeon will make the injections.
    The problem is: in Italy we do not have injectable Dutasteride or finasteride, so I need to buy in foreign country or buy  a galenico product.
    For sure, I won't buy it online or from Asia. I want products from US o EE. For sure, in Spain they have injectable dUT.
    If I can't find anything here, I'll look for a doctor in Spain. It is doable considering that the experimented protocol for DUTA is 1 time every 3 months and the fly ticket is very cheap (and Spain is very cool to visit!)

  5. I'm looking for data or fina for mesotherapy. I live in Italy and I can't find a liquid form to inject under the skin.
    Do you know the brand names, if they do exist?
    Or: do you have a "recipe" so I can ask to my pharmacist to realize it?
    OR:if I want apply fina/duta post micronedeeling, how can I do?

  6. 10 hours ago, Melvin-Moderator said:

     I mean in the US we have an entire medical field for anesthesia, as it's a specialized form of medicine.

    During my first experience in Turkey, I felt uncomfortable right after the anesthesia. The room was a freezer and my legs started to shake.
    I was worried and thought: are my legs shaking because it is cold? Am I getting a panic attack? Or Am I allergic to this specific anesthetic?
    I said the doc that I felt seek and asked for an antihistaminic and something to calm down.
    The nurse went into another room, came back and said they didn't have anything.
    I said "what does it happen if I get an anaphylactic shock?"
    You know what happened later...

  7. 17 hours ago, Dr. Glenn Charles said:

    You might want to consider LLLT (low level laser therapy) as an additional treatment after you are stabilized on the Minoxidil.


    some docs say that it is not worth spending a lot of money for LLLT helmets because the cheaper ones make exactly the same thing of more expensive tools.
    Other docs suggest to buy something that costs 1000 dollars of more.
    What is your opinion?

  8. 2 hours ago, Melvin-Moderator said:

    The short answer is no. If you undergo FUE, the hairs that are available for extraction are in the anagen phase. Hairs that are in the telogen phase are not available for extraction because they are dormant. This is why the appearance of the donor improves over time. As some of the hairs that were dormant begin to grow, the donor area improves and appears more robust. This is also why multiple FUE's are possible. 

    Thanks for your reply!

    anyway, sometimes when a fu has 2/3/4 hairs, it happens that only one is in telogen phase.

    the surgeon can see that one hair is in telogen phase only after extraction.

    what does it happen when this fu is transplanted?

    i think the hair will fall and regrow faster, but I would like to know tour opinion.

  9. According to all the the textbooks I read, telogen hair cause 2 issue:
    a) they are more fragile and thus susceptible to transection
    b)  the telegen hair is not visibile so the UF can be improperly considered a singolar hair UF.

    That said, it the surgeon is able to handle these problems, can the telogen hairs be transplanted?

  10. 6 hours ago, Sybutwhy? said:

    Just had a read through - thanks for this! I’m on biotin supplements already so definitely worth adding to. Also the clinic gave me a laser comb, did you ever try that? Obviously difficult to know what works with multiple remedies but v happy to try the machine gun approach.

    I was going to buy one laser cap to increase recovery.
    From what I read, the best should be Irestore and capillus.
    Capillus is a little pricey. The best Irestore is as much expensive as the worst capillus.

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