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Everything posted by Swimmy

  1. Its not really a lot. If you're taking fin drop pygeium horsetail, saw palmetto, and nettle... I would also drop the multi vit and opt for a trace mineral...Drop Its likely the ratios are off any way. Drop B complex. Alt for Now Foods brewer yeast tablets. You'll get all your B vitamins (except b12) and some trace minerals. If you take a multi vitamin I would go with Ionic trace multi mineral at mineral life. A 120 DAY supply and the stuff is really good. it contains 72 types of minerals. Not that expensive either Keep the biotin..Though its not as important has others are making it to be.. Fish oil..Is really important on the brand. Most fish oil goes rancid. The best type of fish oil you can get Is Neptune Krill oil by Now foods. The anastaxin protects the oil from going rancid and is 4 times more absorbable and beneficial than regular fish oil. Krill oil may seem a little more expensive. But in actuality the price is about even since you only have to take one a day at a two month supply.
  2. The clogged pores is only partially true. Calcification occurs in most men with hair loss. This blocks the follicles.
  3. Old news (not the article). I remember I mentioned this a while ago on this forum and no one took it seriously.
  4. Looks about the same..With maybe improvement..If anything I see a positive not a negative
  5. That's cause of the advances made in medicine. The only relation to food is that not as many people in the word are starving. Its more abundant...And even though a lot of it today is bad..Bad food is better than absolutely no food.
  6. I would try supplementing with B12, folic acid, and Iodine..They are all relatively cheap and will enhance Iron absorption. As said, with todays western diet you should have absolutely no reason to supplement Iron..Unless you're a women. If you have anemia its probably a absorption issue.
  7. .In General, unless you are growing, there's absolutely no point for you to be taking Iron. We get excessive Iron in our daily diet. Its fortified in EVERYTHING. As a growing boy your body will use most of the Iron to help you grow..But when you're done your body just accumulates Iron and its very bad for you. There's a correlation. In general, hair loss and heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes all show high levels of Iron. That's why women have a longer life span than men. When they menstruate they release Iron..They don't accumulate..After menopause their body then begins to collect Iron. Then suddenly they become much more susceptible to hair loss and a host of other diseases. I would say too much Iron is part of the problem in hair loss.
  8. Don't waste your time with the laser comb.Its a over priced piece of trash. Lasers do work but the diodes in the Comb just aren't strong enough for hair loss. You could have had someone make you a laser helmet..Or made one yourself for the same price just about and it would have been more stronger and effective
  9. Not sure if this is relevant. So I don't know exactly what your adrenal problem is.
  10. No argument from me. On the subject of fruit. Its definitely overrated. The only people who do well on it are those with ancestral diets that contained regular intake of fruit. If your ancestors are from lets say places like Russia and German you should be eating very little of it
  11. DHT is only one of the causes. Definitely not the root cause.
  12. That's fine. But we cant use Egypt as point of reference. I don't believe we have enough infomation to gauge what kind of hair loss or what level of rarity it was. For all we know it could have easily been mal nutrition. Caesar was bald but he was well into his 50's by then. The point of all this is yes MPB has existed for a long time. However, this occurs in predisposed people who turn on the gene.There's a lot of people out there who have the genes for MPB but have a full heads of hair.Life stlye is the reason for these genes being expressed. I don't believe it happens for no reason and is inevitable. The focal point is younger people are experiencing MPB at a younger age than ever before. MPB was something that use to only occur in older men. I believe the foods we eat today have caused advanced aging, particularly in the scalps of younger men..Which is why young men are experiencing MPB. We are now suffering from symptoms that only older men should experience..BPH.Enlarged prostate..Cardiovascular disease...ETC...A common trend on all MPBers is insulin resistance I'll get into more later. Heading to work
  13. Yes you are correct. Its hard to remember the dozens of variations of argument fallacies. But you get my point. I don't need to bring "toxins" into the discussion.
  14. Nice Ad hominem. We are talking about food in general not "toxins" So it made a lot of your rant irrelevant.
  15. I'll post this for anyone who wants to read it.
  16. Quite a stretch..What genetic evidence do you have that MPB has been around for "thousands of years"?. Did you build a time machine on top of that and take pictures? Why is MPB more prevalent in civilizations that have adopted a more westernized diet. Lastly, MPB is common in older men. However it is not in younger men..Of course over the last century this trend has dramatically change. Younger people are experience MPB at a increasing rate than ever before.. You seem to totally ignore this fact.
  17. You hit the nail on the head. And I think a lot of people miss the point when its said AGA is genetic. AGA is influenced by genetic predispositions(multiple factors). But it seems some are inclined to believe there's one single gene that says you're going bald for no reason. Don't overestimate what you put in your body. It effects you in every way.. How food effects your hair can happen in in many ways. Example. Certain foods can cause inflammation of the scalp. If you don't know by now inflammation is a cause of MPB. Again simply by eating bad foods you increase inflammation. Notably foods that cause high insulin spikes are mostly responsible, since it causes a inflammatory response. Then you also have other factors that effect hair. Oxidative stress. Free radicals. Also, a lot of bad foods can naturally raise DHT or release bad estrogen.
  18. I don't think you are demonstrating them right :confused: Of course we can't prove it as fact. But the evidence that diet effects your hair is ample. It can't be ignored. If you moved to Korea no doubt the overall health of your hair would improve..Of course damage might already be done so who knows.
  19. You aren't listening.."Genetically predispose". Yes they can eat all that crap (lucky them)and not lose any hair.
  20. In another thread awhile back I posted the top 10 foods to avoid when fighting hair loss. I'll post them here. 1. Alcoholic beverages 2. Corn 3. Wheat 4. Barley 5. Sugar (sugar cane and sugar beets) 6. Sorghum 7. Peanuts 8. Rye 9. Cottonseed oil. 10. Hard Cheeses Basically any food that contains mycotoxins. The western diet on a daily bases contains a majority of those foods. It seems some people don't understand MPB as well as they think they do. Your definition of MPB and genetics behind it is that it happens for no reason what so ever. Plain and Simple and if its food related its mal nutrition. From what I read and studied on MPB its definitely more complex than that. What you need to understand is that it doesn't happen for no reason. You're predisposed genetically. But that doesn't guarantee MPB. Life style choices can trigger these genetics and turn on the gene that causes MPB. The western diet guarantees a constant onslaught on these genetic weaknesses. Places like Korea and Japan don't experience high levels of MPB cause there diet is completely different. . The whole MPB happens for no reason is quite ridiculous and a brain washed fed answer. So again someone can have the genetic trait for AGA. It doesn't mean they will go bald.. However, in America, its probably a guarantee you will
  21. Yes. I guess National Center for Biotechnology Information is completely fill with fraudulent research :rolleyes: And if you believe that, the folks at Immortal Hair are happy to sell you their "Immortal Hair Supplement Line" for "natural hair regrowth." I don't have time right now to respond to every post. I have to work in a few minutes so I'll get back to it. But this is quite a ignorant statement. First off the supplement line wasn't started till 2 months ago..The site as been ongoing for years..Nor do they claim it " naturally regrows hair" Nor does the supplement say as such.Again ignorant statement Actually read up before you make such remarks. The supplements were made for higher purity and to remove fillers found in everyday supplements Like I said if you actually read anything other than what you wanted to see you would see no one on that site claims to take those supplements in any form will regrow hair. Read up and you will see its a trial and error for a lot of people and different stuff worked for different people. Or have claimed otherwise it didn't help them.
  22. MPB is a sign of premature aging..Look at the symptoms of a young MPB'er and look at the Symptoms of a 60 year old with MPB. They are remarkably the same. So something is hitting the switch prematurely and that switch is probably diet related.
  23. AGA has a lot to do with overall health. Look at the studies. People with MPB are more vulnerable to being overweight, have diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. Have increased oxidative stress. Those are just off the top of my head
  24. Were not quite there yet and cant say I'm fully knowledgeable on the subject. But I always thought it kind of worrisome to just shut off that gene. Yes it would stop you from balding but the reason why your balding would still be there. MPB has always been a warning sign of more severe problems. In other words its a protection system..Most notable those who are going bald actually have a lower risk of prostate cancer.
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