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Everything posted by wheretogo

  1. so, what is the final word? to take biotin after HT or not? does it cause pimples?
  2. ok, but i mean what about dirt or bacteria? sounds funny but i will ask anyway.
  3. what about the flight home? shouldn't i protect the scalp with hat or bandanna?
  4. i watched lots of threads over here and i understand resting after the op is highly recommended. i'm going to Dr Maras at HDC and i'm going to stay there about a week before going home, they allow it, they have an apartment just opposite of the clinic so i will stay there about 4-5 days after the op and they will wash my head at the few days after the surgery
  5. head and shoulders. what's better for the scalp, hot? lukewarm water?. how much time do you shampoo your hair in avarage before you rinse it? have answer for the roller?
  6. Hi guys, i'm about to do HT next month. i find myself scratch my scalp everyday and i noticed a little bit of dandruff so i use right now with anti dandruff shampoo. should i use it everyday until the op?, should i stop?, i don't know if i scratch because the scalp is dry or something else. i want to buy roller for the scalp, you have any suggestions or just to buy the cheapest one? thank you
  7. JF, like you, i never took pills or minoxidil and not going to so i understand you take vitamins after the HT, what are you taking, biotin?, MSM?. did you start taking them on day 3 after the surgery or after some time.
  8. congrats on your op man, hope cap wearing days are soon to be behind you:D
  9. looks awesome! you probably so happy with that. thanks for sharing you amazing result:)
  10. Hi johnfish123, can you please take some pictures how your hair is now from above with some light?, i would like to see how is the density and the hair looks like in general after 6 months. thank you so much.
  11. Thank you so much for those answers. i haven't think about HT at all until about a month ago because i thought it's only been done with the scar from behind and next month i'm going to do the op, i'm afraid i'm rushing into it, everyone on here say do your research well but i don't really know what else to do:confused: would like to see pics from above with light too. thanks again
  12. should i bring flight pillow with me? how it was like in the first and second night? how you dealt with the scratching?, i'm afraid i will touch my head all the time like i do now. i would probably won't sleep in the first 2 days. i'm taking vitamins (B12, D), i eat almonds, pumpkin seed, Flaxseed and i drink all kind of vegetables juices that got vitamins too, when do i need to stop? what should i eat instead before the op? how did you pass the time? (7 days?). i don't take pills and i don't want too and even have second thoughts about using minoxidil after the HT, should i still do it? thanks for your patient.
  13. Hi johnfish123, Congratulations for your successfull HT, i'm so happy to see your thread because i'm going to Dr Maras next month and i'm nervous as hell.
  14. Hey Mattj, thanks for your response and yea i'm going to do FUE surgery with Dr Maras of HDC, i don't want that scar from behind.., the plan is to put around 3000 grafts (i want more but i guess it depends at the donor area). of course i would prefer doing this with one session and fill the crown too, but i get it's not recommended for the donor area. i was planning taking minoxidil 5% after the HT with roller, but now i read somewhere at the forum it's got sexual side effects too?, so maybe i will pass that too and just use roller on my head with biotin and MSM because like you said you can't really see the crown from behind, just from above so i will proceed like that until the next HT. to buy cheap roller?, does it matter?. what do you think?
  15. hi jttx85, Congratulations for your HT, hope it will be perfect. i'm going to do this next month and i wanted to know how it was like in the first and second night? how you dealt with the scratching?, i mean, i scratch my head now every time so i don't know what will i do after the surgery, scared i would touch my head while i sleep although i'm guessing i won't be able to sleep the first 2 days.
  16. Thanks Bill! after the HT is there is something called "too much vitamins"?
  17. Hi guys, great forum. i'm going to have HT next month and i tried to change my diet in order to obtain clean body. i have whole slow juicer and i make almost everyday all kind of vegetables juices - cucumber, tomato, beet, spinach, kyle, red sweet pepper, ginger, lemon and more so i get all kind of vitamins like that. in addition i eat almonds, pumpkin seed and Flaxseed. take B12 and vitamin D supplements and SSRI medicine. what should i stop taking before the HT and how much time before? the plan is to take biotin and MSM after the treatment. when after the HT i can take them and do them contradict with what i eat and drink? (too much vitamins and minerals?). thank you.
  18. hi man, i want to go to HDC too soon, can you tell me please how was it?

    thank you

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