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Posts posted by hairlossPA

  1. 1 hour ago, UnbaldEagle said:

    Oh, sorry, I completely missed that. 😮 I guess I'll start following that thread from now on. 😁

    What do you mean the hairline was not holding up? 😕 You started losing ground, or you felt like the frontal regions were not matching the regrowth you got behind it?

    started losing ground in comparison to my first regrowth wave. it was still above baseline when I wasnt on fin, but I wanted to really strengthen the hairline and forget about it

  2. I had my staples removed at day 9 and Dr. Bloxham said my scar and recipient looks how he'd expect someone at day 14. Everyone is different in healing so its hard to put an exact science on it. I personally would've felt more comfortable waiting until 14 day mark, just cause I'd rather risk short term pain for long term cosmetics, but it was just too convenient to see Dr. Bloxham at day 9 to pass up

  3. im 5 weeks post-op FUT and still feel sore on my incision line. Numbness in the recipient and tightness in the donor faded by week 3 or 4.

    only thing still lingering is soreness on the incision line and numbness above the incision line. however its slowly fading a little each day. I'd say in another 2-3 weeks it should be gone which would align with 2 months post op

  4. Finasteride is never "required". Finasteride is only encouraged because it will slow down/halt your native hairs from miniaturizing and dying out. It does nothing for the actual transplanted hair. One question to ask is, how will you look if you get a transplant into your hairline and the rest of your hair falls out down the line? Are you able to have more procedures? Do you have the time, money, donor for it? It's all about the long term plan and not the "right now" with finasteride.

    You may cover your hairloss OK right now, but I wouldnt be surprised if you head towards a NW5 in the next few years

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