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Everything posted by Swimmy

  1. I haven't used RENONKIN but I heard they've gone to other forums and spammed their product...Not sure. Usually when I see companies do that its not a good sign. If the product is good at regrowing hair it would obviously speak for itself. But I'll wait and see the early results before I buy it. Right now I have a listo f stuff I want to try so I'll fit it in some where. As for the growth factors This one is almost 500 dollars. There's a few people using it right now. So another product I'll wait and see on. This one is DermatoPoietin. This is probably the next thing I'll try The only one I used of these was Dermaheal. The first link. I only got to use it for a month so I wasn't able to get results.
  2. Actually I would like to clarify something here. This regimen isn't deigned to grow back full heads of hair.I believe that you will achieve some regrowth. But don't expect slick bald spots to be filled in. Unless you respond amazingly. The regimen itself is designed to stop hair loss in its tracks, to keep the hair you have. The only thing I know that can fill in a nice slick bald spot is a hair transplant, and hopefully in the future histogen . This theory is in practice. There's a forum dedicated to it. The evidence is mounting(in studies) for the underlying causes listed for MPB as the problem.. So far the supplements listed are good at fighting these underlying causes. Its near fact that inuslin plays a part in hair loss. Theres too many correlations. No offense doctor but I don't need a clinical study for them to tell me Lipoic+carniitine is beneficial for hair. I know that it has a positive effect on Insulin. (Which in itself lowers DHT and helps hair. That's just one benefit. Now I don't recommend everyone should go out and buy a boatload of supplements I think whomever is interested should study it more deeply. I haven't even scratched the surface of this topic But I don't think people should buy them solely on what I said. To put it simply the rabbit hole goes very deep.
  3. For starters Saw Palmetto is commonly prescribed for BPH..In some cases is given as treatment for hair loss by main stream doctors. I think Saw Palmetto may be pretty well documented since that's case. Don't get me wrong I'm not a avid supporter of SP. I don't even use it. I think you can still get similar sides that arent as strong in the libido department.. Saw Palmetto does not decrease serum blood levels of DHT...Fin does. When DHT is cutoff this is what leads to neurological effects. DHT plays a important part in brain function.Fin inhibits production of neurosteroids by blocking everything down the 5-alpha reductase chain of hormone metabolites. Its possible that a lot of them haven't read the studies. The theory itself however is realtively new. In the broad spectrum of things only a small handful of people would have even heard about this. The information is out there but people have failed to put it all together and do the math. If you look at it this way we have been led to believe that DHT is the problem without question. Not to say that its a conspiracy cause a lot of the doctors still do believe that But maybe some doctors do know the underlying causes but play it safe and go mainstream. I personally don't have any photos to mark my progress. All I can tell you is that i've been on it since Jan and my shedding as gone down. I'm also very, very slowly getting regrowth in my temples that I'm constantly monitering. However, I'm not fully taking everything I need to be yet. I figured I would implement slowly. I still have to change my diet which is a big part. But my life gets a little hectic and sometimes fast food is more convenient than make a healthy meal.
  4. This is a little longer so I'll post a link at the end
  5. There are plenty of studies that show the top supplements I listed reduce scalp inflammation, decalcification, lower free radicals, and help with insulin. All of these things contribute to genetic hair loss. Obviously if these issues are addressed it benefits hair loss. Its called putting the pieces together. Example. High blood pressure is strongly associated with androgenetic hair loss It might sound simple but If I take a supplement that helps lower my blood pressure I'm helping my hair loss. These supplements are suggested based on there ability to go after the underlying causes of hair loss # Reducing insulin producing foods or the impact of such foods on glucose and insulin. # Controlling over expressed DHT # Removing heavy metals # Correcting metabolic conundrums # Reducing oxidative stress # Improving glucose metabolism # Optimizing thyroid function # Normalizing estrogen metabolism # Balancing prostaglandins # Curtailing inflammation # Balancing intestinal microflora
  6. Its not for the crown. That specific product was intended only for receding hairlines. So its just is specifically to prevent miniaturization in the front
  7. I've only been using it for a month but, I'm already getting darker pigment in the miniaturized hairs. Also, seeing some regrowthiat the threshold of my temples that was just vellus hair
  8. I've been using something called Juveline by elsoms research . Seems to be doing the job
  9. lotioncrafters sells it in powder form. I guess you can add to your own shampoo or customization
  10. I usually buy them at Iherb and sometimes swanson. Sometimes swanson has the same brand for slightly cheaper. Its a lot cheaper overall than going to a vitamin store. You can possibly get sides from Saw. They just wont be as powerful as those you got from fin. So don't expect the same. Fin also effects more than one outlet. It effects the neurosteroids as well. It completely messes with your hormonal conversion. Some theorize that saw doesn't effect serum DHT levels. But the androgen receptors Alternatives to fin? Do you mean solely DHT blockers? Or the new cutting edge stuff being explored like growth factors?
  11. From the OP. Everything can be supported here with studies. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ The inhibitory effects of eckol and dieckol from E... [biol Pharm Bull. 2006] - PubMed result
  12. Well the most powerful "known" supplement for hair loss is Fibroboost. The research on it is amazing. Stabilized R-lipoic Acid in combo with acetly L carnitine (biotin necessary) Iodine. For thyroid Since 90% of the population is deficient in it.(if take Selenium- methylselenocysteine later in the day) These are also beneficial for hair. Its a little late so I won't be able to get into all of this with a lot of detail. But to finish the list off Curcumim and Resveratrol together synergistically. Vitamin D3 with K2-MK7 Krill Oil Magnesium Supplements you should avoid are.. Iron and Calcium. Unless you have a serious deficiency. But its unlikely a Young male should be deficient in any of these If you have a any questions. I'll get back. But the one thing is there is isn't just one single vitamin that will cure your hair loss. Usually with a healthy diet and all the top mentioned above together should halt hair loss. There are also plenty of other supplements out there with known benefits for hair Such as Green Tea, brewers yeast, etc. But as with anybody everyone is different and some may respond to certain things better than others. Usually finding the right right vitamins to fight hair loss can be a trial and error. But generally its best to start with the top and go from there. I'm not sure on the homeopathic medicine. What is it you are doing? There are reports of it helping MPB though. MSM is good for thickening and growing out your hair faster. It won't do much in the way of regrowth. It may slow down hair loss slightly. But Its even better if taking with a proper vitamin C supplement. They work well together. Saw Palmetto is similar to fin. But it probably wont be as powerful as Fin is. So you may not experience the same side effects. Or at the least no where near what you experienced in the past. The best thing to do is start on a very low does and work your way up slowly to higher doses. Then stop and back down to the previous dosage when you start to feel symptoms. By alternative medicines. You mean topicals or internals?
  13. Sorry Trying to give you some more information so you can see where its going. This is the author of the site a small piece. Believe me they aren't pulling this stuff out of their arse. The Author of the site sources all of his information. Just do a search at the forum and you will find loads of information on Insulin and its effect on hair loss
  14. I'll try and provide some more quick knowledge on Insulin.
  15. You assume there are no studies on it . The link below contains many Including saw palmetto. So far there seems to be very little risk in its use compared to Fin. There are some studies on the risks. But basically any DHT blocker is gonna have issues. National Center for Biotechnology Information I provided only one study. It doesn't mean its the only one. You wouldn't see a obvious link Because the medical industry keeps pointing at DHT as the main culprit when it really isn't. The mainstream is too focused on blocking DHT and not addressing the underlying problems. Just like most medicines do. Treat the symptoms but not the cause.. Now its not just insulin that plays a role in hair loss. There are many factors. Its not just the benefits of keeping your hair by turning your diet upside down and take supplements. But living a overall healther, longer and more energetic lifestyle as a bonus. Also, the people who have gone full out on the regimen find that they have little use for Fin..Since they are addressing the underlying cause..But not all the answers are known. Its trial and error and where the site is today took a group effort of information and research find what works and what doesn't and giving their experiences. You are also forgetting the genetic factor. What makes some more vulnerable to hair loss than others. So someone with low insulin doesn't correlate to anything factual but a broad generalization. A greasy, fat, 30 year old can have a full head of hair because of their genetics.
  16. Google Translate Hmm well here it is way cheaper. If it is the same product? Or might the price conversion be off or something. All I know is people are gonna have a hell of a time ordering this stuff But I heard they are getting a distributor in NYC
  17. But here's what his regimen is like and what I'm currently on as well
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