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Posts posted by hairlossPA

  1. 1.  how long does it take for your hair to get back to preprocedure levels?

    • took me 3 months for my hair to return to normal

    2 - how long does the pain last

    • about 2-3 weeks

    3. when did you feel like your sleep returned to normal

    • i'd say I'm still not back to normal, just because my head is still sore/numb 4 months after which is expected and normal

    4. when does the pain and swelling peak

    • pain was gone very soon. I honestly only took 1 pain killer after the procedure. Swelling was gone in a week

    5. is the graft breakdown high density then?

    • definitely a good hair/graft ratio. congrats
  2. 2 hours ago, Huncholini said:

    Hardly any grafts implanted in the crown area, yet that grew back very thick too. Personally I think the lighting has been manipulated in the result. Don't get me wrong, it's still a brilliant result for 2k grafts, but look at the crown in the before and after, hardly any implanted grafts and it also seems to be so much thicker and denser than it was originally.

    that’s kinda what was getting at me too. unless he’s on fin and had good results 

  3. Hey everyone -

    I am coming up on 4 months post op from my FUT procedure. I just saw some pics and videos of my scar my fiancé took, and I must say I’m not particularly thrilled with how it looks. Definitely wider than I was hoping.

    I realize it’s only been 4 months and it’s still healing, but honestly what are the chances this shrinks in width over the next couple of months?

    Can anyone provide their experience?


  4. I did notice what you are talking about at the end when he was shaking hands. It definitely wasn't the most obvious FUT. It looked like there was a ridge of hair that didnt lay properly.

    It reminded me of what @Yolando hair looked like on page 3 of his thread, about 2/3 of the way down the page.

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