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Everything posted by kirkland

  1. @Aussie2020Congrats on your upcoming surgery. You'll get lots of good advice on here for all your questions. I'll pipe in and say that it's worth getting a good travel pillow, both for the flight and for sleeping with post-HT for those first few days when the donor is healing. Also, bring a couple of shirts that you can take off without pulling over your head. I would not do a sauna for at least one week post-HT and after that, with really restricted periods of time. No doctor but seems like too much dehydration for the scalp environment is risky for new grafts.
  2. @Dr. Felipe Pittellathis is another remarkable outcome from your clinic. I love seeing the amazing work that you are doing! Please keep posting more patient results. I know I give lots of love to Eugenix but you are deserving of great praise as well. You are part of the next gen of surgeons who have innovated FUE surgery. So excited for high Norwoods and their future in the hands of clinics like yours and Eugenix.
  3. I always love getting the chance to post this image. It's a shed hair graft from a transplant and is from Dr. Orentriech's landmark study in 1959 titled, "Autografts in alopecias and other selected dermatological conditions." The hook on the end is the tell that it is a shed graft so you don't have to worry - it will grow back. Orentriech not only developed the donor dominance theory - which posited that the hair from one part of the scalp will retain the same characteristics when transplanted to another part of the scalp (ie balding hairs will continue to thin when transplanted to the back and sides of scalp while donor dominant hairs from back and sides will remain healthy on balding areas of the scalp) - he also created Head and Shoulders shampoo (if that's still a thing) and Clinique skin care (which is still very much a thing). He also used 4mm punches in his transplants which were still in use up to and including the 1980s in hair transplants, leading the doll's plug look for old-skool transplants.
  4. Thanks for sharing your story @Gatsby You've inspired many of us on here with your journey.
  5. OP has had the entire balding area treated, including hairline, midscalp, Crown and temple points. That is a lot of area to cover for just under 5000 grafts. If his donor characteristics were average or below average then I can see why the clinic stuck with just 2,000 for hairline and mid scalp at this point (excluding temple points) As everyone has suggested it is better to wait and see how it looks in a year and revisit his options. For comparison, I had 3500 grafts in hairline and mid scalp only, no Crown or temple points. After 1 year I will also reassess my situation. If I do not have enough in the donor for the crown or the temple points then I am happy with the number of grafts where they have been placed.
  6. Looking good so far, John. Those temple points are really remarkable. Can't wait to see your progress!
  7. @DavidfAlright - let's get this party started! Congrats on your journey to Eugenix. Right decision to insist on the temple points. They look really good already! I look forward to seeing updates as you progress. Those 6-month pics better have a big smile attached 'cause I think you're gonna need it! All the best, brother!
  8. Thanks @NARMAK! I kept thinking in the last couple of weeks that I was getting a really solid result at the 6-month mark. Wasn't until yesterday that I realized it was only the 5-month mark.
  9. Ya - it's been a real confidence booster. I'm catching up on you, @Zoomster!
  10. Thanks all! Pretty chuffed about how its turning out. Really fortunate with my donor characteristics but, no doubt in my mind, Dr. Bansal and her team did an exemplary job in finding and placing the right grafts. I have said it before, I am saying it now and I will continue to say it moving forward - Eugenix was the right choice for me. I'm thankful to everyone on here who provided me the inspiration and direction to get the surgery done.
  11. @IrishWarriorI wish I had had the chance to meet you since we were at the clinic at the same time. If you go for SMP into the scars, you can't do better than Milena Lardi. Plus it gives you an excuse to go to Milan. Happy for your growth. It's going to thicken up nicely. With some well placed fibers, you will look a whole new warrior.
  12. A combination of grey and light/medium brown might work. I've only used grey from Toppik and find that it has a slight blue tint. Can't say how the brown looks but our hair colours are about the same.
  13. That's good to hear. I have no cons and nothing but pros for choosing Eugenix. I put my faith in Dr. Bansal and her team and have been amply rewarded since. Getting my hair back has boosted my confidence and I am already reaping the rewards from it. As for the packages, I did the one with Dr. Bansal doing the hairline design, the incisions and the overall supervision of the surgery. The whole team of doctors and technicians are well-trained and the founding doctors have created a work culture that inspires loyalty and dedication. If you went with a supervising surgeon other than Dr. Bansal or Dr. Sethi, you will still end up with a great result I am sure.
  14. Great post - thanks for sharing. I feel like anyone doing research for a HT should watch this. Would probably cause some people to reconsider the surgery altogether but could show what can happen if you don't make a good decision for the clinic you choose.
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