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Everything posted by BjornBorg

  1. Maybe I'm ruining the joke now but... that's not Zlatan. It's from a look-a-like show.
  2. The comb-through is what makes all the difference. To me it's not important that it's cherrypicked when a clinic has a gazillion cherrys like this. -- Great result as always.
  3. Damn you have great temple points. Such an easy decision to go for a hair transplant when you are in a situation like yours. You'll look and feel golden in short time, believe me!
  4. Hey man, stay strong and seek answers. We are with you, please keep us up to date.
  5. Things are happening! How are you feeling about your result so far?
  6. Some outside shots at 9.5 months. Trying to show how I wear my hair daily. No product used. I go for a dry style where I push everything to the right. As I mentioned this is a style that works well to cover my somewhat receded right temple.
  7. It wasn't too bad. Fill in a form on the internet that gave you a code to scan when arriving at the airport. I can't answer to how it is now though. So anyone interested in going but worried about the current Covid situation in Spain should ask the clinic. They were very helpful with me in terms of that too.
  8. Interesting. I haven't seen a case that looks like that at 6 months that turns out good. Also, ASMED is usually quality and the 10 day pic looks the way it should. What happened here? Meds discontinued? Physiology? Very curious.
  9. I speak no Spanish beyond tourist phrases. To add to what Ignacio is saying, in my case the head nurse acted as translator for the doctor the entire day. I was a bit nervous when I arrived, and the doctor picked up on it. He made a joke that he was nervous too because he was an apprentice and this was his first case ever. After that it was all chill vibes. A good balance between explaining what was happening and casual small talk about our countries. Brilliant people.
  10. Thank you Ignacio! Best wishes to the doctor, the nurses and the administrative team. I couldn't be happier.
  11. Congratulations on a great decision. Will follow your journey!
  12. Looks very nice. Congrats! Can we see a close view of the temple points? Was always impressed by Konior's work in that department.
  13. I believe the price is individual but it's somewhere around what Melvin is saying. I paid one price for the first 1000 grafts and then a bit lower for the rest. My quote was given in early 2019 though when I booked the procedure so maybe they have changed their business model since. You should ask the clinic on whatsapp, they are very communicative.
  14. Thanks mate. Hair caliber I have no idea sorry, didn't ask. You are right the temples are a bit receded, the right one worse than the left. But I made up my mind early that I didn't wanna address it now. Several reasons behind it, the main one being that I wanna keep my grafts for further loss on top. Also I use a haircut where I push everything to the right making the bang slope to cover my right temple. It looks good I think. The left one can handle being exposed for now.
  15. I gave a shout out to Melvin and you deserve one too. During the five years I made research I was always impressed by your directness. I remember when you suggested a guy with a dark spot in his recipient area might had necrosis and it turned out to be true. That was a big moment. After that, I started trusting your opinion a lot. Thank you for your comment!
  16. Yeah the combover was presentable at best but I think I was fooling myself more than anyone else. It also made me check the weather report every day to see if I had to wear a cap due to wind. As for micro design I tried to show it in the 6 months post. But I'll see if I can get a better one soon. Thank you for your comment.
  17. Finasteride, Biotin and Complidermol 5 Alpha Plus. Shampoo I use on doctor's recommendation is Klorane Quinine. As you can see on pre-op pics I have a scalp acne problem. It's gotten a bit better with this shampoo.
  18. It was not that much hassle. Spain was opening up a bit at the time. Filled in a form on the internet that gave you a code to scan when you arrived at the airport in Spain. Everyone in Spain is very careful with masks and distance and extra sanitizing everywhere. The clinic of course very clean and careful as expected.
  19. Of course man! I'm very pleased. Wanna give a huge shout out to you, your work here creates a better life for people.
  20. Before and after. The before pic is when I fixed it the best I could. Very flat.
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