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Posts posted by duchaine

  1. 11 hours ago, giegnosiganoe said:

    1) When transplanting into an area with some existing hairs (be it 10%, or 50% remaining), how does the doctor decide whether to transplant between existing hairs, or ignore and simply dense pack on top of the existing hairs?

    2) For example if a patient has 10% hairs remaining in an area, I'm guessing the surgeon densely packs directly over them as they would be quite miniaturized and weak?

    3) For the transplanted hairs that happen to intersect with these existing hair follicles, is their success rate any different? Basically, can the yield be any worse than transplanting to a completely bald scalp?

    4) As another example, if a patient has 50% hairs remaining in an area through diffuse thinning but is stabilized on preventative medication, then I'm guessing the surgeon would transplant between hairs?

    5) What is the chance of damaging these existing hairs, or new grafts, and what exactly could cause it?

    6) What would be the expected yield (taking into account damage to existing hairs) compared to transplanting to a completely bald scalp?

    1) there is a huge difference between 10 % and 50%. Anyway, the golden rule is to transplant among existing hairs.

    2) no. Maybe the will fall because a permanent shock loss but he won't transplant over them considering he has enough space in between

    3) at he best of my knowledge, no

    4) still answered

    5) the higher the density, the higher the chance to damage native hair

    6) I think the same


  2. On 2/1/2020 at 4:10 PM, ahglet said:

    Hi all,

    I recently started using dermapen 1.5mm 3 weeks ago, for once a week. i try to go over key areas by circling around it quickly for around 10 times. in total i spend around 5 to 10 mins doing it per session. I usually cant see any blood drawn (very minimal).

    However, everytime after using the derma pen, my scalp starts itching like crazy, so bad that I can't sleep. I tried applying aloe vera gel and antiseptic cream, and it feels a bit better. 

    I was wondering if this is a normal thing to be expected, and whether anyone has any advice for it?

    thank you!

    I had this problem at the beginning.
    If you DR gentle, it doesn't happen.

  3. 9 hours ago, giegnosiganoe said:


    I1) s it possible to transplant between existing hairs?
    2) What's the chance of the existing hair being damaged?
    3) Is it possible that the donor hair could get damaged due to being placed near existing hairs?
    4) Is the HT success rate any better/worse?


    1) yes
    2) yes
    3) maybe I don't understand your question. donor is typically far way from the recipient area.
    4) it depends on surgeons's skills.

  4. 1 minute ago, Guano said:

    Good question, I've thought about this myself quite a bit.. it was the only reason which was holding me back from having a HT, thinking to myself.. if there is a possible cure in the future would this ruin my natives..


    But i think given the density per square cm there is room for natives to grow, its just not visible to the naked eye..

    I had a tricoscopy (hope the spelling is correct) and I saw there is room for native hairs to grow.


  5. On 1/30/2020 at 6:38 AM, BigShort said:

    Hello I did my FUE HT 2 months back from Turkety, Now I have been seeing a lot of hair fall and stick to my fingers after minoxidil topical solution application (I apply 5% once a day night application). Before Transplant I had Diffused hair loss and Norwood 6. 

    The kind of hair which fall I see are two different types. 

    1) Normal hair (Looks like to be my native hair)

    2) Thick hair at bottom (Can be transplanted hair) 

    On an average at least 50-60 hair I see on my finger tips after minoxidil application, I also see hair loss after hair wash. 

    I am kinda confused, what should I do? 

    Should I stop applying the topical solution? Not sure but I can be allergic to it? What are your thoughts? 

    If I want to consume Oral minoxidil 5mg tablets, then from which type of doctor, should I get the prescription from?

    (CVS said Minoxidil requires prescription from a doctor in USA) 


    shedding is normal during the first months of minoxidil treatment.
    MN increases anlagen phase but, to work its trick, it will increase telogen (shedding) at the beginning.

  6. 1 hour ago, Gasthoerer said:

    I thought you might need some support  (which obviously was badly phrased) as you also contacted me via pm before for the very same reasons. 


    you clearly have a serious problem to say the truth. 
    we started to talk on someone else thread and I didn't want occupy his space with my questions, so I contacted you to ask about crusts removal.
    What does it matter in the context of the actual topic?

    Now, If I need to be serious, I can tell you that I've a solid background in psychology. This is why I do not feel offended if someone suggest me to have a support.
    The problem is when the recommendation comes from an unknown person that deforms all that I said to support his statements.
    your intent was obviously deprecative and the way you acted later shows that you do not pay real interest to help other people. 
    you are spending your Sunday looking for my statements and cutting them piece by piece to change their significance.
    This attitude clearly shows there is something wrong with your life. Hope this conversation can help you.
    If you have something else to tell me, I suggest you to use a PM because this is a public thread and it is not fair to use it for our personal skirmish.

  7. 1 hour ago, Gasthoerer said:

    Ok, maybe we both take a deep breath and focus on the important things. In a forum sometimes the things come across different as they are intended. Especially if non native speakers (like me) are involved. I apologize as obviously this has happened here. 

    However, let us look on some of your latest posts:

    - Did I choose the most useless hairline ever?

    What does it mean?c) the doc cheated on me

    - So jealous you got your procedure with BF! So sad for my personal choice to go to Turkey. I knew of BF after I paid

    It appears to me that you are very anxious about your surgery and the choices you made. And the worst time has not even started (believe me, the waiting is even worse). It is perfectly normal to be nervous, but my impression is that you are getting over the top.

    All I am trying to say was: 

    - You did your homework and chose a good clinic. 

    - It looks all good so far (hairline is great and status is perfectly normal)

    - You need now a little faith (in the clinic and your decision) and patience (a lot of patience)

    - Sometimes it helps to stay away from the forums or speak to someone to calm the anxiety. There is IMO nothing bad into this. 

    I am sure you will have a good results and I wish you all the best for it. Good luck. 


    Never seen a such narcissistic attitude  in my life.
    You are talking about my "anxiety" and the "remedies" I should adopt to fix it while you do not know me and know nothing about my personal life.

    Long story short, you quoted 3 statements of mine, decontextualized them and tried to support your false statements.
    Again: where did I say my HT is a "disaster"?
    I think it is useless giving you a reply but, for the clarity of readers, I'll do.

    1) The first statement was the originally title of this post. Clearly, it is out of contest because you were blaming me to write another 1000 post where I say that my HT is a disaster.
    Anyway, I'm not saying that my surgery is a disaster but was questioning if a very conservative hairline is useful or not.

    2) "they cheated on me" was in a specific contest. We were talking about density and I was prospecting all the possibilities. So, if you were a fair person, you should post my entire statement and not a single piece just to justify your false assertion.  

    3) the third statements is related to the fact that I got an aborted HT.

    That are meaningless arguments to support your statements. Sometimes, it is better to be humble and saying "I was wrong", instead giving "psychological advices" to other people.
    If you spent your time looking all the post where I said something about my HT, cutter my sentences and tried to change the real significance  of what I said, there is something wrong in your life.

    No hard feelings, hope not to waste again my time  debating with you.

  8. 1 hour ago, rafter_01 said:

    Hi All, 

    I am a week away from my hair transplant in Turkey but kind of getting nervous now it being this close. I've been okay up till now but the thought of the full day transplant/needles is definitely making me tensed. 

    What were your experiences a week before your transplant? 

    Any advice before my transplant? 


    First of all, don't worry. The surgery is completely pain free. Some people feel discomfortable when they get local anesthesia. Anyway, from my personal experience, I can swear that even local injections are pain free.
    To cal you down, some clinic give you a mild intravenous anesthetic so you will sleep all the time.
    Ask your clinic if they do. I do not think is needed but the operation is quite boring so it can help.
    If they do not give any kind of systemic anesthetic, talk with your doctor and ask if you can bring something with you (valium, rivotril or something like that).

  9. 3 hours ago, Gasthoerer said:


    As this is you 1001 post about your surgery being a disaster before the first month has passed, it is clear that you have some kind of buyers remorse. The waiting is hard for everyone, but you have to calm down. I say this with the biggest respect as a fellow patient: Maybe take a break from looking into the mirror or posting here or even get some professional support.


    Where did I say that my surgery is a "disaster"?
    Never said one time because I think that technically they did a great work so: stop putting words into my mouth.
    This is my first thread where I show my image and talk about my overall situation. 
    Instead it is not your first post where you say people to get professional support.
    If you spend your time here doing blaming the psychological health of unknown people, ask your self if you do not have a  projective attitude (rethoric question: you do) and look yourself for "professional support" .


  10. 6 hours ago, Gasthoerer said:

    With great donor, people refer to hair characteristics: Two effects come to play - Hair diameter and HGI (Hair to Graft Index) with the third being waviness. 

    Examples: Double the hair diameter gives approx. the coverage of 4 times the # of grafts. I have seen HGI vary between 1.8 and 2.8 which also gives a great difference in coverage.

    GHI is a double edge sword for hairline. Mine was ultra high and the doc had a lot of troubles to find singles.

  11. On 2/1/2020 at 4:11 PM, follically challenged said:

    Obviously those hairs hairs closer to the receding part are likely to fall as well, so i guess he has replaced those with more DHT resistant grafts to help the transplant seem natural for a longer period of time

    they were really healthy, thanks to all the treatment I did ...
    anyway, I hope they increased density not replacing my hairs...


  12. On 1/31/2020 at 10:27 PM, gillenator said:

    I think 50 grafts per cm2 is an accurate number for individuals with average hair characteristics.

    If however the hair has a thinner degree of caliber, the surgeon will probably discuss going a little more higher....if the hair is more coarse, he may suggest going lower.

    Other considerations such as wave characteristics, color contrast, etc. all have a bearing on the visual end result. 

    In my case, they "rebuilt the hairline"
    They calculated 41cmx50 (2050 FU)
    Anyway, as you can see, I had hairs on about 50% of the recipient area.
    What does it mean?
    a) the doc put more FU where I'm bald so, my hairline, is more than 50/cm2
    b) the doc put 50FU everywhere
    c) the doc cheated on me



  13. 2 hours ago, Gasthoerer said:

    Maybe you should not stress yourself that much and wait until you see the result for your surgery. 

    You did good research and chose a great clinic. Just because Ferreira is the "flavour of the week", it does not make him better than other great clinics nor does it guarantee great results going with him. Unfortunately, no clinic can guarantee you a great result. 

    I was in love with Bf before going to Turkey. The thing I like is the great passion he puts into hairline design. Considering  that I just have hairline problem (my head is full of hair), you can understand how sensitive I am for this topic.
    If I had the opportunity to get my money back, I would have switch P. for BF.
    That said, you are right...stop stress!

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