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Everything posted by Abi28

  1. I would contact HLC clinic and someone like Demirsoy, in Turkey and see what they say, you do have a large area to cover so you might need more than 1 procedure to cover up the balding areas, do you wana deal with the FUT scar? also 100 grafts/cm^2 is insanely high I don't know usually they go for 35-50 cm and some cases with dense packing up to 80 I think, I am not an expert on this but contact with multiple clinics there is no harm in doing so.
  2. Most countries are doing the same things, yes there is no way I would consider traveling right now, unless the virus goes away next month like some doctors said, if the virus goes away in the heat then good otherwise this will get worse unfortunately, hopefully the virus goes away when it gets hot outside or they find a vaccine or something that cures it..
  3. I am not sure why everyone is stelling not to go for a hair transplant when you are almost completely bald, what's the wait for? if it's really bothering you go for it, but be careful who you go to your donor grafts are valuable and you don't want to go to any place. I would consult with Hasson & Wong and Rahal but I would lean towards H&W, prices are very high in Canada if you don't mind traveling there are good doctors out there in Turkey and Europe that you can go to..
  4. In Turkey HLC is the best clinic imo, they do repair procedures, they also use beard grafts, your situation can be fixed don't stress a lot about it.
  5. To all the people saying this is just a flu, NBA player Rudy Gobert was tested positive for the corona virus and the NBA now suspended the season, again this is serious and the virus is spreading like wildfire, people who still think it's overblown and hype will change their mind in the next few days
  6. I have always wondered if people show their face in their pictures when they send an online consultation, do you blur your pictures? I dont know why but I usually show my face when sending pictures, not that it's a big deal but I always wondered if it's better to blur them
  7. If you are in Canada you should consult with Hasson & Wong, they will advise you best but I would consider FUE over FUT, you can achieve great results with FUE and not have to deal with the scar on the back of your head.
  8. 1500 grafts would do wonders for sure, it's crazy that you still have 3000 graft after having 7000 grafts done, 10,000 graft is very rare, the most I have seen on the forum is maybe 1 or 2 cases between 8000-9000 grafts, you are very lucky my dude
  9. To be honest If I had 2 surgeries done and both had low yield I would be cautious with a 3rd hair transplant, especially with how much scar tissue you have now, I think a person to person consultation would be better like you were advised by Couto. A repair procedure is a lot different than working on a virgin scalp, not saying a good result can't be achieved but I would not go all in taking 1500-2000 graft in 1 procedure.
  10. A lot of countries are stopping flights now and closing down everything and things are getting worse by the minute it's very bad in Europe, middle east and countries like Iran and China.. But some people are still saying ''it's just a flu'' and saying it's just hype.. a week or two from now things could get uglier if they can't find a cure for this..
  11. He is lucky to have grafts left in his donor after having 7000 grafts taken, not many people can get 8000-9000 grafts from their donor without totally depleting it.
  12. Artas is not the way to go all the top surgeons use a manual punch, there are some different techniques but if you go to a skilled doctor you will be fine, I would consult with someone like dr Konior.
  13. It is very worrying indeed and it's a serious thing going on right now, this could get a lot worse one or two weeks from now, it's funny how some people keep saying it's just a flu and this whole thing is overblown by the media, I don't think they realize how dangerous this virus is, hopefully they find a vaccine soon otherwise it's a real problem..
  14. I would pick someone like Demirsoy over all the clinic/doctors you listed.
  15. Your situtation is not that bad, yes the result is not good at all but it's not a disaster, I have seen awful cases where people lose grafts and end up with depleted donor. Regarding the doubles grafts in your hairline they can be removed, I had this done before, and you can add more density as well between the hairs, you will be fine. I think you should move on from Asmed and not contact them anymore, they don't offer refund and I am sure you won't go back for a free procedure so it's time focus your energy on someone else, in Turkey HLC and Pekiner are great at repair procedures and there are a lot of good doctors in Europe too.
  16. LMAO, I am just saying corona virus is no the flu, anyways hopefully things get better in the next few weeks and everything is back to normal.
  17. Who is Rachel Maddow? do you even know what's happening in Italy and other countries in Europe? You don't have to see a doctor but you have to be in quarantine for 14 days because of the way this virus can spread that's why it is dangerous and that's why the virus has been declared as a global pandemic today.. ''It's a just a flu bro'' lol
  18. Sorry but you are delusional if you think this virus is just a small cold
  19. Good luck with the recovery hope everything turns out great for you!
  20. I would not consider rahal, too many inconsistent results lately
  21. I understand what you are saying, you are basically saying this could be a biological warfare? It's not far fetched to be honest and I agree with you.. I am only talking about the virus and how dangerous it is because a lot of people are saying this is like the flu but it's really not, when you have 10,000 cases and 600 deaths in 3 weeks in 1 country isn't that serious? It's a serious thing and whatever is happening in Italy and china could happen a week or two weeks from now in the US, I think the next 2 weeks will show how serious this virus actually is. I sometimes thing that there is something bigger going on but then again why does everything has to turn into a conspiracy theorie? maybe it's just a virus that came out of China like the SARS in 2004? I don't know but I do know that this is a serious issue because of the way the virus easily spreads between people.. Anyways I hope they find a vaccine so we can move on from this whole thing because it is a bit worrying..
  22. I think you are very misinformed about this virus, this has nothing to do with politics, ratings or media.. Italy had only 3 cases 3 weeks ago now they have 10,000 cases and over 600 deaths in just 3 weeks, this is not the seasonal flu, death rate in Italy is at 6% now.. I don't think Italy or China cares about the media and are creating some fake narrative for politic purposes, You live in the US but don't know what's going on outside of your country unfortunately..
  23. If you praise HLC more melvin will call you biased, be careful ;)
  24. It's very simple, go see a dermatologist they can check if it's hair loss or not and they should be able to help you.
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