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Everything posted by Westview

  1. How many cm2 approximately do you need covering?? My crown is 80 cm2 and needs about 2,500 to 3,000 grafts
  2. Found this interesting article: https://www.milkmanaustralia.com/blogs/news/79284420-beard-hair-versus-head-hair-what-s-the-difference
  3. Interesting. I did not know that. Maybe I'll have to make the trip out to Eugenix as well. Their waiting list is huge btw
  4. Here's what I dont understand though, a beard hair FUE should be little to no different than a scalp hair FUE. Perhaps a slightly bigger punch since beard hairs are twice as thick. But other then that, what could possibly make Eugenix so much better than a North-American FUE expert doctor?? Its basically extract the graft and then insert the graft into the slit, is it not?? I dont get it. Please explain
  5. I tiny bit of pain, but thats a small price to pay for getting your hair back
  6. You're in the US right?? Any reason why you're going to India?? Arent there really good BHT docs in North-America?? Or is it the lower price??
  7. 11 days for me. And yes, I also had lower back pain but it wasnt too bad. I used this neck pillow:
  8. I can take a pic but you wont see much. I have brown hair mixed with grey hairs and they are very hard to see on cellphone pics. I even had to colour it with Just for Men so Dr. Arika could give me an estimate. She said around 2,000 grafts for sure, and perhaps 3,000 if I wanted to take most of the beard hairs away. 3,000 thankfully wont be necessary though, 2,000 should be enough. Also keep in mind I read somewhere the transection rate for beard hair is higher. Upwards of 10% is what I've read, but that could be outdated information
  9. Its also the length of the flight, jeezus christ!! 😲 From where I am located, and given Covid-19 is still happening, I'd be looking at a 25 hour flight with 2 stops just to get to Mumbai. All while I have to wear that darned mask. Not a fun time! 😟
  10. Thats the woman I talked to on whatsapp, Dr. Arika. She said something along the lines of you need a ratio of 1 to 2 scalp to beard hair grafts. Doing beard hairs alone looks unnatural, so you have to mix scalp with beard hair grafts. So for example if you wanted 3,000 total hair grafts for your crown, you would need about 1,000 scalp hair grafts, and about 2,000 beard hair grafts. Of course this is gonna vary amongst patients depending on graft thickness, colour contrast.......etc. But thats about the average. Also keep in mind your beard hairs are almost all singles and a few doubles, but no triple or quadruple grafts. However your beard hair is approximately twice as thick in diameter as scalp hair, so that helps a lot
  11. Were the injections into the throat area painful?? I heard they are considerably more painful than the scalp
  12. For those who have had beard hair to scalp transplants, did the FUE on the beard hairs leave any weird scarring along your throat, chin or cheeks?? Please post your experience, whether bad or good
  13. If worse comes to worse you can always do a scalphair transplant on top, and do a partial beardhair/scalphair transplant on the crown. Thats kinda what I'm doing right now. I'm a NW6 and I dont have enough scalphair for both the top and the crown. Read more here: https://www.realself.com/question/argentina-ar-norwood-achieve-visually-full-head-hair-combining-hair-back-head
  14. What might save you is I can see little to no thinning along your sidebanks. It would make for a rather strange MB pattern then, but I have seen them on occassion. Another advantage you have is looking at your pics you have very thick hair. Thats a huge bonus! Having said all that, its way too early to assess what Norwood you are headed for. You need to be patient and let the baldness pattern take its natural course. Not easy though. I know the exact anxiety you're going through right now, it sucks!!
  15. Inside the red circle it looks like you're already thinning there too. So that only leaves a tiny strip of donor (inside the green box). But you would really have to have a doctor look at this to make sure
  16. Hate to say it, but it looks like you're headed for a Norwood 7. Have you tried topical FIN?? Works just as good without all the sides. Linkie: https://www.minoxidilmax.com/products
  17. This is what I wanna know. Which clinic butchered this poor guy?? If I had to take a guess its that infamous clinic in Denver, but I could be wrong. OP, please post clinic's name. That way they cant butcher more people!
  18. I think its actually a good sign the hairs are growing, because that means they likely were not transected and appear to have been transplanted properly
  19. Yup, mine grew for about 1 to 2 weeks before they all shed. That is normal
  20. Not only does it look like its a lot less than 3,000 grafts, it also looks like the hairline is way too low. It should be higher up the forehead. Thats just my untrained eye looking at your pics though, I could be wrong. Ask another HT doctor if he can confirm this for you
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