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Everything posted by Swimmy

  1. First off. You got ripped off. Laser Combs don't have enough diodes and aren't nearly strong enough to fight hair loss. Its basically just a over priced piece of plastic. With that being said lasers do work for hair. They have even been FDA approved for women...But it will work for men as well. If you have the money its good piece of equipment in fighting and growing back hair. The best way to go is to make your own helmet as instructed in the link..Or have the guy make one for you. Laser Messiah > Construction Helmet
  2. I commented awhile back on the use of Iodine for hair loss. Its not that expensive and has many health benefits. Its particularly good at preventing cancers and a host of other problems as well. Regardless of hair loss people should be supplementing with Iodine if you live in the states. It can as said help with hair loss. Bottom line is Iodine is extremely important to the body. Iodine and Omega 3 are the main reasons why Japan is the healthiest country in the world. I'm gonna have to disagree with west. The Iodine we take in the states from foods isn't sufficient or a good source. Most of the Populations on a diet like in the States are deficient in Iodine. Which is why its a good a idea to supplement. The only real negative effects is Iodine can stir up mercury and bromide in your body and probably cause you to be sick or run a fever. That can usually be avoided by a salt loading protocol.
  3. Well. When there are clear dangers and sometimes permanent damage from the use of propecia this isn't surprising. Oh and when you put out fraudulent studies to sell your own product. It actually amazes me that people bought into these MERCK Studies. No one should ever trust a study done on a product by its own company.
  4. conditioner isn't that important unless your hair is longer.
  5. Jacob, Honestly, I think the ingredients they are using is better than the other stuff being sold out there. At least they aren't throwing random crap into a bottle like with all these other products we see out there. Nid and Immortal tend to follow a different' route to treating hair loss. Personally, I fall some where in the middle. Take a few good supplements, a good shampoo, and a topical. Maybe minox. I'll give it a go. Like most products I won't expect much. I think the Puresterol may be good. Its like dumping a bottle of propecia on your head.
  6. Iherb is where I get my supplements.Other things as well. To a lesser extent Swansons.
  7. Should say MSM(Methylsulfonylmethane) on it. Also MSM has great synergy with vitamin C. SO it would be good to take those two together.
  8. I tried. But I can't afford the regimen to stay on it in its full glory. However, I did feel good on the stuff and does help more than your hair. I still take some stuff but those are more for personal health. The only thing I am consistently taken is resveratrol+curcumin. Since It seems to have a noticeable effect on reducing scalp itch and inflammation There's always other options discussed on the forum as well. I also know recently Immortal and nid decided to start a supplement line. Its basically the whole regimen. But so they could make a more concentrated reliable and pure form of the supplements that they were initially taken from other brands out there. I haven't tried the supplement line as of yet myself. If you can afford or have cash laying around. Or seriously just want to hit hair loss from all angles. Its like 94.95 a month for the whole packageSeems pretty steep. But alot of those guys on the forum are fighting hair loss without minx or fin. So they don't have to worry about buying that stuff. Also the level of purity they got with all the supplements they are barely making any money off the supplements they sell
  9. Thanks. I'll probably give this product a go next month. If I see any results I'll update.
  10. If you are interested in knowing what supplements to take. I would visit immortalhair forum. Which focus's on supplements etc.
  11. Agreed. I'll be giving it a go based on the fact that these are entirely different ingredients from the norm. Nid and Immortalhair know their stuff on hair loss so I know they had a good reason to go with these ingredients in theory. There will be a lot people in the hair loos forum communities trying this product and giving their results. I know a lot of them having experience with using hair products over the years won't jump to conclusions with positive or negative results. But there's always a few.
  12. Not all athletes have a genetic disposition to the causes of MPB. There's the fallacy
  13. Don't listen to what is being said. Cardio exercise can cause hairloss. It doesn't mean you shouldn't excercise but avoid extreme cardio exercises like long distance running. Supplement appropriately as well with anti oxidants. Cardio exercise causes oxidative stress on the body. This includes the hair follicle.It also cause inflammation. One of the leading factors in hair loss.
  14. First off I am not trying to sell this product to anyone. Its only been out for about a month so they nor I can attest to the products effectiveness Just wanted to bring this product to light for the reason that this was made by people like us. The makers of this product have been very active in the hair loss community forums. So they aren't some random joes trying to sell a product to suckers. They are like us. Trying to find answers to hair loss. So I've been particularly interested in this product for that reason. Not to mention the creators behind the product have contributed greatly to the hair loss community. This a 40 minute video from worldhairloss talking about the product and each ingredients role for anybody interested. In learning more.
  15. What type of fish oil are you taking? Have you tried Krill fish? Its 6x more absorbable than regular fish oil. Not to mention studies have shown that alot of these companies are selling rancid fish oil
  16. It might be worth experimenting with topical colostrum.
  17. I said before. Just another study that confirms it. Correlation between MPB and low SHBG. Stop listening to what you hear in the News. MPB isn't a black and White issue. Its more than just DHT.
  18. Caffeine is in coffee.. Caffeine raises cortisol levels. High Cortisol levels increase DHT. But Its alright to drink coffee in the morning. Cause it has little effect on insulin. But if you drink coffee during lunch and dinner your insulin will spike and this will effect your hair. So in short. Coffee is alright in the morning but no later.
  19. No. Caffeine internally is bad for hair. Topically it is beneficial
  20. Perhaps you should stay on prepcia and start taking things to counteract the side effects. Things like broccoli.
  21. I've said it before and I'll say it again. The side effects experienced in men is higher than everyone thinks.
  22. Its by perfect image solutions. 15% minox with 5% azelaic acid. Hesitant to use. I would never buy that high of a solution of minox. But I figured I would use it up. I would actually be more interested in there other product. 5% minox 15% azelaic acid combo they have..But I'll wait till this is gone. I guess what I'm getting at is anyone experienced with 15% minox? Remember I won't be using it pass this bottle so figure no real harm to blood pressure in a 1 months use?
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