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Everything posted by kirkland

  1. Just under 7 cm (or 2.5 inches) from glabella to mid-point of hairline.
  2. I was planning to have a haircut yesterday or today but no luck - all barbers in my area were booked out. Wanted to trim my hair before taking pics. Looks like I will have to wait another day or two.
  3. Gaining density all over. Under bright lights it's sheer see-through but that's to be expected.
  4. Flight back was fine. Flight there was hell - pure hell. I flew Toronto - London. Had a 12 hour layover in Heathrow but because of the lockdown in the UK, I couldn't leave the airport; otherwise, I would have to go into quarantine (this was back in October). Couldn't sleep (never can on long haulers). My flight from London - Delhi had me in the middle row, middle aisle. On top of wearing a mask, we all had to wear a really ridiculously hard plastic face shield as well plus middle row passengers were also required to wear a full plastic surgical apron. The flight was delayed by about an hour because of mechanical issues plus the flight time was extended by almost an hour since British Airways was no longer flying over Afghani airspace at the time, extending the flight path. Baby crying in seats in front of me and two rows back. Guy on my left was hacking the whole flight, guy on my right did not wear deodorant. Over 10 hours. All I kept thinking about was that it was all gonna be worth it. And, yup, it was worth every bit of unpleasantry.
  5. Thank you. On dutasteride 3x per week (M, W, F). Also oral minox - 2.5 mg daily.
  6. Hey boys - been neglecting to take proper pics but will do so next week. Just passed week 19 so still not quite the 5-month mark. Took this quik pic a few days ago - not the best quality but I can assure y'all that the growth is remarkably thick and healthy. If I stalled with my growth at this stage, I would not be disappointed but knowing that I still have improvement ahead is nothing short of amazing.
  7. Well that shows how much I don't know about this site. I just assumed he was a Member already! Just his personal participation on this site alone sets him apart from most other hair restoration surgeons. He's got my vote.
  8. Gotta say that your donor looks healthy after having gone through so many procedures.
  9. @the496rocketyou have to be comfortable with what best suits your situation. It's a positive that you have already had a hair system and liked it. That seems like your best option at the moment. In a few years, there will still be options for you for a HT if you change your mind. In fact, there will likely be more options for you from better meds that can strengthen your donor and more clinics that are capable of doing high NWs well. Good luck in whatever choice you make.
  10. Yeah - derminator is a real potent micro needling machine. Good cautionary tale for those aggressively microneedling. Glad to hear that it won't impact your growth. Happy growing!
  11. Medical tourism in India is great value. It really opens up excellent options for those that can't afford a HT in N America or Europe and don't want to play Russian roulette in Turkey. It can only drive competition worldwide and lead to even more options and better innovations.
  12. Woah - were you using with minoxidil or dermarolling alone?
  13. What was your dermarolling routine? How deep did you go?
  14. @the496rocketI agree with @Melvin- Moderator. You need to make a smart choice for a HT because you are a higher NW. Not much room to make a mistake so take your time on the decision. I was looking for the price sheet at Eugenix but their site seems down at the moment....looking at you Dr. Bhatti....just kidding. When I checked just a couple of weeks ago, I saw that they have the same price that I went for on the Exclusive package, which was 210 INR per graft, which is just under $3 USD. That was with Dr. Bansal doing the design, incisions....I still think that's an absolute bargain for her skill set. She definitely does not get the love as much as Dr. Sethi but she is as equally, if not more, skilled. Don't want to get in trouble here - they are both excellent surgeons with a ton of experience in high NWs. I love to pump the tires on Eugenix and Dr. Bansal because everything is coming up roses for me. I was close to your level of hairloss and the turnaround has been incredible with only 3500 grafts. To me, that is a testament to the skill of the surgical team to harvest the best grafts and get the most out of them. But whatever choice you end up making if you go for a HT, don't go bargain hunting in Turkey.
  15. That style totally suits you. Everything looks really solid - the transplant, the donor. Congrats on being able to get a haircut!
  16. Thanks Dr. Pittella. Not sure why so many physicians are reluctant to prescribe oral minox but seems the tide is slowly turning...
  17. Really happy to see the enthusiasm about the podcast. It's a community effort and the more people get involved, the stronger the community and the more others will use the podcast and this website to do proper research on a HT.
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