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Posts posted by hairlossPA

  1. 1 hour ago, follically challenged said:

    Really...?! I thought good quality surgeons could use the correct microscopic tools to get a good idea of how many 1s, 2s, and 3s they have before surgery....?

    no surgeon is going to count how many 1s 2s 3s you have from ear to ear before a surgery. they might look at a square inch but that’s such a small sample size it doesn’t matter. during surgery they’ll do they’re best to cherry pick which ones they need

    • Like 1
  2. yeah with the 1s 2s 3s you’ll only know those numbers when the doctor extracts the grafts so it’s not really something you can foresee. same goes with if the grafts will take. 

    you look like you have nice donor hair. just remember hair transplants do not restore up to your natural density. it’s to give you the look of a full head of hair. doctors usually only implant between 30-60 grafts per square centimeter. whereas your natural density before any hairloss is usually around 100 grafts per square centimeter 

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  3. it depends. everyone’s expectations are different.

    things to consider:

    - what is your level of hairloss?

    - what is the density you are starting with?

    - how many grafts is your surgeon able to harvest? in what area is he implanting those grafts? how many 1s 2s 3s do you have?

    - will the grafts take/survive? some of this comes down to an individuals recovery 

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  4. I would say its shockloss, only because the size of the suture thread they use is nowhere near that thickness of shockloss you are experiencing in that train track formation. you could fit so many hair follicles in those train tracks that there's no way that was done by 1 small piece of suture thread


    if that makes sense... lol. just my unprofessional opinion

  5. 2 minutes ago, TommyLucchese said:

    It made me not think about my hair.... 8 years of worrying and stressing about other things, but feeling good about my appearance.

    I'm only back now because of lockdown and working from home. I don't go through the usual morning routine of hair wash, blow dry, concealer, styling etc. so my crown area has got me interested in this again. 

    In fact the few times I've gotten ready to go out like I used to every day, I've been shocked at how good my hair looks. 

    Having a HT made me feel like my old self. Without lockdown I'd have been on this forum maybe once in the last 8 months instead of every day. 

    Do you have a thread? I realize from your signature it was 8 years ago but I can't find any of your results (if you posted them) on the forum. I'd love to see your results and how they've held up. Especially since I went to Dr. Bloxham who works with Feller

  6. 2 minutes ago, Doron Harati said:

    Changed my life forever!

    I was haunted for years by my hairloss since I was 20 years old, then I was botched in a black market in Turkey which made me feel even worse and then I had a repair procedure in a professional clinic which made me happier than ever with a lot of confidence 😄

    I just watched the vid in your signature. You have a great head of hair now. congrats

    • Thanks 1
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