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Everything posted by Phillyman1996

  1. Most men will have hairloss some sort of mpb if they live old enough. Wether that be a noorwood 3 or noorwood 7 depends on genetics some lucky ones have noorwood 1s until old age. But yes steriods will speed up your gebetics balding pattern.
  2. Isnt your brother a noorwood 2 with slight receding and no thinning?
  3. Dont little kids usally have female looking rounded off hairlines?
  4. Out of topic but what age did you grow a full beard? Some youtuber said guys who grow full beards before 18 usally go bald younger.
  5. Have you ever herd of guys or saw any guys guy started thinning out and receding in their early 20s. But then only end up with a noorwood 3 with some thinning in their 50s? Ive herd some people like that. But its not as common i guess.
  6. yea he looks way older then his age. He actually looks pretty decent when he gets his beard trimmed and shaves his head. I cannot imagine how it feels to be bald so young.
  7. Does he look like hes thinning in a noorwood 6 or noorwood 7 pattern?
  8. Yea even if a person looks really great bald. That would make him very insecure. Losing your hair so young isnt a good experienced for most guys.
  9. In your opinion do you think i look better with a shaved head or with hair. These are old pictures. I have a beard now. So its hard to compare.
  10. That is true. Alot of men say they cannot get a women and their life is over becuase they are bald. Which isnt true. Alot of factors play a role in your ability with women. Life is more then just hair. I remember a guy who took female hormones to regrow his hair. That is too far imo.
  11. Big difference man. Do you notice you gotten mire attention from women with hair?
  12. If you were happy with how you looked bald. And you looked very good bald. You also had very slow hairloss lets say a noorwood 2.5. Would you have gotten a hair transplant?
  13. Would you say you have more hair now then when you first noticed your hairloss?
  14. Your hairline doesnt look bad. But if you want you could get a small transplant.
  15. You barley have any crown thinning. I would have to really pay attention to see anything. It does not look like you have a noorwood 6 pattern.
  16. When you first noticed yours do you think 50 percent was already lost?
  17. Is it true that once people start to notice hairloss they already lost 50 percent of their hair? Or can some people catch their hairloss earlier?
  18. From what i seen. Most guys who are in their 20s. Will not have a super low hairline as what you see with litttle boys.
  19. Do you consider a mature hairline male pattern baldness. Since most men will have different hairlines at 30 compared to when they were 13.
  20. Alot of these hair transplant do look super full and good on videos. But in other angles it might look not nearly as good. Its a illusion.
  21. If you look like you have a full head of hair to almost everyone. You have nothing to worry about. Only you will worry about your hair. That is if you have unrealistic expetations.
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