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Posts posted by Gasthoerer

  1. 5 hours ago, Fue3361 said:

    My point is, that if you use an implanter pen into pre-made slits, you don't need to make the incisions any larger...  Implanter pen doesn't have an issue with incision size the way forceps do, since they stretch the incision when they enter.

    I got your point! But my answer is: 

    a) Maybe wound healing is better with a clean straight cut, then with the round one of an implanter. I tend to scar very poorly (keloid style) but my incisions healed mega fast and without visible scaring

    b) Are you sure that the actual length of the scar is really shorter with an implanter?

  2. I have yet to see the proof for the advantage of implanter versus pre-made slits. I'd say if you take the recent top ten in fan favourites, there is a 50/50 split too.

    Obviously this "larger incisions" argument comes quite often. On the other hand a surgeon once told me: "if you cut yourself with a blade versus a puncture...what heals better? And: Are your sure that the created wound is really smaller?". Plus: the loading into the implanter also could create trauma to the grafts. 

  3. @Melvin- Moderator, Thanks for mentioning me, but there are quite some recent Feriduni cases in here besides mine (see my case in my signature). Especially some outstanding repairs (see @Swilland @Davy, both outstanding work). But there are even more recent cases in the German forum (alopezie.de), but you need to subscripe to see pictures due to German law.

    Nevertheless, I also visited Bisanga and Lupanzula, both also great clinics. Final decision was based on Feriduni matching better with my own goals and he was also willing to start with a very small test surgery. 

    But I second the opinion to present your case in here. The first step is always to check if you are a candidate at all. 

  4. 6 hours ago, ciaus said:


    Those that think they can't grow a beard shouldn't give up without trying minoxidil. Google or search youtube for results, its no joke. And facial hair is not like scalp hair, if you apply the minoxidil long enough -1 to 2 years, those vellus hairs it converts to terminal hairs are permanent even if you stop. 


    I couldn't even grow a proper beard on oral minox and I get side effects on it. Topical minox only works on a relatively low percentage of people...

  5. On 11/9/2021 at 9:42 PM, Conner said:

    I'm definitely going for the lower. I'm just wondering if I'll be happy with that, if it's even low enough. My main goal is as much hairline lowering as possible. I wonder if it could ever be a better idea to somehow have a little less density so it could be lower.

    I am totally honest: Every sentence here sounds like a bad idea to me. 

    The lower you go, the more dense it has to be to create the illusion (typically). And the lower one is more (!) than enough IMO. Your hairloss will progress, FIN or no FIN. If you have retrograde, you need to be very carefully

    • Like 1
  6. This thread makes me really sad 😞 Everyone here knows how challenging the HT path is; the research, the procedure, the waiting...a status worse than before is really though to swallow.

    However, this thread is also incredible valuable to this community. @Melvin- Moderator the TO want this pics with face removed, maybe there are some which can be kept. A HT is not an easy thing like most clinics wants us to believe...its surgery and surgery can go wrong. At any (!) clinic. 

    Honestly, it is really weird what happened here, as it is not only poor growth, but the status being much worse than before. Some pics show the scalp in a bad condition, others not so much. Actually latest pics are from month 5.5 if I am not mistaken...Many people (including myself) have been worse at month 5.5 than before. There is nothing the forum can do without new information (which I understand the TO does not want so share), other than whish the TO the best. 

    @UnbaldEagle I wish you all the best, strength and like some other posters have mentioned: Do not give up. Maybe there is a physical condition which can be resolved or even another transplant. I am sure there are ways to improve your situation.  


  7. 6 minutes ago, Curious25 said:

    Good for you man, will look forward to the final results coming in - I’m guessing you went back to Feriduni? 

    What sides did you experience on minoxidil if you don’t mind me asking ?  

    Yes, went back to Feriduni, even though it was really hard to convince him to do more work...With another clinic I might have been a little less conservative and closed the corner a little more. 

    Basically, I got reddish inflammation of my skin in my face around the nose and mouth...went on-off several times and it came back after 10-14 days. I have a very sensitive skin though😒

    • Like 1
  8. 16 hours ago, asterix0 said:

    Too many grafts for that amount of surface area, plus I wouldn't recommend you get a transplant, you almost have a full head of hair with a slightly recessed, but completely age appropriate hairline. 

    I tend to disagree! While the amount of grafts seems high, it is difficult to judge from the pics. There seems to be thinning going further back, which needs to be treated as well.

    Status is of course better than many other in this forum, but it is also very obvious what is bother the TO. This is far from "slightly age appropriate recessed" IMO. And I say this as a rather conservative guy myself. 

    The answer to the initial question: when unsure always go for the conservative option. One could even argue an even more conservative one with less closure of the corners matching your hairline with your current side part. 

  9. 2 minutes ago, Curious25 said:

    Hey Gas, you kept that one quiet - what did your latest surgery address? 

    Haha, yes, but I always do. I used to post only after the (preliminary) results are available and gonna keep it that way. Plus this time, due to personal reasons and the pandemic, I do not have the 3 month check-up pics from the clinic. Now, I am 5 month post surgery. Not much to report yet^^

    Anyway, just had again a very small surgery to address the weaker side in a very conservative way. Unfortunately, I have lost some ground compared to the latest pics as I had to stop minox due to side effects. 

    With this I am done until the other side and especially the bridge between hairline and crown falls...hopefully not before I am 50+ 😉


    • Like 1
  10. On 1/3/2021 at 6:31 PM, giegnosiganoe said:
    "On 12/31/2020 at 4:48 PM, Gasthoerer said:

    I think I am not running out of donor soon. Actually I wear my hair in the back now much shorter than ever before (much shorter than on this picture)."

    I'm curious to see this, any chance you could share it?

    Sorry, for the extremly long wait^^ Here a picture 3.5 weeks after my third HT. Sides very short hair after ~400+2900+450 = 3750 Grafts. This is really the limit how short I cut my hair - skin fades are not for me 😉


    • Like 2
  11. 30 minutes ago, Fue3361 said:

    Amazing hairline.  Looks great.  Happy for you.

    My only nitpick would be that (to me) is that there's quite a lot of patchy areas in the donor site.  I co

    I think this is the reality of FUE (which only uniformed or liars call scarless). And you missed the two important aspects:

    - Blanks (missing grafts especially with this skin hair contrast), who create this look --> This is the main aspect IMO and inavoidable

    - Scar tissue built up


  12. This discussion is very familiar to me, as we have the same issues in my country: until recently there has been no quality clinic in the entire country. And just like you, people can't believe it or do not want to believe that and try to find arguments for certain local clinics. 

    The thing is: it does not work that way. Instead of desperately looking for arguments for unknown local clinic, you select between the proven clinics with hundreds of cases reported in here and other forum from real patients. The latter is challenging enough, the first is nearly impossible and also not logical. 

    • Like 1
  13. 6 hours ago, Sel Ma said:

    .... balding in my mid 30s is not such a bad thing - who really cares? Balding in mid 20s I do care. 


    That is a typical way of thinking in your age, but it is not true. 

    1. If you care about your hair now, you will care about it later. And you spend more time of your life above 30 then between start of balding and getting 30.

    2. Worse than being is bald, is bald with a botched transplant

    3. Having a transplant is a one-way-street for most. Shaving it off is mostly not possibly any more. 

  14. On 10/21/2021 at 7:03 PM, JDEE0 said:

    If you like the results a surgeon puts out, then you pay the premium if you can afford it, it's really that simple (and if you can't, then someone else will).




    This! If I could get back the status, I had as a 15 year old, I would literally pay anything I have...I pay premium for a clinic which brings as close as possible towards this goal. Of course, I understand that not everyone has the same funds, but just as @Melvin- Moderator said: It is an invest in yourself. You should not be cheap with yourself. 

    I understand people have a different mindset, but I have this mindset also buying other stuff: If I cannot afford the hifi-system I like - I wait until I can. Buying cheap often means, buying twice and this is a gamble I would never do with my head. 

    The money I paid for my HT was the best money ever spend. Just this week, someone at a party (he was balding heavily) said to me after a couple of drinks, how much he "envies my hair". I really had to laugh, cause he had no idea that I had a HT. This natural look is worth every extra penny.

  15. 3 hours ago, Portugal25 said:

    HLC is a very good clinic and maybe the best option in Turkey but I do consider the other Doctors I mentioned (on the same price point) better if only because you know who’s the Doctor doing the surgery while at HLC it can be any of the Doctors available on staff. 

    I respect you opinion as you are one of the most knowledgeable users in here, but: "To consider someone better because of sth. is not the same as in "whole other league". The later is IMO wrong, the first I can accept looking from you perspective. 

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