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Everything posted by TC17

  1. The work looks great. I wish you all the best. I'm struck by how thin your donor area looks towards the temples and right above the ears when your hair is shorter. By chance, did you cut that hair to a shorter length? I notice a lot of men your age and older with a thinner donor area, and I'm curious as to whether that is occurring with you.
  2. There are plenty of good doctors on the west coast. You don't have to travel if you don't want to. My personal favorites happen to be Dr. Reed and Dr. Carman in La Jolla.
  3. Dr. Feriduni has posted some amazing scar pics using the tricho closure. From what I've seen on this forum, I would say that his scars are by far the best in Europe.
  4. As PanamaJimmy said, your age is certainly a factor in determining whether you're a suitable candidate. That being said, you do have thinning in what looks like a NW 5 pattern. I think a lot of people on here would say you're thinning to a 6, but I think your sides are too high for that. However, your crown does appear to be thinning into a rather large area, so it's best you see a doctor in person.
  5. It's only been 6 months, so you may still have some growth, but I think your hair looks exactly the same.
  6. Spex, Why does Dr. Feller believe reywd30 isn't a good candidate? I'm not questioning Dr. Feller's judgment, and in fact I think it's great that he's so honest, but what did he see that precludes reywd30 from being a candidate? I'm very curious about this.
  7. My facial hair has remained the same since starting Propecia, but my chest hair has thinned noticeably where it used to be thick, and has stopped growing completely where it used to be thin.
  8. PanamaJimmy made a great point regarding price. You should never make a decision based solely on price, but there is nothing wrong in choosing a doctor that is cheaper if you are comfortable with his/her results. Once you narrow down your list to 5 or so, it's perfectly fine to consider factors such as price, location, whether you have to shave down, and any other factors that you feel are important.
  9. One final thing to consider. If you go the strip route first, you're committing yourself to a lifetime of a strip scar. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but for many people it is. If you go FUE first, and the FUE is performed properly, you're committing yourself to a lifetime of very small, oftentimes unnoticeable FUE scars. You can always do strip down the road if you need more grafts, but you can't get rid of that strip scar. If you don't need a lot of grafts right now, I see no reason other than cost to go strip at this point.
  10. My post assumes that no surrounding grafts have been damaged from the first FUE session and that the survival rate of grafts taken is relatively high. Right now, on average, strip is easier, more predictable, and capable of producing better results than FUE. That being said, FUE technology is continuing to evolve and is starting to rival strip in growth rate. Assuming you're young and minimally balding, I think starting off with FUE is a wise decision in spite of the fact that you might ultimately get less total grafts because you give yourself far greater flexibility for the future.
  11. Yes, the strip would yield less grafts, but the ultimate number of grafts would remain the same regardless if you go with strip or FUE first. If the strip had 100 grafts per sq cm, and you take 20 out via FUE, the strip would only yield 80 grafts per sq cm. But, when you combine the 20 from FUE with the 80 from strip, you'd get the same number of grafts.
  12. In light of there not being any post op photos, do you have any idea as to this man's density in the hairline, midscalp, and crown? Also, could a very similar result being achieved on a NW 7 if 6,000 grafts were used?
  13. This is a fantastic result. I'm surprised that there aren't more comments. Are there any immediate post op pics so that we can see graft placement?
  14. Dr. Feriduni and Dr. Devroye both have excellent reputations on this site for producing great results. If you believe that they are on par with the best doctors in the United States, and for what it's worth I believe they are, by all means save yourself some money and go with them. It ultimately comes down to who you feel most comfortable with. There is absolutely nothing wrong with factoring in cost and location when making this decision. The problem is when you elevate those two factors ahead of quality. I'm not sure whether Dr. Feriduni and Dr. Devroye require shaving, but Dr. Feller and H&W do. Dr. Konior doesn't require shaving and his work is immaculate. SMG doesn't require shaving, and they're world class. Dr. Cooley doesn't require shaving, and he is also terrific. I'm not sure whether Dr. True and Dr. Dorin require shaving, nor am I sure about Dr. Reed and Dr. Carman.
  15. ted.j, With all due respect, you're wrong. These extractions were taken from the universal safe zone.
  16. This is an absolutely ridiculously good result. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful work.
  17. http://online.wsj.com/article_...wMDMwMDEzNDAyWj.html - This is an article on PRP from the WSJ.
  18. It shouldn't surprise anyone that Dr. Bauman has some satisfied patient. If Bill believes that Joe S is legitimate and he's happy with his results from Dr. Bauman, great for him. To get this back on track to the original topic though, in spite of the recent positive posts about Dr. Bauman, I still would not go see him. His prices for FUE are exorbitant, and cannot be justified. If he were performing FUE surgery at a level of 10, while the nearest competitor was at a 5, then his absurdly high prices would be more reasonable. However, the evidence presented on this forum about Dr. Bauman and the NeoGraft do not support the conclusion that he, or the NeoGraft, are superior to other physicians and techniques. Rather, there is substantial evidence that Dr. Bauman is not on the level of other physicians, and there is simply not enough evidence about NeoGraft just yet to form an opinion either way. What we do know, is that there are a number of physicians recommended on this site that not only charge significantly less than Dr. Bauman, but have a proven track record of genuine, satisfied patients. I doubt that even the most ardent supporter of Dr. Bauman would say that he is superior to that of a number of physicians on this site. I'm sure that some would say equal to, but nobody in good conscience could say better than. So, assuming best case scenario that Dr. Bauman is equal to other physicians, is paying 3 or 4 times as much for what is at best equal service, worth it?
  19. My dad's right side is like a NW 6, his left side is a bit lower than a NW 6, but certainly higher than a NW 7. His bald crown is higher than what you see in NW 7's also. I've measured his scalp using the method Dr. Paul Shapiro recommended, and my dad has about 220cm of bald area to cover. That's a little bit more than the average NW 6, but his head is huge, so it's all relative I suppose.
  20. To get back to what MTD wanted, in my opinion, George Clooney's hair is great now, and would look great on an 85 year old.
  21. Shaving does not cause MPB. Your thinning hair could be caused by any of factors, but it is not from shaving. 17 seems rather young to begin balding, but it is not unheard of. You should visit a doctor to ensure that you have no health issues that are causing your hair to thin.
  22. How on earth did you do 3,029 FUE grafts in one day, Dr. Feriduni? I'm not saying your number is inflated, because it really looks like 3,000 grafts were both placed and grew, but that has got to be some sort of record. How long was the session? Why were you able to extract so many from this particular patient?
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